Chapter-1(intro type thing)

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Williams POV
So, my names William smith I've been stuck in the same orphanage for 14 years but any way, I'm gay, I've been bullied every where I go for it and it's getting so annoying I've been depressed for a while now. So I really don't know what to say apart from I'm 14 years old, I love pizza, I love music, mostly bands like P!ATD,FOB and a few others. Ive got blue eyes, golden brown hair. That's about it.

As I said I've been stuck in this orphanage for a while now but now it's getting ridiculous I'm always getting teased because people think I don't get adopted because I'm gay I don't think that's why but everyone says that so it may aswell be true.

Guys this is kind of an intro to William so yeah the next chapter should be the proper story

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