Chapter eleven

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Morning was upon us all too soon.
The sunlight seeped through my bedroom curtains causing me to wake up. Rubbing me eyes, I tried to shield myself from the light but it wasn't very effective.

"Hey," Paddy's deep voice sounded.
My groggy voice responded with a "hey, what time is it?"
"Uh-" he paused as his head searched for the time. "It's 10:30," I groaned.
"I don't want to get up," I whined.
Paddy's hand started moving in circular motions across my stomach. "We don't have to get up," he said.
"We're not. Not for a while anyway."
"How are you feeling?" He asked. I can't get over how good his morning voice sounds.
"Not the best. My stomach hurts, I feel sick, my back is starting to hurt, I feel dizzy and extremely tired," I answered as he continued to rub my stomach. "But you should keep speaking to me," I mumbled.
He chuckled and asked 'why?'.
"Because your morning voice is so hot."
"Why thank you," he said in a funny voice. "Do you want anything?"
I shook my head in his arms.
"I think I'm in love with you too," I whispered.
A grin spread across his face and his eyes lit up. He kissed the top of my forehead and snuggled closer into me.
"Emma?" He asked after a few minutes.
"Yeah?" I mumbled.
"Are you up for coming out later?"
"Please? You can even come in your pyjamas," he pouted.
"You're cute when you pout," I winked as he blushes lightly.
"Where are we going?"
"To my house. I'm going to cook for you."
"Aye, who knew you could cook and I'll take you up on that pyjama offer,"
I smirked.
He smirked back. "I'm a pretty good cook too," he stuck his tongue out.
"I'll be the judge of that," I teased.
"I'll see you later then, I'll pick you up for six," he started to get up but I pulled him back down again.
"It's 10:45, you have ages left," I whined.
"I know but I've got to go home have a shower, decide what I'm going to cook for my princess and then have to get the ingredients if I don't have them and that's going to take some time."
"Fine," I groaned as he kissed my cheek and then disappeared. I missed his warmth straight away.

I lay in bed until 11:30am and once I was up, I cleaned the left side of my bedroom floor because Dean forgot to clean up his mess and then I roamed around the house in my pyjamas until I entered the kitchen to be greeted by my parents.

"How are you feeling sweetheart?" Dad asked.
"Not well daddy," I whined.
"Aw my poor baby," mum gushed as she handed me a hot water bottle, a glass of water and a pack of paracetamol.
"Thanks mama."
"I heard you have a date with Paddy McNair," mum winked.
"A date?" Dad asked. "Just because he's a footballer doesn't mean I have to like him."
"You will love him dad!" I grinned. "And yes. He's cooking for us at his house."
"How sweet!" mum gushed with excitement.
"I don't like the fact that he was in your bed last night either," dad said in his cold tone.
My dad is acting like any dad would act but he knows that I wouldn't do anything, he trusts me but he can't help it.
"We didn't do anything," I whined.
"For his sake I hope you never," then mum and I burst out laughing and dad eventually cracked a smile.
"He makes me happy dad. The sort of happy I haven't felt in a really long time," I explained.
"I'm happy for you Emma," he smiled. "Just make sure he knows the rules," he said firmly.
"I will. How was work?" My dad only worked this morning, he has the rest of the day off.
They both would have stayed home with me today but because I'm going to Paddy's house, they're going to go out and I'm glad they are going out.
My mum made me an omelette for breakfast and I devoured it whilst being engaged in a conversation with my dad.
"It was the same as usual," he answered.
"How boring," I joked.
"Although, a man came in this morning with a prescription for a medicine we didn't have not stocked at the chemist so he kicked up a fuss for about ten minutes then I had to ring his surgery and clear the mess up with his doctor," he rolled his eyes which made me snicker. Every time dad rolls his eyes he does it very dramatically.
"What did his doctor say?" I asked before taking a mouthful of omelette.
"His doctor also kicked up a fuss about how he couldn't believe that we never stocked that specific medicine and I said that I could order it in it would be no problem but it would take a few days and in the end he agreed but he was still pissed off," he rolled his eyes again.
"What a stuck up doctor and daddy you need to learn to roll your eyes casually not so dramatically," mum laughed at that.
"I agree Peter," she laughed.

I spent most of the day on the sofa catching up with Gotham so that Dean and I could be on the same episode.
When it got to 4:30pm, I decided to get ready so I started by having a shower, I wanted to wash the laziness away and any stench I had from lying in my bed all day. Once I was out, I was in two minds about how to let my hair dry: hair dry it or let it naturally dry. I normally let my hair dry naturally and I didn't use a hair dryer as much but had one anyway.
In the end I decided to let it dry naturally. Mum helped me pick out my clothes: dark blue skinny jeans and a white top, that I had bought from American Eagle on holiday last year, and white vans. My hair was still slightly damp but I brushed over it and parted it on either shoulder. I couldn't be bothered applying makeup, I never do when I'm ill unless I look really bad. Instead I applied dark pink lipstick and concealer around my nose and under my eyes to hide red circles and my black eye bags.
A wave of panic washed through me. "Mum, what if I-" I panicked but she interrupted me.
"Emma, honey, you're going to be fine okay. Don't worry, about anything alright sweetheart and Paddy is right there with you, you're not alone. Your dad and I are only a phone call away and Dean isn't far," she reassured me.
"EMMA! PADDY'S HERE!" dad called from downstairs.
I did a once over in the mirror before leaving my room.
"You look beautiful Em," mum gave me a warm smile but her eyes twinkled.
"Thank you mum," I hugged her.

As we walked downstairs I grabbed my black leather jacket from the coat rack and made my way into the front room.
Paddy's eyes instantly landed on me.
He was dressed in black jeans, a white top from Luke and black trainers. His hair looked neater now than it did this morning.

"Hi," I said shyly.
"Hi," he breathed, his eyes still on me with a smile on his face. "You look beautiful," he complimented.
My face was sure red. "Thank you, you don't look bad yourself," I winked and we both laughed, mum snickered behind me.
"You ready to go?" He asked.
"Yeah," I breathed after looking at my mum.
"Look after my girl," dad warned him. "I want her home by ten."
"Yes sir," Paddy responded.
My mum just glared at my dad.
I kissed my dad goodbye and then my mum, she whispered a 'you'll be fine' calmly into my ear which did seem to calm me down a little. Paddy bid farewell to my parents with my dad repeating what time to bring me home and then we left.

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