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It's been a week since my decision. I haven't left my room, I only planed on where to go and what to do. My sister wedding is in one week from now. 'I'll leave on the night be for the wedding!' I thought to myself before my door was knocked on. "Who is it!?" I yell. "It's Maxie!" She calls back, I open the door and take my food and close the door. But before the door could close she puts her foot in the space. "Midnight you need to come out of your room." I snarl and push on the door harder. "Ow!" I hear her yelp as she pulls her foot out of the doorway. "Why should I join Mercy and her wedding crap!" I could hear her gasp. "She is your sister and she is very sad that you won't help her with it! Also Jeff is very pissed off at you and I now why know!!!" She yells at me. I listen to hear footsteps as she leaves the hallway. I sigh and pull out my old locket, it has a picture of me and my parents.I look over to all my plans. 'I have to, if there going to believe Mercy then I have to leave!' I say to myself as I walk over to my closet to gather clothes.

Can a demon fall in love? (A Jeff the Killer  love story)Where stories live. Discover now