Chapter fifty

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His body was still and his eyes bore into mine.

"You do?" he asks rather shocked.

Melissa takes this as her turn to talk. "I will be over there," she points to a single empty table. "Take your time," she gives us both a warm smile before leaving us.

"Yes Paddy I do. Why do you seem so shocked?"

He stays silent for a minute. "I just thought you didn't. I thought you gave up with me with for breaking up with you and after the way I've treated you."

"Paddy when you truly love someone, it just doesn't go away no matter what happens."

He takes a hold of my hands gently. "Emma you don't understand how happy I am right now hearing you say that you still love me. I was an idiot for breaking up with you over something so stupid. A complete idiot and you don't understand how shit I felt for the way I treated but I just didn't know how to face you after realising I'd just broken us up because of something so utterly stupid."

"It's fine Paddy-"

"-No it's not Emma. It's not right that I ignored you and I hope you can forgive me. I love you so much Emma and I was waiting for today to tell you that I still love you. That I hadn't stopped loving you and that you were all I could think about day in and day out."

I give him a small, cheeky yet shy smile. "I know.... I may or may not have overheard your conversation with the boys in the kitchen yesterday."

He smirks. "Oh you did now?"

I nod.

He chuckles slightly and shakes his head softly.

"I love you Emma. So much that I can't even put it into words."

I smile. Regardless of what has happened, it all comes down to this, to this one boy. My love, my happiness, my sadness, my excitement, my mood-swings - all down to Paddy.

"I love you too and I'm honestly so glad you're still in love with me because I would be so bloody devastated if you ever lost that love for me," I tell him honestly.

He squeezes my right hand. "Same here. I honestly don't know what I would do without you. Having you in my life has made everything so much brighter, so much clearer and so much happier. I love having you. You're eyes light up this certain way every time I tell you that I love you and it's honestly the most exciting thing for me because I love your eyes and seeing them light up and sparkle at my love for you is so comforting and warming for me."

I giggle slightly as I feel the blush creeping. "I have never noticed but my heart flutters every single time. Every. Time. Paddy. Every time."

"I'm also sorry about everything with Amber - I'm guessing you also heard about her last night?" I nod. "Well I am really sorry. When I saw you crying at the stadium I didn't know what it was but I text Dean asking if you were okay and he had a right go at me and I felt terrible. My heart broke on the spot seeing you cry and I just wanted to wrap my arms around you and tell you that everything was going to be okay and that I was terribly sorry for what had just happened and for being such a stubborn asshole but I just didn't know how to face you."

I entwine our fingers. "Paddy," I sigh, "In all honesty... it hurt like a bitch seeing you with Amber. Honestly, it was horrendous and I got jealous. You were mine. Well you weren't mine but you know what I mean," I ramble. "Well none of that matters anymore okay? What's more important is that we saw past this and it will only make us stronger. I love you so so much Paddy and I don't want to lose  you ever."

A huge grin spreads across his face. "I never want to lose you either Emma. You're mine and I'm yours. I know, I'm terribly sorry but that bitch just wouldn't leave me alone. I don't even know why she was here. She claimed she was here to see me but even I knew that was a lie and I told her straight away that I didn't want to see her but she is one clingy ass bitch and you're right Emma, every knock back we face only makes us stronger and I just want to be with you and by your side every day."

"It's okay and honestly all I want to do right now is cuddle with you," I laugh.

He chuckles quietly. "Well my mum and I are finished with shopping so do you want to come back to my house? To be honest, I could do with a cuddle as well. I have been deprived of Emma cuddles and I'll sleep better knowing that I have you back in my arms," his voice full of relief and love.

I smile at him. "About time you asked McNair," I tease. "I'm joking, I would love to come back with you.... Your mum won't mind will she?"

He looks at me with wide eyes. "Mind? Will she fuck. Emma that woman has missed you more than she's missed me when I've left the country," I laugh. "She'd be delighted to have you over. She's banged on so much about how she misses you and she wants you back in the house soon."

"I've missed her too to be honest. Her and that cute little accent nagging me to eat," we both laugh.

"Is my accent cute too?" he pouts.

I stare blankly at him. "Paddy you both have the exact same accent."

"But mine is cuter right?"

I roll my eyes and giggle. "Yes it sure is McNair, it sure is."

We finally stand up from our seats and head over to Melissa who is currently sat on her own at a table on her phone. On our way over there, Paddy puts his arm around my shoulders and whispers an 'I love you' into my ear before saying 'By the way you look absolutely stunning today'.

It is safe to say that I am the happiest I have ever been right now because things are finally sorted with Paddy and I have my man back. I have missed him so much.

The Possessive Defender || Paddy McNairWhere stories live. Discover now