Chapter thirty-six

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I feel sorry for Paddy because he has to put up with Penny because of me. She was rude towards him and I don't blame him for the way he responded. He doesn't deserve to be spoken to like that, he's a good football player, he's amazing at his job and he shouldn't think otherwise.

I walked outside to see Paddy and Dean leaning against Paddy's car talking. I approached them slowly.
Once I reach them I stand in front of Paddy and put my arms around his waist.

"I'm sorry."
He looks at me confused, "For what?"
"For what she said and also for you having to put up with her," I apologise on behalf of Penny.
He shakes his head and pulls me into his body. "Don't be sorry Em, it's not your fault she's like that. You have nothing to apologise for and please don't apologise for her," he kisses my forehead and I can't help but smile into his chest at the feeling that he causes within me.
I guess Paddy felt me smile because when I pulled away he was smiling down at me.
"Hey," Dean speaks, "at least you gave her a chance," he mocks Paddy for his earlier words.
"And I take back my statement about her not being as horrendous as you make her out to be," we chuckle.
"Paddy you're an amazing footballer, you're so talented and special and I wouldn't have you any other way. Football is not pathetic, if anything it's what keeps me going," he smiles at me.
"She's right. You are very talented and even though I can't play it, it still keeps me going too and I wouldn't have you any other way either," Dean pretends to sob at the last part of his sentence causing both Paddy and I to give him a weird look and laugh.
"Thanks man," Paddy chuckles and taps Dean on the back. "And thank you Em, it means a lot to me coming from you," he quickly pecks my lips as we hear Dean make a throwing up noise. "Besides you Emma, it's the only thing that has given me comfort since Ivan died."
I smile at him and can also feel that Dean was touched by that as well as he's smiling at Paddy.
"I love you," I lean in to kiss him.
"I love you too," he smiles.
"I love you guys," Dean puts his arms around both of us.
"We love you too Dean," Paddy and I say in unison making us laugh.
"Now let's get back in there and get through the next two weeks," Dean says in a high spirited voice as if he's just given us the best pep talk. "We can do this! We're all in this together!"
I laugh at him. "Dean did you just quote high school musical?"
"Yeah and what? It's a classic," he rolls his eyes.
Paddy laughs. "Don't worry man, I got your back on this one," I can't help but laugh at how cute this little moment is.
"Children," I mutter before coming to a realisation and stopping both of them in the their tracks. "The first high school musical came out 10 years ago."
They both look at me with no interest whatsoever in what I just told them but they continue the conversation anyway.
"No way?" Dean asks. "We're getting so old Em.... So old. I still remember when you used to run around in nothing but a nappy," he starts.
"Oh the joys," I laugh because I can't really remember. I have bad memory.
Paddy chuckles besides me. "I can imagine a baby Emma running around in nothing but a nappy," he says as if he's picturing it right at this moment. I gently elbow him in his stomach and he doesn't even flinch.
"I need to see these baby pictures," he states.
Dean beats me to responding. "oh don't worry, they're coming. We have loads. We'll do it on a day when it's raining and we have nothing to do so you can see Emma in all her glory," Dean snickers and I attempt to push him but he doesn't budge. "Weakling," and he sticks his tongue out to me.
I pout and follow them inside.
Paddy is still laughing at me and pulls me closer when he sees me pouting. "it's okay baby," he cooes and chuckles into the peck he's placing on to my forehead.

We walk back into the front room to find only my parents.

"Where's Penny?" I ask.
My mother responds. "She's gone to take a shower and rest before dinner."
I nod before turning to Paddy.
"Want to go to Asdas before dinner?"
"Yeah why not."
"We're going food shopping before dinner because Paddy's kitchen is practically ghostly and he'll starve if we don't shop today," I inform my parents.
My dad chuckles at my sentence.
"Dad it's not funny," I say holding back a laugh.
"Honey I'm just laughing at the fact you called his kitchen ghostly. Did the ghosts eat all of his food?" he teased.
"Daddy stop," I whined. "That was really lame."
He sticks his tongue out at me.
"That's fine honey and Paddy you know that you're more than welcome to eat here whenever you want," my mum smiles.
Paddy smiles, "Thank you."
"And Paddy we're sorry for Penny's words earlier. You do not have to deal with this," my dad apologies on her behalf.
My mum is next to get her opinion in. "That girl is barely here an hour and she's already causing havoc," she whispers, clearly irritated. "Richard's right Paddy, you do not have to put up with her."
"It's okay honestly. I'm slowly starting to see what these two warned me about but I don't want to leave Emma alone so I'll just have to learn to tolerate her like you all do," I blush at Paddy.
My mum and dad are staring at each other like they're reading each other's minds.
"Emma you can stay over Paddy's. There's no need for you to stay here whilst Penny is here. As long as you're here during the day, you can stay over Paddy's during the night," my mum said.
"Thank you," I grin. "But Paddy's sleeping over here today," I smile.
"So I guess it's back to yours tomorrow night," I say turning to Paddy. He smiles and wraps an arm around my waist.
"I shall see you guys over there," Dean grins.
"Dean, honey, stay for the first few nights and then you can stay over Paddy's or Carmela's or James' as long as you're back in the day," mum negotiates with Dean too.
Dean thinks about it before replying. "Deal."

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