Chapter six

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The house from the inside was humongous, I'm actually gobsmacked. I have never been inside a house this big before. Most of the walls were the same colour; white. With the odd peach, magnolia and beige walls.

"Do you like it?" A female voice spoke from behind us.

As I spun around, I realised that we were stood in the middle of the hallway as I took in my surrounding. "Like it?" I giggled. "I love it! I'm just a bit gobsmacked because I've never been inside a house so big."

"I'm glad you like it," the lady smiled. "It's so nice to see you again Emma!"

I moved forward to hug his mum. "It's nice to see you again too Melissa!" I grinned.

"I'm surprised you remembered my name," she giggled. "Not everyone remembers my name from one meeting."

I couldn't help but laugh, in matter of fact, I was quite shocked that she even remembered my name seeing as we only met once. "I'm surprised you remembered mine too!" I laughed. "Everyone always constantly asks what my name is and I could never forget your name, you're my favourite footballer's mother," I laughed again.

"I'm glad you didn't forget me that quickly!" She grinned. "I heard you two are going out on a date," she winked.

Paddy threw his head back and whined. "Muuuummm! We're just going out for dinner."

Melissa winked at me and this drove him crazy.

"Mum... just call it whatever you want," he rolled his eyes but I could see him slightly blushing. "I'm going for a shower, I'll be quick but don't bore her to death," he warned his mum and I giggled.

"I won't!" She put her hands up in surrender.

Paddy disappeared up the stairs with his training back. Once he was out of sight, Melissa leaned into me and whispered "I love winding him up. Come on let me show you the kitchen."

Following her to the kitchen, I took in more of my surrounding, noticing that they had recently moved in because there were still unopened boxes stacked upon one another in the corner of the hallway.

Their kitchen took my breath away, it's like one of those that you see in Ikea. All white. A dining table down the middle and a middle size window by the sink.

"Wow," I breathed.

"Big isn't it," Melissa chuckled.

"Yeah but then again everything in this house is big," I laughed. "Did you guys just move in?" I asked.

She pulled out a chair and ushered me to sit. "No, we moved in here when we first arrived in Manchester," she answered. "The boxes are my husband's, he's just recently joined us from Northern Ireland. He had to stay behind and sort some things out," she explained.

I nodded.

"How are you?" she asked.

"I'm good thank you. Kind of tired because I was helping my mum out at work from 9 but I'm still going strong," I laughed. "How are you?"

"Aww poor baby," she pouted. "I'm good thank you. Where does your mum work?"

"At the young adult's mental health institution. She's a psychiatrist."

"That's amazing!" She said rather cheerfully.

"Paddy told me you're a nurse. Does that come in handy with him a lot?"

"All the time," She laughed. "Oh you were at an event this morning right?" I nodded. "How was it?"

"It was good. Very informative for both me and my brother. We were helping with welcoming the guests, crossing their names off of lists and giving them coloured stickers which helped identify which groups they were in and then we basically just sat in on the information sessions," I filled her in on my day.

"That does sound interesting. I've worked with mental health patients before and it's not an easy job so all awards to your mother," I smiled. I know how hard my mum works but I can also guess that Melissa works equally as hard as my mum. "Would you like anything to eat or drink?"

"No thank you because if I eat now I won't be able to eat when we go out," I slipped a little giggle.

"Paddy has been excited about taking you out for dinner since yesterday after he asked you," her smile grew wider. "He's talked about you non stop since we met you for the first time in the café," she announced and I couldn't help but blush.

"Well I can never stop talking about him," I admitted and laughed. "But when I met him, I stopped breathing and blanked out," I giggled.

We continued to talk about school and university until Paddy appeared. He was now dressed in black jeans, a grey 'Luke's' t-shirt and a black hoodie. He was also wearing black vans. And his jet black hair was still a little wet but it looked perfect. I think my heart melted.

"I hope you haven't bore her to death mum," he teased.

She gasped. "Son, we've actually had a good time," she teased back but it was true. We spoke for a max of fifteen minutes but it felt like we were speaking for an hour, I love speaking to Melissa.

"I've enjoyed the company of your mum," I stuck my tongue out to him.

He laughed. "Are you ready?" I nodded.

"Bye mum, I'll be back later," he walked over to his mum and pecked her cheek.

"Okay Paddy. Take good care of her and don't bore her to death," she smirked.

We all laughed.

"Thank you for welcoming me into your beautiful home and I enjoyed speaking to you," I smiled and she pulled me in for a hug.

"Anytime Emma. You're welcome into this house anytime honey," I could feel her smiling into my shoulder. "You look very beautiful, take care of him," she whispered into my ear.

"I will and thank you," I whispered back.

"Have fun kids," she waved us out.

Paddy opened the passenger's side door for me and waited for me to get in before shutting the door and getting into the driver's seat. What a gentleman.

The Possessive Defender || Paddy McNairWhere stories live. Discover now