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~Dan's POV~ 

   My next few classes went by like a whisper. I didn't have any classes with Phil after 1st and free period, so I did my normal thing, sit in the back of the room and not speak unless being spoken to by one of the teachers. It was finally my lunch period. I brought a sacked lunch because lord know what the hell they are serving, seriously are they trying to kill us or? I spotted a empty table, where I sat and studied each table. At the far right is the so called "Populars," the table right next to it are the jocks, across from that are the nerds who deal in technology for the school, and next to that are the scenes/emos that don't eat a thing, and the table right next to me are the sluts of the school, no wonder this table wasn't taken. I lay my head down as I take a bite of my stale sandwich. Hey it's better than nothing. I felt a tap on my sholders, so I turned my head to see Phil. He was smiling but something was wrong. His pale skin was slightly whiter, this time it did look deathly, bags under his eyes, and dry blood on his lips. 

Hey Dan 

Yeah hi Phil, now explain your um appearance 

Just tired that's all 

Then how do you explain the blood forming around your lips, Phil who hurt you? 

B-before I g-got here, I was c-cornered, and someone punched me on the mouth, s-so I s-stumbled backwards and h-hit m-my head r-really bad and b-blacked out 

P-Phil im s-sorry they did that t-to you I w-wish I would h-have been t-there to h-help you 

It's okay Dan there would have been nothing you could have done, now let's set that aside and eat lunch 

If you can call this lunch, the sandwich I brought is like cardboard 

The school's lunches aren't much better, so I rarely eat lunch, I save it till I get to my so called home. I toke another bite, huge mistake. 

Okay I'm sorry but I am not eating this, I think i'll skip lunch today 

Good, I don't want you to die on the cafe floor 

Ha ha very funny    


We talked about each other's interests, we have a lot in common apperently. We're both huge cults, we both love video games and the same bands. I start to see people walk out, signaling that lunch was probably over. 

Phil, lunche is over 

I know, what class do you have next 

Drama, you? 

Study hall 

Okay come on let's go 


The day went by faster than expected, knowing that I didn't pay attention in class at all. I may or may not have fallen asleep in literature... I had another class with Phil but we couldn't sit with each other nor talk. I walked to my locker, grabbed my stuff, and walked out of the corridor. That's when it dawned on me, my father. And this date marks a special event, my mum's suicide. She committed suicide after one night I guess she couldn't take it anymore. She got abuse worse than me from my father, she got landed in the hospital almost every week. Last year marked this day she pulled the trigger and wasn't found until at least a few hours after the event. And I was the one who found her. I held her limp body in my arms for hours, just staring and crying softy into her hair. I fell asleep like that because I couldn't bear to let her leave my arms, I mean she was the only one that ever cared for me. The next day my father found me, and accused me of killing her. We buried her in the garden and I always go there when I cry or feel heartbroken. I found a nearby bench and pulled out my journal. I flipped through the filled pages. But soon found the page I was looking for. 

September 3rd, 2008 

   My mum committed suicide yesterday evening. I don't think I have ever cried so much, she is the only one that ever cared. She held me when I cried, kissed my injuries when my father hurt me and said sweet things when kids at school called my ignorant things. She was my world, she was my everything. She was better than any soulmate. I love her and I hope she is watching over me saying sweet blessings. I love you mum and I always will. 

I must have cried harder than I should have because after 3 minutes I felt an arm wrap around sholders. 

Dan, what's wrong, you're crying and I don't like it 

I open my mouth to say something but chocked before I could let out the first word so I just handed him my journal. I saw his face drop as he read each word 

~Phil's POV~ 

   Where is Dan? He must be out in the courtyard. Yep, there he is but why is he crying? I swear if someone hurt him. I step toward him but he wasn't hurt, at least not recently. I go sit next to him to see tears streaming down his face, I don't know if he notices me or not so I wrap my arm around his sholders, to try to comfort him because it crushes me when he feels hurt. 

Dan, what's wrong, you're crying and I don't like it. It was true, even if he doesn't realize it. I mean he should, he made me realize that. I saw him open his mouth but quickly shut it and handed me a journal that I didn't even realize he had. It was flipped to a page that was dated a year from tomorrow. I read it and instantly broke down in silent tears. How could life be so bad that she had to commit suicide, especially if you have a child and an abusive husband/father. Then I realize that today was the exact day she had dead. I couldn't even imagine Dan's pain, let alone what is father is going to do to him.  

Oh Dan... was the only thing I could say, I didn't even say it, I barely even whispered it. All I could do was pull him into a hug. He was shaking violently and whimpered softly. At that moment all I wanted to do is hug him and not let go. I mean he already saved me from pain 3 times and I wanted to repay him. 

What am I going to do Phil, one of the reason my Father beats me is because he think I killed my mum, now that it's been a year. I might as well be dead. I still couldn't develop the fact that his mum killed herself and he had to be punished. If my mum killed herself, even though she doesn't give a shit about me or vies versa, I still wouldn't be able to forgive myself, but knowing his mum was basically the thing that was keeping him alive is unbearable. Dan is so beautiful and caring, he deserves the world. 

Dan, do you want to stay at my flat for the night 

I don't want to be a burden to you and your family 

My father left when I was a child and my mum is usually at a bar and if she isn't then she is locked in her room, so she wouldn't care if you're there or not. 

He hesitantly nodded so I grabbed his hand and started walking toward my flat. We walked in silence, yet it wasn't awkward, it was actually quite peaceful. I approached my front door to see it was still unlocked from this morning, seriously Phil, seriously?! A sigh of relief left my lips to see no one broke in. I slowly walk in with Dan still in hand. 

~~Guys i'm feeling heartbroken, and I'm the one who freaking wrote it, *sigh* well I hope you liked it~~

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