Chapter forty-nine

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I stop outside the kitchen door as I'm about to enter as I hear the boys talking.

Paddy's still here?

I know I shouldn't be doing this but my curiosity will get the better of me anyway so I listen to their conversation making sure I'm not seen.

Dean's the one talking.
"Look Paddy, you're a nice guy and my sister is her happiest when she's with you so please just listen to me. If you're truly in love with her then let her know and do something about it otherwise just leave her alone because I don't want her to be messed around with. Emma's the type of girl who will do anything for the people she loves and.... As long as she's in love with you she's going to keep forgiving you and giving you chances even when she doesn't believe you because she'll be madly in love with you and when she stops giving chances, that's when you know she's had enough because she will walk away knowing she did everything she could to stay so please Paddy all I am asking you is to figure out what you want before you mess around with my sister," he's quite calm.

"I love your sister Dean and believe me when I say this because she's this perfect angel that is so fragile and all I want to do is to protect her. I want to give her the world and more because she deserves it. She is such a strong fighter and such a hard worker. All I want to do is love her unconditionally and spend the rest of my life with her but I'm afraid that she'll not want me back," hearing Paddy speak like this has made my heart melt but has also brought a tear to my eye. He's so fragile and broken himself.

"Can I ask you a question?" Alex. "Why the hell are you still hanging around with your ex?!"

I hear both James Wilson and Paddy chuckle.

"Oh believe me, I have tried getting rid of her but she's stuck like chewing gum. I've told her I don't want her around but she turns up anyway so James and I just ignore her half the time because she won't leave. I know that Emma saw her all over me at the stadium the other day but I saw her myself that day for the first time in three years and she just threw herself on me before I had time to react and my heart broke when I saw that Emma was crying over it."

"That was not what I was expecting," Alex says curiously.

I hear a small chuckle from the boys.

I hear James Wilson mumble something but it was loud enough for me to hear too. "We left her there Paddy," he groans. 

"So? I'm sure her and Kenedy will be best friends in no time, I mean she has always had her eye on him."

James speaks next. "Paddy you're right about Emma being fragile. She acts strong for everyone else but she's broken on the inside and she needs someone to be patient with her whilst she grasps herself. All the times she was strong for us but we weren't there for her which left her walls to crumble and shatter so Paddy all we ask of you is that if you love her just please make sure you'll take care of her and cherish her like your life depends on it."

Aww James, I literally feel like I'm just going to start crying now.

"I think I'll leave it until tomorrow, she's had enough drama for one day," he says.

I can hear them getting up and I quietly make my way back to the front room.

I hear the front door close and that's when I realise that Paddy does love me. He still loves me. He never stopped. He just got lost in his feelings for a while.

Morning came around quickly and I got up rather excited.

Zach had texted me to meet him at Starbucks in town at 1pm and considering that it was already 11am, I decided to have a shower.
I wasn't even excited when Zach texted me like yeah I want to have a catch up with him but whatever feelings I had for him before are well and truly long gone by now. He may be hot but no-one beats Paddy McNair in my eyes.

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