Chapter thirty-eight

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I am currently sat on my bed with Carmela. Paddy went out with Dean and James to get some milkshakes.

"I don't know I just feel weird now," I shrugged at Carmela as I told her about my evening with Paddy.

She's just looking at me with a shocked expression. "So he basically told you he didn't want to have sex with you?"


She sighs. "Maybe he's not ready yet Em. I mean how many boys do you know who would turn down sex? C'mon. He's actually willing to wait until and maybe that's best," Carmela says.

"I guess."

I'm not even upset over last night anymore. I mean I'm still a bit hurt but I'm just being pathetic.

"Well then erase those thoughts out of your mind right now," she practically spits. "Don't doubt yourself, it isn't your fault I mean if I was a guy I'd bend you over right now," and this is why she's my best friend. I can't help but laugh at her comment.

There's a knock at my bedroom door.

"Come in," I call as I continue to stifle my laughter at Carmela's wiggly eyebrows.

"What's funny?" As soon as the voice speaks, my smile vanishes and Carmela's face straightens up.

Carmela is quick to talk. "Nothing."

Penny eyes us both up before walking over to the end of my bed and sitting and down.

"Oh please do sit," I say sarcastically whilst rolling my eyes.

She just smiles at me before turning her attention to Carmela.

"I hear you're with my cousin," she smirks.

I can see Carmela debating with herself as to whether she should just be a bitch to Penny or actually try being civilised. "Yeah," she responds.

Penny's smirk grows. "What did you see in him?"

"That's my concern, not yours," her voice strained.

"Was it his good looks, his bubbly personality or his failure to be a footballer," she says with humour in her voice.

"Excuse me," both Carmela and I say at the same time with a raised voice.

"What?" A voice interrupts us as three bodies walk through my half open bedroom door.

Completely ignoring the voice, I keep my eyes on Penny. "Are you being serious? You think he's a failure because he can't play football anymore? Because he was in an accident which prevented him from doing so?" I let out a sarcastic breathy laugh.

Carmela is next to voice her thoughts. "News flash sunshine, he's not a failure, he's far from it and so what if he can't play football? It isn't life or death. Oh sorry were you hoping that he'd became a footballer just so he could find you a husband whose money you'd waste. And I saw a kind heart and a beautiful soul in him, someone who respects me and understands me."

"Woah what the hell is going on?" I look up to see Dean standing there confused with the other two behind him holding the same look of confusion.

"She called you a failure because you aren't a professional footballer," I spit my words towards her.

"Really Penny?" Dean laughs. "I thought you'd have grown up by now."

"Oh I have," she smirks before turning her attention back to me. "And you were even stupider to give up your football."

I roll my eyes at her very dramatically, exactly like my dad does. "I wasn't going to be your source of contact to get with footballers either so and it isn't really any of your business what we do."

"Why are you even here Penny?" Dean speaks before she can get a word out at me.

"Can't I visit you guys?"

"Clearly you don't want to be here and aren't wanted here either," Carmela retorts.

Penny glares at Carmela. "Please," she smirks, "Dean can do so much better than your slutty arse."

My jaw is now hangin open.

"You used the wrong term there bitch. I haven't slept with anyone unlike you," Carmela glares at her.

"Your brother was a good fuck," she smirks.

Carmela looks at me bewildered as James and Dean share a look. "Which brother are you talking about now?" Carmela smirks clearly wanting to play with this.

"Your older one of course, I'm not going to sleep with a kid," she snorts.

Carmela smirks. "And what's his name?"

I look up to see Paddy leaning against my wardrobe absorbing the atmosphere in front of him as he slurps on his milkshake. I look at him with a smirk and he shakes his head whilst laughing silently at me.

"Lucenzo," she says proudly.

I can't keep my laughter in anymore.

"What?" she spits at me.

"Oh nothing," I say as I pull myself together.

Carmela then breaks. "She's laughing because I don't have a brother," she finally admits.

"Yes you do."

"Uh no I don't. I'm an only child."

Penny's facial features drop.

"Looks like one of your boy toys screwed you over," James retorts from the other side of my room.

Penny suddenly gets up with a mad look on her face and storms out of my room.

"Well someone's getting an angry phonecall," James chuckles as he plops himself onto my bed. Dean jumps besides Carmela and Paddy gets under me - pulling me on top of him.

James gets up again as he goes to grab the tray of milkshakes and brings it back over to us and places it in the middle of the bed.

"Thank you," Carmela and I say in unison.

A Nutella milkshake is something I've been craving for a few days.

Before I even place the straw into my mouth Paddy nudges my head gently to the side as he wraps his lips around my pink straw.

"Hey!" I pout.

I hear the others chuckle.

"Sorry babe," he says with a smirk as he finishes with my milkshake.

I quickly slurp the Nutella milkshake through the straw. "I have missed this," I moan.

Paddy's lips find my ear. "Emma babe, you're really cute but please don't moan because that turned me on and you're not really in the right position in this moment in time," he whispers into my ear. His cold lips leave a small kiss on my earlobe before retracting. I'm quick to blush as I realise the way my body is resting on him and I'm quick to change my position as I bury my head into his shirt. I hear him chuckle softly.

"What did you get?" I ask him as I begin to feel less flustered.

He moves his cup forward towards me. "Vanilla with raspberry sauce."

I sip through his straw and it's like the best thing, sorry Nutella but you come in second.

"This is so good," I groan.

"Have it," Paddy gives it to me in my hands.

"What? oh no it's yours plus I have mine right here," I say as I hold up my right hand which holds the Nutella milkshake.

He stops me from handing him back his half empty cup. "What's mine is yours. You have the rest of it," he takes the Nutella one out of my right hand and slurps on it.

"Thanks," I smile.

"Anything for you Emma," he smiles back and places a cold kiss on my forehead.

Maybe Paddy was right. We should wait for when the time is actually right.

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