Chapter Twenty Four

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Chapter Twenty Four

I had decided that it was best to leave. I had thought that Kai and I would have achieved good within the world, however, after months, all we had done was destroyed innocent lives.

I had cleaned the room Kai and I had stayed in, and reluctantly left the clothes. Today, I wore the same one I had worn the day of the ball, wanting to keep it. Prince Gordon had chosen it for me and I wanted something to remember him by.

I was now standing in front of his office, as when I had woken he was already gone. He had left behind a small note, saying thank you and that he would be busy within his office for most of the day if I needed him.

The enforcers were watching me warily, although some hadn't bothered to turn to me. "Can I see Prince Gordon?" I asked, waiting.

I thought they would snap at me and that I would be forced to leave without saying goodbye, but after a moment one knocked on the door.

"The shape-shifter is here to see you," he called, and after a second I could hear Prince Gordon reply.

"Allow her in."

The enforce them moved, nodding towards me. I quietly thanked him before opening the door and walking in.

Prince Gordon sat behind his desk, intently staring at paperwork with a pen in his hand. Occasionally, I could see him jot something down before returning to his reading.

"Good morning, päästja," I greeted, and he finally looked up, a smile appearing on his face.

"Good morning, Ivy. How did you sleep?" He asked, his face holding delight as a cub's might.

I smiled lightly at the sight before replying, "I slept wonderfully. How did you sleep?"

"I have not slept so soundly in a few month, my dear. Thank you," he said softly, a smile still on his face.

I found myself looking at the floor, clasping my hands together. I didn't think saying goodbye to him would be so hard.


I bit my lip, allowing myself a moment before I answered. "I have decided to take your offer to leave."

My words were followed by silence. When I still heard nothing, I looked up wondering whether I had spoken loud enough.

Prince Gordon's smile had left, replaced with a frown. My heart was constructed by the hurt swimming in his eyes, holding confusion and worry as well. I had upset him.

"It is not you, Cayne," I murmured, deciding to use his true name. It was the last time I would see him.

I walked towards the desk as he stood up, meeting him. My hand found its way to his face, tracing my scar.

"Then why?" He asked, his words quiet as if he spoke any louder, I would leave sooner.

I smiled, although it was a false one. I felt it slid from my face, unable to stay at the thought of leaving him. "Because I have to. This is not helping anyone, päästja. Everyone is hurting and it is because of me."

His frown deepened as he considered my words before he finally replied. "Ivy, I have told you that none of this is your fault. What will change if you leave?"

I was quick to answer, having thought about it for hours. "Kai will not be as angry as he is. He and I will leave and start the future he's always wanted. He will be happier than ever.

Everyone here will be safe from harm. The village will not have to worry about being attacked again, nor will parents have to worry if their children are next."

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