Chapter fifty-one

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Paddy's bed smells exactly how it did before; like him. Currently, I have my legs tangled up with Paddy's and his right hand is caressing my thigh.

"I love it here," I whisper as I cuddle into Paddy's chest.

He snickers and pushes some strands of hair out of my face. "It loves having you here."

I grin. "I'm glad!"

"Um Emma?" Paddy asks as his fingers fumble around with my hair.

"Mhmmm?" I mumble.

"Are you really going to Australia?" he asks timidly almost scared of my response.

"I don't know," I sigh heavily. "I want to go to Australia, I have always wanted to go. When Alex mentioned it I thought why not? I mean we had broken up and I had no clue what was happening between us and in all honesty, I just need a break, a nice little getaway somewhere and I'm quite shocked my parents didn't say no, well when I say parents.... I mean my dad," I giggle. "But we're back together now and I don't know if I can go. I'd be gone for a good month Paddy and I don't want to be away from you that long," I say truthfully.

He removes his hand from my thigh and tilts my chin up so that I am looking him right in the eye. "Emma.... if you want to go..... then go," I know that was hard for him to say. "Don't worry about me. Go and enjoy yourself, soak up the sun, it will do you good and when you come back I will be right here waiting for you."

I smile an undecided smile.

"Why don't you come with me?" I suddenly blurt out.

"What?" he asks.

"Why don't you come with me to Australia next month?" I repeat my question.

"Baby I would be more than delighted to come to Australia with you but I also don't want to gate-crash yours and Alex's trip."

"You won't be crashing. I would love to have you come with us and don't listen to Alex," I roll my eyes which makes Paddy chuckle lightly. "He's a bit pissed because he thought you were a dickhead to me but he'll warm up to you trust me."

"But I was a dickhead to you-"

I interrupt. "Yes you were," I tease "but I still love you and Alex will see past it once he gets to know you for you and not that hard exterior you put on your face," I smile sweetly.

"Hard exterior huh?" he smirks.

I simply nod. "You don't exactly have a resting bitch face but boy, I would not want to mess with you," I chuckle.

He groans. "Am I really that bad?"

"No," I smile. "You show that you don't take anyone's shit."

He smiles and kisses the tip of my nose.

"I really do hope Alex can forgive me," he groans.

I tap his chest lightly. "He will. He's a sappy lad. He'll get to know you and then he'll warm up to you even if he's bitchy with you in the beginning."

"I sure damn home so," he says. "Dean was pretty pissed with me," he chuckles lightly.

I snicker. "If by pretty you mean fuming then yes, Dean was absolutely furious at you."

"I fucked up badly."

"Yes you did my friend but it's all in the past now. All that matters is you and I," I suddenly remember One Direction's song and break out singing. "we don't want to be like them, we can make it till the end because nothing can come between you and I," I sing.

Paddy is just looking at me. "That was so random," he laughs.

I giggle and continue with my point. "As I was saying.... All that matters now is you and I," Damn it's hard to keep that song out of my head. "we need to focus on ourselves and each other no matter what life throws at us."

He squeezes my thigh tightly. "I agree and to be honest I'm so excited to see what the future holds for us because I'm planning the long run with you. My whole life. Marriage, kids. I want you to complain to me about your day and I want you to tell me about your exciting and boring stories. I want to be there next to you every morning. I want to see that beautiful face of yours every morning before I get up and I want to see little children running around calling you mummy. I want to create that family with you where we play with our children until they tantrum that they don't want to go to bed. Me saying they can't have something and you buying it for them anyway because you want them to have everything. I want us to grow old together as we watch our kids grow." he smiles at me and honestly, I have tears in my eyes right now.

"Wow Paddy," I smile as I look up at him with watery eyes. "I want all of that too and I cannot wait for you to be a dad because I know how great you'll be. I can't wait to take our children to their first football matches to watch daddy play and then take them to their first United game, depending on who you play for then," I chuckle. "And Paddy, I want to see you progress as an individual and as a footballer. I want to see you succeed. I also want you to come home to me and tell me how your day was, how a meeting was or training or a match. I want to sleep in your arms every night even if we're pissed off with each other. I want you to rant to me and love me and just experience life with me." I finish.

His eyes are actually now watering too. "Emma, I love you so much," he whispers and caresses my cheek that isn't resting on shoulder.

Leaning into his touch, I focus my eyes back onto his. "I love you too Paddy."

"You know when I have a fight with somebody or I get really vicious, the only thing that calms me down is you. There was a period where nothing could calm me down anymore but then I met you and you were my only source but I feel terrible because I see that look in your eyes. A scared look and it breaks my heart. I just want to hold you so tight," he explains.

"I'm sorry," I say.

He looks at me with wide eyes. "Why are you sorry?"

"For everything. Sometimes you get into a fight because of me and don't ever feel terrible for it Paddy. Yeah I get scared but I just want you to be safe Paddy."

The next thing I know is that his lips are crashing down on mine.

"You're my infinity," he breathes onto my lips when we pull apart.

I smile and whisper back. "I'm glad because you're my infinity too."

The Possessive Defender || Paddy McNairWhere stories live. Discover now