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 I wake up early like normal, and blah blah...normal crap! But something felt wrong. I didn't notice that Jeff,Toby,and Maxie were GONE!!! "Guys! If your hiding you can come out now! Guys these isn't funny!" No one replies. My eyes change to blue same with my hair. I run around the cabin looking for them, I found no one. Then I notice something on the couch, I quickly run to the couch. It was a note!

'Dear, Midnight

Me,Toby,and Maxie left to go to the mansion. I hope to see you there. I know you are probably asking why didn't we wake you up or take you with us, one I don't like you same with Toby and Maxie. Two you deserve to live alone. Three no one will LOVE YOU!!!

Your friends, Jeff,Toby, and Maxie.'

I ripped the paper into shreds and crawl into a ball and cry. "Midnight?" I look up from my hands to see Dracy and Azrael. "They l-left m-me." I go back to cry after I said that my words were filled with sadness and hurt. Then we hear a muffled scream I look up and they look back down at me. I quickly sit straight and look around me. Nothing. "Did you guys hear that?" Both of them nod and start to walk around. Then I heard it again. It was coming from the cabins basement. I open the basement door to see blood everywhere. 'Really! Just REALLY!!' I slowly walk down the steps to see more blood and BODY PARTS! Then the muffled scream happens. I look around me trying to find a light switch, and of course I find nothing. 'Great! Oh wait I can us my night vision!' When I get my night vision working I look around to see three alive people. I walk towards them to see it was my friends! I run up to them and start to untie them. Jeff was the only one awake. "Oh thank god your alive!" Tears start to stream down my face again and when he was untie he pulls me into a big hug, he just lets me cry into his shoulder. Since my night vision was still on I was using my powers to much. My legs go out on my and I grip Jeff's shirt. "Hey are you ok Midnight?" I shake my head no. "I'm using my p-powers to mu-much." I look up at him before he puts me up and takes me to my bed. He gently puts me on the bed and kiss my lips and forehead, when he was about to leave I say. "Don't leave me." I whisper. "I'll be back, I promise." I nod and fall asleep before he could leave. 

Can a demon fall in love? (A Jeff the Killer  love story)Where stories live. Discover now