Chapter thirty-nine

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I can hear my name being called out. It seems as though it's being whispered but it sounds so loud.

"Emma," and there it is again.

"What?" I groan loudly.

"Your phone's ringing," Paddy's voice responds.

"Tell them to fuck off I'm sleeping," I spit.

I hear Paddy chuckle before he answers my phone.

A few seconds later I feel Paddy get up off the bed and leave the room and I slowly start to fall back asleep.

"Emma," and there it is yet again.

"Leave me alone!" I groan even louder.

"Emma get up now!"

I groan before rolling over to face Dean who is stood besides my bed with my phone in his hand and Paddy and Carmela besides him.

"What?" I ask as I rub the sleep out of my eyes.

Dean speaks. "Who the fuck have you given your number to?"


"Who have you given your number to recently?"

"No one why?"

"Emma, some unknown number just called your phone wanting you to meet them in the café on George street on your own."

"Well who was it?"

"I don't bloody know, they hung up as I asked."

I sat there in confusion trying to think of who it could be.

"It was a guy," Paddy informed.

"Yeah a guy."

"Well I'll just have to go and find out who it is-"

"No you're not!" Both Paddy and Dean say at the same time.

"Well then it clearly wasn't important," I shrug.

"It is."

"What do you mean it is?"

"Emma," Dean's voice is strained, "They said they want to come clean about Larry's death."

Carmela and I both tense up.

"Then it is important and we need to go and find out!"

"I'll go with her," Carmela says.

"No you won't," Dean argues, "neither of you are going."

"Dean someone wouldn't call like that unless it was urgent," I mention and he goes quiet for some time.

"Fine but I'm going to be waiting in the car around the corner and call me straight away if anything happens," he warns.

"I'll be with him in the car," Paddy informs.

"What time does he want to meet?" Carmela asks.

Dean looks at the time on my phone before answering. "An hour."

"Well I better get ready," I say as I get up and go to the bathroom.

When I come out, I find only Paddy, whose sprawled out on my bed on his phone.

"I don't want to be productive today," he informs me.

I chuckle. "Okay babe."

I walk over to my wardrobe and pull out a pair of faded blue shorts and a white t-shirt to which I add a grey knee-length cardigan and white vans. It looks warm outside so I'm in the mood to wear shorts.

The Possessive Defender || Paddy McNairWhere stories live. Discover now