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(Change to Midnights p.o.v.)

I wake up to a bad headache. 'Ugh it feels like I smashed my head on a wall.' I rub my head trying to make the pounding sound stop. Then I noticed the room was very dark. I prop myself up on my elbows to look around the room to see the clock say 9:47. 'Man I sleep for a long time.' I look down to see Jeff right there. ' did he get in my room!?!' "Jeff." I say softly. I hear a small grumble from him."Jeff." I call out again. He looks up and looks stare in my eyes. "What is what should I call you. Since I kno-" I cut him off. "Just call me Midnight. It will take some time to get back to my old name, because I was called Blue for 5 years." He just nod and changes to his normal form. "Oh do you want to know how we found out your real name?" I nod, even I knew from reading his mind. As he finished his sentence I start to listen again. "So yeah that is how we found out your real name." I nod and walk over to the door, right as I open it a smell of blood and dead human hit me. I grip my stomach and my mouth. I turn to Jeff he just shrug his shoulders. 'Of course he smells these all the time he is a killer.' I walk out to the living room to see dead people, they all look like campers. I see Maxie and Toby kill another person. I swallow trying to hold back throw up. "Hey guys, wh-" I cut off Maxie. "Midnight, just Midnight. Ok?" She nods and smiles. "Toby and I are sorry about earlier my mind went blank.""Same with *tic* mine!" I nod and run to the bathroom to see more body's. My eyes widen and I take off to the front door, as I rushed out side to throw up. Maxie, Toby, and Jeff made their way out of the cabin. "Clean it up NOW!!" All three of then nod and begin to clean up the blood and body parts. I walk up to the porch and sit on the steps. Look down at my waist were my belt is at. I turn on my belt so it's visible. Then I hear a small movement, it was coming from the woods. I stand up and start to walk up to the woods to see to eyes starring at me. Something felt off about this.'What is the world is that?' "You can come out I'm not going to hurt you." The thing moves as if it's walk forward. "Why hello, miss." It says in a soft voice. I narrow my eyes trying to see it better. From its voice I can tell its a male. "Um..sir can you step out of the woods." I stare at the red eyed man thing. Then a man comes out of the woods. "I see your having trouble with your friends. May I help." The man gives me a small grin. "First what is your name." The man smiles, "My name is Seth." I put out my hand for shaking but no, he had to kiss the top of my hand. "Um...why don't we go inside." I quickly turn and walk to the cabin, but he stops me right as I turn around he puts his hands go around my waist and pulls me into his chest. "W-what are y-you doing?" Then I see Jeff come out. "Hey Midnight ev-....I'm going to go back inside." I watch Jeff walk right back into the cabin with out saying a word. "We need to get back inside, if your coming than lets go." I pull out of his grip and walk to the cabin. When I got inside I look out the window and he was gone. It looked like he was never there. 'What the hell.' I shake my head feeling like I'm going crazy. The cabin smelled of roses and flowers, for short it smelled clean. "So who was that guy?" Jeff said standing behind me, I turn and look at him straight in the eyes. "I.Don't.Know." I say and walk off to my bed. I didn't care that was still in normal clothes. All I cared about was my sleep. Look out the window to see him again. He was more hidden in the trees, buts his cold red eyes stared at me. I blink to see him gone, I shrug my shoulders and crawl in a ball and pass out.

Can a demon fall in love? (A Jeff the Killer  love story)Where stories live. Discover now