Chapter Thirty Four

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Chapter Thirty Four

I could hear an enforcer knocking on my door, signaling the beginning of a new day and a new period of my life. Today, I would be leaving Prince Gordon and his palace while being reunited with Kai.

Because I was brought here with nothing but the dirtied dress I was wearing, I had no bag. The dress had been cleaned, although it still appeared worn down. I had chosen to wear it anyway, not wanting to take what was not mine.

I walked out and the enforcers escorted me downstairs. The walk was silent as usual, however, this time there was a different air surrounding us. It was a somber one, shifting from its usual tenseness. However, from them, perhaps it buzzed with excitement at the thought of getting rid of the person that was less than human.

When I was downstairs, I could spot Kai standing near the entrance. He must have been dropped off earlier as the two of us would be returning to our village together. He had the same mindset as me, wearing the cheapest material he could possibly find in his closet. Today, it was a tank top much too small for him and a thin pair of shorts. It was an odd combination on him but I imagined he did not want to feel as if he owed either Prince anything.

Kai turned towards me, taking me in before his eyes flickered and he turned the other way. I could feel my pace slow down, reluctance forming in my steps. I had been right. Kai and I were not on good terms still and he was likely to continue ignoring me for a while. Was he angry enough to tell me to leave the village? Would he tell me I was only tainting the leap's name? Or would he decide to leave himself, finding a new leap?

I knew the answer to none of these questions and knew I would not receive one anytime soon. But I could still feel more questions bubbling throughout my mind, all colliding with one another as we walked outside, my future becoming more and more blurred.

It was bright outside, the sun smiling down upon us as if it was going to be a beautiful day. Even the trees sway gently, whispering happily to the grass and the flowers. The wind joined in, sending the messages between them all, laughing as it did so. How was it possible that such a horrible thing was happening on a day like this?

"Get in. We don't have all day," an enforcer grumbled, gesturing towards the open carriage. Kai growled lightly at him, cursing in our native tongue before doing as he said. I started in after him but before I made it in, someone began calling me.

"Ivy, wait!"

I turned, my mood momentarily lifting at the sight of Prince Gordon running towards me. I immediately rushed in his direction, wrapping my arms around him the moment we met. I could feel his heart beating erratically as he did the same, his breathing labored. He held me like that for a bit before he finally began speaking, not letting go this time.

"I am not allowed to escort you back to your village so this is the last time I will see you. I apologize-" he started but I hushed him, startling him when I nipped disapprovingly at his nose.

"Päästja, as I have told you, it is not your fault. You told me there is nothing that you could have done and I believe you. I only wish I could have gone about things differently," I said quietly, disappointed in myself and not him.

He ran a finger along my jaw, resting in one my braid. "It does not matter, Ivy. I took responsibility for the two of you when I allowed you to stay with me. Therefore, this is my fault. I will not let this go until I have found the culprit, my dear. Do not give up hope completely. Just when you have lost it is when it can be found again," he said, his voice holding a relentless determination, and I smiled at his words.

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