Chapter twenty-six

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"Sorry about my family drama," I breathed to Paddy, who followed closely behind, as I opened my bedroom door.
He let out a low chuckle, "Its fine, I don't know why you're apologising," and his arms around my waist.
I sighed. "You've just been pulled into all this madness."
He spun me around so that I was now facing him "I'd rather be pulled into it than have you deal with it on your own," and he placed a kiss on my forehead.
I didn't know what to say to him so I just gazed into his eyes. He noticed I was at a loss for words so he gently placed his lips to mine. The next thing I know his hands are wrapped around my lower back whilst my legs wrapped themselves around his waist; our lips still connected as my back found my bed and Paddy hovered above me.

"EMMA!" Dean called from his bedroom which made me groan into the kiss.
I pushed Paddy up slightly which caused him to remove his lips but he licked his lips hungrily. "We are finishing this later," he said lustfully.
"Maybe," I winked and ran to Dean's room but he was hot on my heels as I could hear his footsteps behind me.

"Hey," he chuckled as his hands wrapped around my waist and he nuzzled his face into my neck.
"Hi," I whispered with a light giggle.
Our moment was broken by my annoying brother.
"Cute n all yeah but can you go get my other controller," he said impatiently.
"Where is it?"
"In your room... Yeah I left it there the other day," he further explained once he saw my face.
I nodded and slipped out to go and retrieve it. Once I returned, Paddy was getting comfortable on Dean's computer chair, which was now in front of the TV. Oh, they're going to play FIFA.
"Yes we are," Dean spoke as he acknowledged my facial expression.
"Don't mind me then," I walked over to his bed and flopped myself onto it.
"When do I ever mind," he jokingly rolled his eyes at me.
"That's why I looooove you," I grinned.
"You have no other option," he rolled his eyes again.
"I know," I sighed.
Paddy was just laughing at us.
I glared at him in a joking way which he caught onto. "What?"
"I wish I had a sibling man," he chuckled.
"You can have him," I spoke happily.
"I'll take him," Paddy shook hands with me as if we'd just sealed a deal.
"Hey! I'm your biological brother but Paddy I am your brother from another mother," he grinned.
Paddy grinned too. "I'll take it."
"No you can't," I pouted.
"But you just said I could have him," Paddy pouted back.
"I know but I could never give my brother away, he's my partner in crime."
"You know it sista, although I'm always trying to save your ass in those situations," he chuckles.
"Hey, I can save myself," I laugh, "but it's your job as my older brother."
"I know," he smiles.
"You guys are making me teary eyed stop," Paddy pretends to wipe under his eyes in an attempt to remove a fake tear.
"Awww don't cry baby," I say with a pout and get up to sit on his lap.
He wraps his hands around my waist, whilst holding the PlayStation controller.
"Kiss me," he pouts.
Our lips barely touch for a second before Dean starts making 'eww' noises.
"Not in my room you don't," he says firmly.
"Yes sir," Paddy salutes him as we laugh quietly.

They started playing FIFA a while later and it got rowdy between the boys, I can't exactly pin point what they were getting loud over because I just couldn't keep my eyes open.

My room is cold, dark and quiet.
Wait, I don't remember coming back into my room last night.....
As I look up I notice that my head has been laying on Paddy's bare chest, I hope I haven't crushed him. He is sleeping so peacefully right now, he looks adorable.
I try my best to move as quietly and as gently as I can to reach my phone which is lying on the bedside table on the other side of Paddy. I successfully get my phone and am quick to jump back into my previous position with my head on Paddy's chest. My lock screen tells me that I have a few messages and some Twitter notifications and with a quick scan, I unlock my phone. iMessage is the first app that I open.

'Carmela💅🏼: Hey boo thang, I just wanted to tell you that Paddy is a keeper if he's putting up with all our shit haha. No. Seriously though, he's so sweet! They're already treating each other like brothers, it's so sweet and thanks for being cool with the whole me dating your brother thing😘 love you Emma xx'

I smile at the text from my best friend and respond to her.

'Me: hey babes, I know right, he's been so supportive and he doesn't even know the whole story yet.... And I hope he doesn't leave when he sees the real me😔 yeah it's adorable haha! Another family member added! How many times have I told you Carm! I'm cool with it all! I'm so happy for you both! I always knew there was something but Dean was just lost in his own little world so I couldn't really tell on his behalf haha! Love you too Carmela xx'

I was then quick to open my whatsapp and see a message from James in the group chat from 3:30am which was unanswered because the rest of us were asleep. The group chat consists of me, Carmela, James and Dean.

'James: Do you know where I can get frozen balloons from?'
'Me: The card shop on King's street or you could try the Disney shop'

Just as I was about to lock my phone, I received another text.

'Darren: EMMMAAAAA! Guess whose back!!!! Oh how I've missed you you annoying little elf. Catch up soon yeah, Aleisha's throwing a party tomorrow night hope you can come'

"Whose Darren?" A voice spoke, making me jump slightly but once I felt fingers slowly rub up my arms I instantly calmed down. "Sorry," he whispered.
"It's okay," I giggled lowly, "you just scared me a bit," I shuffled a bit so that now both of my legs were tangled in his and I was face to face with him. "Morning," I smile.
He faintly smiles back. "Morning..... Whose Darren?" He asks again.
"Who?" I ask confused as I find myself staring into his eyes before snapping to realisation. "Oh of course!" I chuckle to myself. "Sorry, and he's a friend of mine from college, he's been in Turkey for the last few months because his dad has been ill and now he's back, I literally haven't seen him in forever," I giggle.
"I don't want you hanging around him," Paddy said with a neutral face.
"I don't want you hanging around him."
"Why not?"
"I don't want you around players," he simple states.
"Players? What?" it took me a while to register what he was implying. "Darren's not a player Paddy.... Wait actually he is but he knows not to try anything with me, we've cleared that," I inform him. "You don't have to worry about Darren."
"I still don't want you around him."
I was now sat up, looking down at him. "That's not your call to make though Paddy, he's my friend, I'm not going to stop hanging out with him because your jealous," I'm clearly becoming frustrated now.
"Emma, I don't-"
"Yes Paddy, I don't care either," and with that I got out of bed and headed into the bathroom.

What's wrong with him? I know he's being protective and he will get jealous because he's my boyfriend but does he seriously expect me to stop hanging out with my guy friends because he thinks they'll steal me from him.

The Possessive Defender || Paddy McNairWhere stories live. Discover now