Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Kai and I ended up going to the village, guards glued to our heels, despite Cayne's warning. It was within walking distance and we also had security, and Martin, with us. I only agreed in the long run because I missed nature's comforting touch.

The wind greeted us with exuberance while the sun smiled down on our skin, keeping us warm. The grass and trees swayed gently to the wind's tempo, letting out relaxed sighs every now and then. But all of that was nothing in comparison to the excitement within the village.

Someone had told Kai it was as close as we could possibly get to home, but the only similarities I saw were the traditional-style adobe homes and the unpaved dirt roads. Otherwise, it was more similar to a town.

It was certainly larger than our village had been. It stretched on and on, beyond how far I could see. There were people everywhere, not a single area left alone for more than ten seconds. To me, it was all just so exhilarating.

The people were shouting left and right, hoping their voices were loud enough to overpower the other and attract anyone's attention, even just for a brief moment. Together, they sounded like nothing in particular. They didn't make much sense, but when I separated them, they did.

"Get ya' fresh baked, quality bread right here!"

"Fine jewelry for your pretty lady!"

"Take a look at these marvelous oranges grown right here!"

They were selling everything you could think of, yet Kai didn't stop once, much to my disappointment. If it had been up to me, all of our money would've been gone because I wanted to buy everything I saw.

It was amazing seeing them compete against one another for potential customers. They all lived together as a community, yet it didn't seem like they cared about that. Every person was on their own here.

In our village, we worked together, attempting to be self-sufficient. We were all assigned to grow at least one thing in our home, while several were grown in the center of the village and tended to by everyone. My family had been in charge of the tomatoes, which was one of the easier vegetables to grow.

"Can't we at least buy one of those cookies?" I asked Kai, tugging on his shirt as the man caught me glancing his way. He smiled encouragingly and beckoned me over.

Kai glanced over, but shook his head and continued walking, disappointing me and the man. "If we buy something here, we'll never make it to where we need to be," he explained, yet it didn't lessen my desire for the cookie.

"Where are you forcing us to go?" Martin asked, looking as if he'd rather be in the comfort of his own home than on the dirt roads of a village.

Before leaving, Prince Gordon had instructed Martin to watch over us and make sure that if we did leave the palace, we didn't go too far. I was sure Martin had tried very hard to get out of this, yet he was here.

"Wherever they're selling fish," Kai explained, halting his scanning of the area to smile at me. I pressed my lips to his shoulder as I laced our fingers together, elated he remembered my favorite dish.

Along the way, Kai stopped for seasonings like salt and pepper, a pair of lemons, and some white rice. Martin continued to complain, not understanding why we were here when the palace had all of this and more, along with a chef. Kai then replied, telling him he wasn't going to take anything from the Prince that he didn't have to. I, of course, frowned.

Despite my constant reassuring, Kai still acted this way. It was one thing to act neutral, but it was another to talk with the amount of distaste that he did. Kai had no reason to be jealous and never would.

Cayne was a companion, nothing more. I may be fond of him, but it wasn't the type of fondness that would lead me away from Kai's arms.

With Kai, I knew exactly what my future held. We would mate, then find a suitable place to raise our own little leap. I would become a proud mother, something all leopardesses dreamed of eventually. I would be a loving mate to a lumeleopard who adored me more than anything. That would be my life and I was fine with it.

A future with Cayne would be unpredictable and unknown. Humans were creatures of the moment and if we ever become intimate, his love for me would eventually sway to another woman. I couldn't be sure that Cayne was one of the few trustworthy men. Children weren't even a certainty, as I didn't know Cayne well enough to know if he wanted any. Did Kai truly believe I would give him up for a life of uncertainty?

Between my clouded thoughts, I'd been paying little attention to those around us. But it was enough that I could hear them, and I was surprised by what I heard.

"Look at those two young lovebirds."

"Don't you remember loving someone like that?"

Several had even been bold enough to approach us, telling us we looked happy and that we were a beautiful couple. It made us smile, Kai's the biggest, pride building in his eyes.

Were Kai and I considered a couple? It was odd because not once had we been complimented as a couple until today. The word itself was rarely used within the leap.

We were always told we would be memorable or successful leaders. We were told our children were bound to be strong and healthy. Those were the words and compliments we had heard on a daily basis.

"Fish, fish! Caught just this morning!"

Both Kai and I turned in the direction, spotting the woman who was yelling, wearing a white-stained apron. Kai led the way, the enforcers and Martin following along.

I peeked up at Kai as he asked about the fish. His eyes were on the fish as he talked to the woman, yet his thumb was rubbing circles gently on my hand. A smile lit up my face and I decided that perhaps the two of us did count as a couple.

I unexpectedly pressed my lips to his jaw, also deciding we made a wonderful couple. Kai smiled the instant my lips touched his skin and briefly stole his attention.

"Ma jumaldan sind, südame," he whispered when he finally turned and pressed his own lips to my forehead.

He grabbed the fish and we were on our way, both of us feeling content. We'd needed today, and I was glad for it. I was reminded why I loved him, despite his impatience and temper.

It was when we were exiting the village that we heard the first scream. Kai's hand holding mine tightened immediately, and I knew his mind was buzzing with the same flashbacks as mine.

Several more screams pierced the air, and everything began moving around us. Martin yelled orders at the guards, drawing a weapon as he led them deeper into the village.

I didn't realize I was shaking until Kai began pulling me away from the village and closer to a thicket of foliage. I closed my eyes, yet the tears rebelled and escaped.

"You have to stay here while I—" Kai started, but my eyes widened and I cut him off.

"You can't join them—you'll die! You may have trained, but it wasn't for something like this! I can't lose you, Kai, not after—" I started, and Kai pulled me into his arms, trying to soothe me.
"Calm down, südame. I won't ever leave you,and you know that," he said softly, arms still around me.

"But I can't sit back and watch another village burn down. I wasn't able to help ours, but I can help them," he said and my heart sunk.

"Kai, please—" I tried, but I was only ignored. Kai wouldn't stay behind for me, no matter what I did or said.

"Shift and stay here. I'll be back before you realize it," he said with a strained smile before he pulled away.

I continued pleading but watched as he shifted and ran off towards the village, leaving me alone with my nerves, memories, and silence.

[lumeleopard - snow leopard]

[Ma jumaldan sind, sudame - I adore you, my heart]

[sudame - (I hope you know this one by now) my heart]

Don't forget to give me your or your favorite ship name, and we'll pick official ones for Kai and Ivy and for Cayne and Ivy.

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