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(3rd p.o.v)


Jeff falls to the ground as the armor disappears from his body. For Midnight it felt like time froze as she watched him fall to the ground. All the pain in her body disappeared, she sprints to Jeff's body. She cries and hopes for him to come back. "Come back to me." She mumbles out as more tears rush down her face. She holds his head more pain hits her she feels as if she was being ripped in half. She becomes lightheaded but she did care if she was dying, all she cared about was him coming back. "Please come back." She whimpered out, nothing happed he's dead. No pules. No heartbeat. Nothing, and it is all her fault because she couldn't hold back her temper. She knew its her time so she crawled into his arms and cried. Then she closed her eyes and her breathing became slow, then it stopped. Its the end of the line for them.

A few moments later Maxie, Toby, Masky, Hoodie, and Ben enter the room. When Maxie saw the site she rushed up to Jeff and Midnight. She looked for a pules but nothing as happing. Maxie kneeled at there sides and cried. All of them kneeled and looked to there dead friends. They all bowed there heads, then Maxie took the belt off of Jeff. When the belt was in her hands good memoires popped into her mind. She smiled at the memoires then she frowned, she passed the belt to Toby. They passed the belt around as good memoires played through there heads. When the belt was passed back to Maxie the belt began to sparkle. Then a big flash happened, they opened there eyes to see a little girl playing around with a man and a woman. "Mommy, daddy!" The little girl yelled out as her parents picked her up and spun her around. The little girl had glassy green eye and blonde hair. The father put the little girl down and smiled at her. "Night, be careful with her." The mother said and walked up to the father. "I am, Moon." The father said and looked to his wife. They smiled at each other then they looked to there little girl. Again the little girl ran to her mother and father with something in her hand. "Mommy, daddy, look what I did." The little girl passed her mother a picture. "Its beautiful, Midnight." The mother said, then they started to fade away. Then there was a girl with a man who looked like Mr.CP, he had his hand on the girls shoulder. When it showed what they were looking at it was two graves with the names Moon carved on one, the other one had Night caved on it. "I miss them." The girl said, she hung her head low with her blue hair in her face. "There in a better place, Midnight." She didn't raise her head. When she did raise her head there were tears running down her face. "I want them back!" She yelled out and fell to here knees. Then it flashed white again with that it showed Midnights life all they way up to the moment when they entered the room. Maxie looks around and watches the fight, when she saw Jeff's head snap she knew Jeff's spine was broke and there is no way they can get him back. When the memoires stopped they all looked to each other then back to Jeff and Midnights cold bodies. Maxie looks to the belt before it changes to ashes. Her mouth became wide as it changed. "Masky get the car ready." Toby says and takes Maxies hand. "Everything will be okay." Toby says and hugs Maxie. When they get the bodies in the car, they begin to drive back to the mansion to tell Slender the news.

Once they get to the mansion Slender was waiting for them to arrive. "Slender we have a problem." Masky says to Slender before opening the door to the bodies. "What is the problem?" Slender asked, with that Masky sighs and opens the door. "We found them dead." Slender sighs sadly and moves away from the car. "We will bury them." Slender says and walks back inside.

When the holes were ready they gently put them in the holes. "Maxie are you ready to say goodbye?" Toby asked the crying girl. She looks up from her hands and nods. When she get to the graves she begins to cry again. "Toby Im not ready to say goodbye to my friend!" Cries out and runs into the mansion. When all the goodbyes were done Masky and Hoodie covered them in dirt and put flowers down when they were covered.

Is it really the end of the line for them or is it the end of the line for one of them? 

Can a demon fall in love? (A Jeff the Killer  love story)Where stories live. Discover now