Life or Death?

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    The bench was packed with people. 'I need to be away from people. Maybe I can find a place were I can be alone.' I was again pulled out of my thoughts when Maxie pulled me to the bathrooms. "What are you doing?!?" She doesn't say anything she just continues to pulling me. When we enter the bathroom she looks at me with a stern look. "What? Did I do something wrong?" She nods 'no'. "Dude Jeff likes you I know it and I want to see you to kiss or something like that. If I have to bring Toby into this I will!" She says. "It's never going to happen ok. I'm sorry to crush your dreams but no." She makes a puppy face, "Fine. One time ok." She nods and smiles, once again she was pulling me out of the bathroom and to the boys. "Hey you guys sit up all ready." Maxie asked with a big smile on her face still. "Yep. We s-started to sit up o-once you left." Toby said proudly. I was still being pulled to a cave. When we enter the cave my wrist was let go, then Maxie runs up to Toby and whisper something in Toby's ear. 'I guess she is telling him about what is going to happen.' I was knocked out of my thoughts when I walk right into someone. "Oh sorry." The guy shakes his head. "No it's my fault I wasn't looking were I was going." He gives my a soft smile. "Oh I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Ryan." He says as he sticks out his hand. "Midnight." I was all I say as I shake his hand. "Midnight. That's a weird name but it really suits you." He said with the same soft smile. "Thanks that's really nice of you." I mumble the last part, I look down at the ground so it looks like I'm blushing but in reality I can't. He puts one of his hands under my chin and raises my head to look at him. Slowly his face comes closer to mine. I froze my eyes widen, but before his lips could touch my lips I feel two arm around my waist and I was pulled in to someone's chest. "Mine." I hear the Jeff whisper in my ear. "I'm sorry sir but she is mine and forever mine so back off." I could hear the anger in Jeff's voice. Ryan looks at us and gives us a discussed look, as he looks us up and down. He huffs and walks out of the cave with another girl. Jeff's arms were still around my waist as he whispers in my ear, "Like I said your mine and forever mine because I stole your first kiss." I could tell he was smiling, he puts his hands on my hips and turns me around. I put my hands on his chest and look up at him, right as I look up he smashes his lips on to mine. My eyes flutter shut as I let myself melt into the kiss. Then there was a flash, I open my eyes to feel Jeff remove his lips from mine. His eyes widen, "What is it I ask?" I whisper. "Your eyes were purple and you were blushing." He say, I knew he was proud and happy to see more then my angry and sadness all the time. "OMG I knew I was going to get you two to kiss!!!!" I hear Maxie yell. "So you took a picture of us, didn't you?" I ask as I separate myself from Jeff. She nods with a big and I mean big smile on her face. "Ok will I'm going to go into the water." I say as I remove my top and shorts. I could feel Jeff's eyes on me as I removed my top layer of clothes. When I was done I walk out to the water and began to walk into it, I hear foot step coming closer to me, I turn my head to see Toby caring Maxie bridle style. I roll my eyes and look out to the ocean. 'It beautiful, it reminds me of mom and dad. Oh I miss them.' I frown when I start to think about my old parents. I shake my head and watch Toby dump Maxie into the water. 'Man there a cute couple.' I didn't notice the foot steps beside me, I finally noticed when I feel someone's hand on my right hand. I look up to see Jeff with a smile on his face. "What got you so happy?" I ask him as he looks down at me and takes my other hand. "I'm happy because I finally get to be with you for a short time." I look away. Then Jeff picks me up bridle style. From my view I could see Toby and Maxie making out. "You know there kissing right?" I ask Jeff. He nods and replied. "That's why I'm talking you some were else." "Oh I thought you were doing this to touch me." He giggles and nods 'no'. When he stops walking we were far from them however we could still see them. When he stops he lets me down. "Umm....Midnight?" He says, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah?" "Want to go into the water with me?" I nod and he smile and takes my hand in his. When we get into the water it was up to my shoulders when it was just below his shoulders. "I need to stop if I go farther I will be swimming." I say jokey, he just giggled and put his hand on my hips. "It fine I like it here." He says with a perverted smile, "You know you can be more perverted then Ben and Dark Link combined." I say sarcastically he just roll his eyes and keeps the perverted smile. Then I feel his hands go from my hips to my butt. I yelp and slap one of his hands. "Jeff you don't go that far!" He just continues to tease me. Then he starts to kiss me. His tongue slides on my lower lip asking for enteritis, of course I denied it. Then he grabs my butt making me gasp, he took this chance to slide his tongue into my wet cavern, (it means mouth for short) Jeff's hands move from my butt to my thighs and pulls me up so my legs go around his waist. When we brake a part both of us were patting, but he got his breath back faster then me. I could tell because he started to kiss my neck, when he found my soft spot he began to bit a little and suck on that spot. "J-Jeff..." I was all I could moan out. "Shhh..don't talk." He say in a whisper. "Your girlfriend..un..your c-cheating o-on..her..." I say doing my best not to moan. He stops and look at and says. "I have been trying to get her to break up with me because when ever I try to break up with her she says that she is going to cut off something special." (If you know what mean the good for you. If you don't you'll learn later in life.) After saying that he continues to nibble at my neck, then his hands began to rub my outer thigh. I let out a loud moan to feel something poke one of my thighs. He stops and pushes me off of him. "Umm...can you go now I'm done. I'll meet you back at the cave ok?" I nod and I take off to the cave. When I get to the cave I don't see are stuff at all. 'Hm...Maxie and Toby must have took the stuff to the car, by they should have left my clothes and Jeff's shirt.' I shrug my shoulders and turn around to the entires of the cave to see....drum roll please........MERCY!!!! "What are you doing here?" I ask confused. She frowns under her mask. "Girls we need to deal with something." I narrow my eyes when I see Clockworks and Jane come out with two boys at there sides. "We got boyfriends and I can still see your try to seal Mercys boyfriend." Clockworks says and frowns. I avoid there gases and look down in a shame. "Look she is sad, boo how hoo." Jane says making fun of me. Then I start to feel weird I start to feel weak. "She ready." Mercy says as she pulls out to knifes. My eyes wides, I slow take steps back by they kept taking steps towards me. Till I fell to the ground, I try to get back up but my legs go out on me. When one of the boys get to me he puts my right arm close to him as he pulls out a knife and cuts my arm. I scream in pain, tears that where in my eyes are now streaming down my face. The other guy pulls out a gun and a 10inch knife. I close my eye as he puts the gun to my left calf. When he puts his hand on the trigger pain shots through my leg. 'Why I'm I not healing!!' I open my eyes to see me covered in blood and in a pool of blood. "You probably wondering 'why I'm I not healing' it because your belt is using your powers so your weak and easy to mess with, what I'm try to say is that I made your healing powers go bye bye for a while." Mercy says, then she makes some signals to the man holding the 10inch knife. He nods and look down at me and smiles. I just shake in horror. Then the other man make more marks in my skin to hear my screams in pain. Then the real pain came, the man with the long knife shoves it all the way through my right thigh. I scream the loudest I have ever screamed. The man does that again in my left thigh, again and again he does it three time in each thigh. My vision starts to fade away into darkness.

Can a demon fall in love? (A Jeff the Killer  love story)Where stories live. Discover now