Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

"I should return back before Kai decides to break something," I told Prince Gordon when both of our plates were clean of the meal that had been placed before us.

"I will escort you back," he told me as he got up and walked over to me, helping me out of my chair.

"Thank you, päästja," I said with a smile before I went towards the plates and began stacking them.
He suddenly took my hands away from the plates before saying, "Allow me, dear."

I watched with slight amusement as he, a widely-known Prince, began stacking the dishes. I was surprised at how smoothly he did so, not fumbling with the plates once. Perhaps he did this every time for his servants, making their job a little easier.

He finished and opened the door for me. I thanked him before walking out, noticing the enforcers suddenly straightened, all of them standing taller. It was amazing that Prince Gordon's presence had so much effect.

"Did you enjoy your dinner?" he asked me as we began walking towards my room.

"It was wonderful, one of the best meals I've had in a while," I replied and meant to ask him the same question, but became distracted.

As we turned the corner, I immediately noticed there was a lack of enforcers. There were only a few, and a man was standing in the middle of the hall looking distressed.

Prince Gordon sighed from beside me, shaking his head. "My guards are not yours to order around. They are just that: mine."

The man looked up, his eyes reminding me of two circular, blue blocks of ice. They were so cold, yet continued to capture my attention because they stood out against his light skin and black-as-night hair.

"I should be allowed to travel in peace, Cayne. I have enough of them following me within my own home," he replied back, his voice as harsh as his eyes, tinted with exhaustion.

"Are you going to introduce me to your companion?" he added, his eyes not leaving Prince Gordon's.

Cayne looked at him for a moment before saying, "Kendall, this is Ivy, one of the two shapeshifters temporarily staying here. Ivy, this is Kendall, my brother." He introduced, and I smiled at Kendall but did not receive one in return.

"Refer to me as Prince Gordon," he said, holding out his hand. My smile grew as I shook it. I had never been so thrilled to meet a person.

"I'm pleased to meet you, Prince Gordon," I started, pulling away my hand before adding, "Are you the Gordon brother who's chosen his Protector as his life partner?"

His mouth set into a firm line before he responded. "Yes, I am that very Gordon brother. It seems to be the only thing people talk about around me, although it is none of their damn business."

I blushed, realizing I must've crossed some line. He now looked irritated, his icy eyes a shade darker. My eagerness was the reason he was currently upset.

"I'm so sorry, Prince Gordon! I didn't mean to cause you any distress. I hope you can find it in your heart to—" I started, the words spilling out, but it was Cayne who interrupted me.

"You have nothing to apologize for, Ivy. It is not your fault Kendall was kicked out of his own palace by that very Protector," he said, amused eyes on his brother.

Kendall's eyes narrowed before he snapped, "I am not at fault for her unstable temper. If she were not so hotheaded, she would realize it had to be announced sooner or later."

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