Chapter Twenty Three

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I have been writing for the past few weeks, but it's been a new story, which is started. It's called "melancholia" and you can find it on my page! And, of course, I hope you enjoy the chapter!  

Chapter Twenty Three

Leave. It was such a simple word yet it held more power than expected. I had never found a word to be so chilling and terrifying as it was at this very moment.

"You should go inside. I can have Martin-" Prince Gordon started, his eyes still on the gruesome scene in front of us.

But I cut him off. "No, I want to stay." I didn't add that I was too afraid to be alone in the palace. It would not matter how many enforcers were in the building. Whoever did this had enough hatred towards me that they wouldn't be able to stop them, as they hadn't here.

Leave had been painted on the ground in thick letters that screeched the silent word towards me. But that wasn't the most disturbing part of the whole scene. At the beginning of the word and at the end were two lifeless bodies.

The male had stared at us with wide, unblinking eyes when we first arrived while the female's mouth was wide open, burdened with a scream that would never be released. But someone had taken care of both before gently covering them up with fabric.

Both had their clothing had been removed and they wore the skin of true leopards around them, the message conveyed clearly.

"Martin, watch over the situation. I will be inside with Ivy if I am needed," Cayne instructed, placing a light hand on my shoulder. Martin nodded, his eyes travelling back to the two covered up bodies.

I was thankful for my päästja, however, I didn't want to be a distraction from his work. "I will be fine, päästja. You do not need to worry," I said softly, facing him.

His face held a grim look, the light in his green eyes gone for the moment. He tried to smile as his eyes met mine, yet it only appeared väsinud. "It is fine, my dear. You should not have to see this. You have done nothing to deserve this," he replied, his voice turning angry at the end as his mouth turned down into a frown.

"Let us go," he added, gently leading me back towards the palace. We walked in and Prince Gordon led me to the room I was staying in and closed the door behind us. I sat on the bed, watching as he stood there, staring at me.

"Sit down. Worrying will not solve it," I said, patting the spot beside me. He did as told, holding his head in his hands, his blonde hair falling down around him. This was the side of him others seldom saw. The weary side.

I turned slightly, hesitating before running a hand through his hair, hoping to soothe him somehow. "Päästja, I am sorry," I whispered, wishing I could fix this. I was sure this situation would do the opposite of causing him less stress.

He tilted his head, revealing his eyes to me once again. He sat up, taking my hand into his warm ones. "Ivy, this is not your fault. You did not murder those two people, nor did you cause it. I do not want you to think this is because of you." His eyes were as firm as his voice, both attempting to change my mind.

But it was my fault. If Kai and I had disappeared, no one would have been harmed. But now that the two of us were becoming more noticed, someone was beginning to feel threatened.

And they were anything but pleased.

He was quiet for a moment, his thumb running along my wrist as he looked at our hands. "My dear, I would understand if you wanted to depart," he started, yet I didn't understand until he continued talking.

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