New life

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(3rd p.o.v.)

What Midnight didn't know was Jeff was around the corner listening to her cries for him. But he didn't move he just walked and left his clothes and her, as he walked out of town and into the woods. Meanwhile Midnight was still on her knees crying, hoping to see him to come around that corner, but it never happened. She cried for a good hour or so before she finally decided it was time to act like a normal 19 year old girl. She opened the car door and got Jeff's clothes and left the old car in the alleyway. It was still day time, so she went to a old cafe to try to find a job there. When she entered there was a couple of people that's all. She walked right up to the counter and asked the lady there if she could be hired. The lady smile and nod, and gave her a apron like hers. "How old are, kid?" The lady asked with a southern accent. "19" Midnight replies as the lady shows her how to work around the cafe."Names Mary. What's yours?" Midnight took a second to reply. "Megena." Mary looks over to Midnight with a weird look on her face. "What does that mean?" Midnight wasn't hesitant about answer the question it just was maker sad. Magena was her moms nickname for her. "It." Midnight pauses and sighs. "It means the coming moon." Midnight says with a sad sigh. Mary walks up and puts a hand on her shoulder and gave her a kind smile. "Now dear tell me about your hair and eyes." Midnight forget all about her eyes and hair. "'s a long story and I really don't like to tell people it." Mary nods and walks away.

After a long day of really nothing Midnight is back on the road with nothing but Jeff's clothes. "Wait dear!" Midnight turns to see Mary with a key in her hand. "Take it, it's a old apartment." Midnight nods and takes the key. "Here is the address for the apartment building." Mary passes Midnight a note with the address on it. Midnight smiles and begins to walk again.

When Midnight gets to the apartment she opens it to see it will put together. 'Wow!' Was all Midnight could think of. Then Jeff popped into her memories. 'I wounded were he is?' Midnight asked herself as she put Jeff's clothes away. She didn't know why she put his clothes away or why she took them, she just got a feeling that he would come back or something like that.

Meanwhile in the woods with Jeff, he was about a few minutes from the mansion it turns out when your walking it takes a lot longer then it's need. Jeff was looking around remember his first kiss with Midnight. He misses her and he can't go back to her now. "JEFF!" Jeff looks to the side and see Toby with Masky. He turns and walks up to them before Toby slams him to a tree. "Where is she!" Toby yells in his face. "I don't know!" Jeff yells back, he was telling some of the truth, he really didn't know where she was. Toby let off a low growl and let go of Jeff. Masky just rolls her eyes under his mask. "We better get going." Masky says trying to get them to stop fighting. "We should." Toby says with a growl, and walks away. "What's his problem?" Jeff asks and looks over to Masky. "He has been really upset that she left. We all have." Masky said in a clam/sad tone. The rest of the walk was quit and very weird. However it got worse at the mansion. Everyone was looking at Jeff with a sad face or a upset face. He started to feel sad. 'I wish I stayed with her.' Jeff thinks to himself, but he thought of that at the wrong time, Slender was in the room and read Jeff's mind. "Jeff you were with her! Why did you bring her back!?" Slender said in his booming voice. "I'm sorry Slender she didn't want to come back!" Jeff shouts back in defense, but no one believes him. Then Mercy walks downstairs and sees Jeff, she growls and makes her way to Jeff. "JEFF!!!" Mercy called as she pasted Masky and Hoodie. Jeff turns and looks at her with a death glare. "What?" Was all Jeff could say through his clenched jaw. "Why? Why stop the wedding for my crapy sister." Jeff growls at her comment, then Masky,Hoodie,Toby,Maxie,and Ben snap there heads to Mercy. "Crapy? CRAPY!!!! SHE IS THE BEST PERSON IN THE WORLD!!! YOU'ER JUST JEALOUS!!!" Maxie scrams at Mercy, Toby holds Maxie back as she fights to kill/slap the shit out of her. Masky quickly butts in. "She's right! Your a asshole to call are friend crapy!" Then everyone was calling Mercy names. "SILENCE!!!" Mercy says with a demonic voice. Then Toby 'accidentally' let go of Maxie. Maxie takes off to Mercy and tackles her to the ground. It's a good thing Maxie had no weapons because it was horrifying for the others to watch Maxie bet up Mercy but at the same time it was fun to watch. When Maxie was done betting up Mercy she got off of her and looked over to Jeff. "Now tell me where is my friend!" Maxie said with a creepy smile. "I don't know!" Maxie sighs and let's her head fall and let's the tears fall.

While everything was going bad for them it turns out it was going great for Midnight. While Midnight was watching T.V. there was a knock on her door. She looked over to the door curiously, she slowly rises form the couch and makes her way over to the door. When she reached the door and opened it she wasn't surprised to see a person there, how he looked was surprising. He had green eyes and brown hair and a scarf around his neck, on his face where scars. "Hi, I'm Liu." The boys puts out his hand and smiles, Midnight shakes his hand a tells him her name. "Hey don't forget me!" Liu said in a different voice. "Shut up, Sully!" Midnight looks at him and mentally smiles, she has never seen someone like her before. "Hey, I was just putting in my name!" Sully says as Liu shakes his head. "I'm so sorry about that. I Have two personalities." Liu says and rubs the back of his head. "It's okay, we all have weird things about are selfs." He nods. "So I live next door to you and I was wondering if I could come over?" Midnight nods and moves out of the doorway. "Make yourself at home." Midnight says and shuts the door. Both of them walk over to the couch and sit next to each other. "So your eyes and is that normal?" Midnight freezes and thinks for a moment and replies with a yes. "So were you born with it?" Midnight did it again paused and thought for a moment, and ever question Liu asked was replayed with a yes. Till Sully butts in. "Dude it's easy to till she is lying." Midnight looks down and Liu puts his hand on her chin moves her head to face him. "Tell me the true." She nods and tells him everything leading up to the moment however she did change it, all the parts with Jeff was removed. She didn't want to think about him so she cut those parts out. "Wow." Was all that came out of Liu's mouth as he looks at Midnight. "You went through hell." Midnight nods and puts her head back on the couch. After a few quite moments expect the T.V. Liu speaks up and get off the couch and walks to the door. "Bye Midnight." Liu said with a small smile. "Bye." Midnight mumbles out, she thought he would leave her alone but it never happened. Liu walks back over to her and pulls her off the couch and puts her over his shoulder. "Hey!" Midnight yelps out. "It's okay pretty lady." Sully said and toke Midnight to her bed. "No don't hurt me!!" Midnight screams at Sully, but he didn't stop. "Sully please!" Midnight begs Sully, but Sully puts her on the bed and crawls on top of her. "It won't hurt long." Sully said calmly, Midnight began to cry. Then he kissed her, she stopped crying and melted into the kiss. When he pulled back he smiles, "Did you like it?" Sully said with pride, Midnight didn't know what to say but her head moved up and down showing a yes. "Good, I'm going to make you are girlfriend." Sully said as he got closer to her face again. "How are you going to do that?" Midnight asked, she was nervous for the answer. Sully laughed and kissed her lightly on her lips. "But doing to with you." Midnight was shocked but her body didn't move she just went with it.

Maybe she would be happy with Liu and Sully. And what is going on at the mansion! Find out in the next chapter!

Can a demon fall in love? (A Jeff the Killer  love story)Where stories live. Discover now