Chapter twelve

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On the way to Paddy's house we did nothing but crack jokes and it was so funny because my comments were really sarcastic and witty but Paddy half understands sarcasm.

"I don't get it," he deadpanned.
I couldn't help but laugh, Paddy can be so oblivious at times. "You know when people sometimes make stupid comments or ask stupid questions... It's just on instinct to reply back sarcastically," I tried to explain.
"Right..." He trailed off still unsure as we entered his house.
"Oh never mind Paddy, maybe you'll get it one day..." I spoke with hope in my voice before he pushed me lightly.
"Hey!" I was caught off guard.
"That's for taking the mick out of me," he teased.
I pushed him back with all the force I had but he still didn't seem to budge. "That's for not understanding my sarcasm," I played off.
"You tried Em, you tried," he patted me on the back.

"What's for dinner?" I asked. Realising that I hadn't actually eaten anything but two chocolate fingers.
"Thought I heard your stomach," he teased as I frowned but ended up laughing anyway.
"Hey! I was too ill to even consume anything," I argued.
"Awwwww my poor baby," he pulled me into his arms. "How are you feeling now?"
"Slightly better."
"Don't worry, I will take care of you," and with that he kissed my forehead before asking me if I wanted to take my jacket off. I decided to take it off as his house was heating up.
"And I've made lasagne with garlic bread and my mum's famous cheese pasta salad," he informed me.
"That sounds very good," I patted my tummy.
"The lasagnes nearly done," he said as I followed him into the kitchen.

The table was already set up; two plates with a knife and fork on one side and a tall thin glass on the other. A single red rose stood in a thin vase in the middle of the table.

"Awwww this is so cute and I love the rose especially," I winked to Paddy who grinned.
"I took that as a wild guess," he winked back. "I didn't know what your favourite flower was so I asked Dean and he didn't know either but he said you loved roses."
"I don't actually have a favourite type of flower but yea he's right I do love my roses."
"Well then, a rose for m' lady," he bowed.
"Thanks babe," I laughed.
"You can sit down you know," he gestured to the table.
"I will... After I help you."
"You don't need to help me," he smiled. "You need to sit and relax."
I looked at him like he was stupid. I feel bad if I don't help but he just gave me a reassuring look.
After a few minutes of Paddy fiddling with the food he'd just taken out of the oven, I noticed that there weren't any drinks on the table.
"Paddy, what are you going to have to drink?" I asked.
"Isn't there anything on the table?" He asked without looking as he checked the lasagne.
"I'll get something now-"
"You're busy, let me get it, it's not a problem you know, I love helping," I told him.
"I know you do," he chuckled. "Fine, the drinks are in the bottom left cupboard over there," he pointed to the right hand side of the kitchen.

"What do you want to drink?" I asked him as I opened the cupboard.
"What do you want to drink?" He repeated the question.
"I'll have whatever you're having," I told him. I'm not really a fussy person in all honesty.
"Ummm.. Coke?" He asked me more than stated.
"Sure," and with that I picked up a big bottle of Coke and placed it on the table at the same time he started to place the food.
"Can you also grab the coconut sprinkles from the top cupboard please?"
"Coconut sprinkles?" I asked as I went back over to the cupboards.
"It's for dessert," that made more sense. I nodded in understanding.

Just as I reached the cupboard, I realised that the shelf was too high, so I stretched and couldn't reach it, so I stretched again and when I reached a third time, I felt myself being lifted from the waist. Ah there it is, I quickly pulled the coconut sprinkles into my palm and once he saw that I had it, he put me down.
My cheeks were probably a bright red right as I turned into his chest. He was standing pretty close to me, like close enough to say personal space.
"Thanks," I smiled with my cheeks heating up.
"No problem," he whispered moving in closer.
"Short people problems," I stifled a giggle. Way to ruin the moment Emma.
"I can see that," he chuckled. "You're not that short though, how tall are you?"
"Umm.." I had to think about this one. "5'4"'.
"Eh kinda short but I love that," he breathed and I couldn't contain the blush on my cheeks.
"Well there is quite a different between us in height," I pointed between us.
"Yeaaah but not that much," he took the coconut sprinkles tube out of my hand and lead me over to the table.
"Do you want some Coke?" He asked opening the bottle.
"Paddy, I can pour it in for myself, I am able to do basic everyday things," I laughed.
"I know," he whined. "But I just wanna do everything for you," awwww how cute!
I smiled like an idiot whilst debating in my head. "Then yes please," I held the cup further out towards him. "Thanks," I smiled as I pulled it back towards me.

Our plates were full. I had no idea how I would finish all of this but Paddy said that I haven't eaten properly and he was going to make sure I did.

The Possessive Defender || Paddy McNairWhere stories live. Discover now