Chapter Twenty Two

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Chapter Twenty Two

Sleep had succeeded in avoiding me during the night, not once showing itself even in a teasing manner. It had been a long night, one I was sure the day would surpass in length.

I began wondering whether Kai was lying in his own bed, thinking of me. Perhaps he was already enchanted by all the sireenides that were bound to surround him. He was exotic and beautiful to them, despite that he was not of the same species. Once they learned how different he was, I was sure they would scatter away like mice. However, all of them? There would be that one who would remain.

I had been informed by a guard that Kai was being taken away instead of kept here. While I did think that was best, something still pierced through my heart at the words. Kai was my steady rock even if he was volatile. He was the only remainder of my life I had left. Now there was nothing, simply myself. I was alone.

It was something that I had never truly experienced within my life, the feeling of isolation. It was a bittersweet feeling, swirled with regret. Being Alone was different. Isolation was my container, my thoughts slowly filling up inside, brimming to the top. My feelings consumed themselves in Isolation until they spilled over, even Isolation unable to bottle them up. They transformed, splashing towards the bottom of an endless void, furthering themselves from their container and hope.

It was easy to forget the constant chattering that the leap entertained itself with, all the noise that never seemed to end. There was never silence there, even when no one was talking. It was the same way with Kai. We could both be sitting quietly, holding one another, but silence was never around. Now, it seemed silence was my only companion.

My thoughts were interrupted from their temporary downfall by an abrupt knock on the door. I glanced towards it, still lying on the bed. It was relatively later than usual, but I had not made an attempt to get up yet.

"Ivy, it is Prince Gordon. I will leave if you would like, but I thought it was best if you talked to someone." His voice was as kind as his words, reminding me that there were other things going on.

"Come in," I replied, sitting up. I looked down at my attire, realizing I was still in the dress from yesterday, as I hadn't changed out of it.

The door knob turned and I watched as light fell into the room, flickering in and out as Prince Gordon stepped in. It disappeared the moment the door shut, its shadow visible underneath the door.

"Good morning, päästja," I said softly, watching as he came over, sitting on the bed's edge. He gave me a brief smile, turning his face towards me. It was clear he had gotten as little sleep as I had.

"Are you doing okay?" he asked me, studying my face.

"No, but I will be fine. Kai and I will be reunited once everything is okay. I have no reason not to be fine," I told him, the words sounding less for him and more for myself.

Even in the dark room, I could see the worry etched on his face, his green eyes staring at me with concern.

"You may not see a reason, dear, but that does not mean you have to be fine. Not all of our feelings and emotions have a reason for existing. They just are," he replied, his words careful and quiet.

"I will be fine, päästja. I promise," I said quickly. I knew if we lingered on the subject too long, I would reveal just how "fine" I truly was.

He didn't reply, simply watching me. I could feel his eyes examining me, determining how much truth there was behind my words. After a moment, he sighed, running a hand through his hair before talking once more.

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