Chapter twenty-seven

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I've had time to cool off in the bathroom and I've looked at it from Paddy's perspective and I can understand why he said that but I'm still slightly annoyed.
I walked out of the bathroom in hopes to see Paddy still on my bed but he wasn't in sight.

"Great," I mumble to myself as I walk over to my wardrobe.

My black & red United shirt which has Paddy's name on the back, black leggings which wrap around my skin and show off my butt. I've been doing squats lately and I can see a change in my ass but it's still small and I'm not that bothered about my ass, I'm just trying to tone my legs.

"Emma, wanna go for a kick about today in the park?" Dean asks as he waltz's into my room.
"Sure," I say as I tie my hair into a high ponytail.
"Those leggings are too tight," he crinkles up his nose.
"Leave me be just for today," I whine.
He looks at me blankly for a while before answering. "Fine but just for today," he warns.

As you can tell, Dean doesn't like me wearing such tight clothing, and neither do I really. The clothes I own are either baggy or tight but the type of tight that doesn't cling to your body, if that makes sense......

"Has Paddy gone?" I ask.
"Yeah, he told me what happened and said he just needed to go home," he answers.
"Oh okay."
"Don't worry Em, it'll be fine, he wants to speak to me later."
"About what?"
"About something, he's just worried but you don't worry okay," he smiles, "now come on let's have breakfast because we need to go and pick up James, Callum and Owen," he says.
"Okay," I nod.

I walk into the kitchen to be greeted by my dad.
"Morning daddy," I greet and kiss my dad on the cheek.
He wraps his arm around my shoulder. "Morning cupcake, how are you?"
"I'm good how are you?"
"I'm glad to hear sweetie and I'm good thank you," he says as I go to sit down at the kitchen table. "Emma those trousers are too tight," he says in a firm voice.
"Daaaaad," I whine, "my shirt covers my ass."
"They're still tight," he says in clear disapproval.
"I'll change.... Tomorrow I promise," I smile sweetly.
He rolls his eyes. "I won't say anything today but you better change tomorrow," he warns in his fatherly tone.
I can't help but laugh to Dean.
"Dad we seriously need to teach you how to roll your eyes," Dean laughs.
My dad laughs, "hey don't make fun."
"No mum?"
"She was called into work early, one of her patients had a severe meltdown," he mentioned as he put things into two plates.
"Ah that's horrible."
He agreed. "Where's Paddy this morning?"
"Oh he uh had to go home," I said without mentioning the whole story.
He just nodded before placing a plate full of English breakfast in front of me and one in front of Dean who poured us both orange juice in. "Here you go kids, I'll see you both at dinner," he kisses my forehead before drying his hands.
"Thanks dad," Dean smiles.
"Thank you and see you later daddy," I smile.
"Bye," he smiles and disappears to put his coat on and pick up his bag before leaving for work.
"Do you wanna go to Starbucks after the park?" I nod. "What's wrong?" He asks.
"Nothing," I say.
He looks at me sternly. "Emma, I noticed the change in your mood, it just dropped and you seem more tense and you're also playing with the food on your plate," he states.
"Damn," I giggle slightly.
He chuckles, "so don't tell me it's nothing."
I sigh, "I don't know, my stomach just knotted at the thought of going to the park," I tell him truthfully.
"Why?" He asks as he takes a big bite from his piece of toast.
I simply shrug, "I don't know."
"You don't know or you don't wanna tell me?" He raises his eyebrow at me.
"I don't know honestly but I have noticed that my social anxiety has slightly been creeping back up."
"I still can't believe you suffer from social anxiety you're like a social package," he chuckles making me laugh, "but that just goes to show that you're so good at hiding everything, you may had hidden everything from me before but now I can tell straight away, can't fool your old brother," he points his fork at me to make his point.
"I know," I laugh quietly.
"It'll be fine, once we'll get there you'll be calm," I nod. I know he's right because until I'm at the location my anxiety is going to be high. "Now eat up," he says scraping the bits from his plate.
I push the plate away from me, "I'm done," I say making a cringe face.
"Emma," he gives me a warning look.
"Seriously," I start, "I can't force any of it down and even if I do force it down we're going to be sat here for ages."
He slowly agrees as his phone buzzes, "fine and we're only going to pick up James, Cal and Owen are going to meet us there," he informs.
"Okay," I nod as well.
"I'll finish this," he says as he pulls my half full breakfast plate towards himself.
"Help yourself," I laugh as I get up to go to my room.

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