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It's the day I'm leaving. I change my clothes,

and finished packing my duffle bag. It was still early so I decided to leave my room for once. I walk down the old hallways taking in the sects of the old mansion. "I'm going to miss this place." I mumble out before I turned the corner to go downstairs. When I walk to the top of the stairs I look down them and sigh, remembering all the memories I had with Masky,Hoodie,Toby, and Ben. I could feel tears in my eyes. When I begin to walk down the old steps I listen to the creaks from the steps. When I get to the bottom I see no one. 'Must be asleep of tomorrow.' I think to myself as I walk around. When I get back to the living room memories of Jeff pulling pranks on me came flooding back, then the tears fell. I could feel a soft smile come onto my face as I think about Jeff and I. "I hope you'll be happy." I cocked out, I close my eyes and let the tears rush down my face. "Midnight?" My eyes shoot open, to see Jeff on the stairs. I freeze and look away. "You were smiling a national smile." I look up at and reply coldly, "Yeah so it's not like you care." I could tell Jeff tried to make a shocked face and replied back to me. "Midnight I like to see you smile." I huff and cross my arms and turn away from him. I could hear him walk all the way down the stairs. "Midnight I really do. I just....I don't know....are you happy that your sister is getting married?" His voice was getting closer every time he spoke. I turned to him and looked straight into his unblinking eyes and said. "No, I hate my sister." I frown and walk up beside him put a hand on his shoulder. "I just want you happy that's all....friend." I begin to walk away again leaving Jeff in sadness. Once I get to my room I leave my belt and a note. The note read....

'Dear friends and sister,

I have left thanks to personal reasons, please don't blame yourselves. I hope you all leave happily and congrats on your marriage Jeff and Mercy. I will have no connection to you guys at all, also Ben if you try to hack my phone you can't I can out hack you in a flash. Please don't try to find me, I may come back I really don't know, yet. Oh and please watch the news to see my messages to you guys. I love you all like family so please be happy.

Love, Midnight.'

When I was done I put it on my door and walked back into my room. I sigh and grasp my duffle bag, slowly I walk up to my window and pull it up. "I can do it. I can do it." I mumble to myself as I stick one of my legs out the window. I toss my bag out the window, and hang my legs over the edge. I take a big breath and jump, I land perfectly on my feet. I quickly grab my bag and run to the front of the mansion. 'Almost there. Almost there.' Was all I could say to myself. When I could see my motorcycle I spirited even faster. I toss the extra helmet and tied down my bag. When I get on I check my gas, to see it very low. "Shit, it might not get me out of the woods." I mumble and get onto the motorcycle. When I turn it on it lets out a loud rumble, I look back to see if lights were on and of course a lot of lights were on. 'Shit!!' I tell myself, I quickly put on my helmet and take off into the dark woods.

Can a demon fall in love? (A Jeff the Killer  love story)Where stories live. Discover now