Chapter thirteen

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Dinner was lovely. Paddy made sure that I was full and not left hungry. I don't eat much food anyway... Just a lot of junk food but I ate all the food on my plate for his sake.
Dessert consisted of a piece of plain sponge cake with a scoop of vanilla ice cream (which Paddy was skeptical about letting me have it) and custard with coconut sprinkles. This is the best kind of dessert.

I washed the dishes as Paddy dried. He told me to leave it but I don't want his mum to do the washing up when she came back, I want her to relax.

I had been two minutes into washing the dishes and I had started sneezing. I sneezed so much that I got to the point where I felt dizzy. Paddy's hand suddenly found its way to my forehead.

"Your temperature is back," he stated. I groaned in response. "Stay here," he said before disappearing.
While he was gone, I finished drying the last few dishes and put them away.
He reappeared minutes later.
"Here, put this on," he said holding out a hoodie to me.
It was a red hoodie and once I took it I realised it was his training hoodie.
"Are you sure?" He nodded.
I slipped it on and felt an instant warmth... It smelt like him too.
"Looks better on you anyway," he smirked as he moved closer.
He was so close that there was no space in between us.
"Emma?" He whispered.
"Mhmm?" I mumbled, clearly caught off guard at the closeness between our faces.
"I'm in love with you."
My eyes widened, I was not expecting him to say that.
"I'm in love with you and I want you to be mine. Emma... Will you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?"
And the zoo erupted within me.
I stayed quiet for a few seconds as I took everything in and ran over everything in my head. Instead of arguing with myself, I ignored my mind and went to the one place that always bunches up my feelings; my heart. My heart felt a funny way, almost as if it was fluttering and that's the first time I went with my heart in a very long time.
"Yes, Paddy," I breathed.
The smile on his face was picture perfect and it remained the same as he cupped my cheeks and pulled my lips towards his.
The kiss erupted a whole bunch of different emotions inside of me. Emotions that I'd never experienced before or that were locked and I loved this feeling. His lips were warm and soft, making me crave his touch.
"You have no idea how badly I've wanted to do that," he whispered when we pulled apart; our faces still close.
"I love you too Paddy," I whispered back.
The emotions were flowing out of my mouth.

The Possessive Defender || Paddy McNairWhere stories live. Discover now