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Williams POV

I woke up and I wasn't lying on the sofa anymore, I was in my bunk. I went onto my phone to check the time and it says that it was 8 o'clock. Why I woke up at this time I have no idea. I went to the lounge bit where there was an Xbox, play station, a decent sized tv and two sofas that had little tables in front of them. I went into the tiny kitchen bit and found some cereal, so I made myself a bowl of cereal. I sat down at one of the tables and started eating when I started getting a heap of notifications on my phone I looked at a few and found out that basically everyone has just found my Twitter and started following me. I carried on eating my cereal going through Twitter when one tweet caught my eye
@/somerandomnamehere @/william_smith you look a lot like Brendon are you two related?
why haven't I changed my Twitter  name to william_stump yet?

Then it all came back to me, he put me in the orphanage, he is 29 so that mean he was 15 when I was born and that's why I was put into an orphanage, the band I could remember was panic!, the guitar that's why he has the exact one in his bus, I doubt he remembers me though. All of the time I was in the orphanage, I kept getting told that my name had been changed to protect me from the media now it all made sense.

I started panicking, I can't tell dad this, or Pete because Pete will tell dad and Joe would tell them all as well I need to talk to Andy I looked out the window and noticed that we had stopped perfect. I quickly texted Andy asking if he was ok to talk he replied a minute later
Sure you coming across here you do you want me to come to your bus?
I'll come across to you.
I wrote a note saying that I had gone into the other bus with Andy and Joe. And left i jumped off the last step of the bus and walked to joe and Andys bus then I knocked and Andy opened the door for me. "Is Joe still asleep? I asked in case he would hear anything. "Yeah he won't wake up til about 10 so what's up." I looked at him "I've been having these moments when I remember something from the past, this time a tweet triggered it," he looked at me slightly concerned "should I need to tell Patrick this?" I just looked at him "please don't he would kill him plus I would of told Pete if I didn't mind him knowing but I know Joe and Pete would tell Patrick everything that's why I came to you." He smiled at what I said "well at least there's someone you can trust." "Yeah well any way my d-dad, is b-Brendon. I remembered everything this morning, the person who ran the orphanage always told me that my name was changed to protect me from media which would make sense since Brendon is famous, my guitar is the exact same as the one Brendon used last night, Patrick is always going on about how I can hit high notes like Brendon and low notes like him and it all click after I got a tweet saying that I looked so much like him and I have no idea what to do." I was crying by the time I finished what I was saying so Andy pulled me into a hug. "Well who do you want to live with, it might sound stupid but who do you trust more?"
"Patrick I trust Patrick so much more,I've already told him about everything basically but what if Brendon finds out I picked Patrick over him? "I have no idea but we will need to tell Patrick this at least and just say you want to stay with him, I'm sure Patrick wouldn't mind you staying with Brendon now and then but if you don't want to its your choice, you kind of have to figure it out I'll help you out though." I stood up to walk off the bus and tell trick when Andy stopped me "do you want me to come with you in case?" I shook my head "no I think I'll be fine if something happens I'll probably end up needing to sleep here" "that's fine text me and tell me how you got on." "I will."
Let's go and tell trick the news great.

Patrick's POV

I woke up when I heard someone step onto our bus I slowly got out of the bunk area using my crutches. I went into the lounge area and saw William sitting crying. "Hey William what's up?" He looked up at me before saying anything. "I found out who my real dad is" my face fell he's wanting to move out isn't he?, he's going to leave us on tour with no guitarist, I'm not going to have someone that I can look after well there's Pete but he can look after himself I hope. "William who's your dad." I then sat beside him. "It's a long story it all started from a tweet I got this morning"  (I'm going to skip the story cuz it's just what he told Andy.)  "and so who's your dad exactly" he glanced at me. "Dad don't kill him I'm still staying with you I don't think I could ever leave you but my dad is b-Brendon " everything suddenly made sense. "William who have you told?" Only Andy I wanted to talk to someone as soon as I found out and I didn't know what to do since you and Pete were asleep" this is so confusing "so your not want to go with Brendon? I wouldn't mind at all you can go onto his bus if you want I would seriously understand." He looked at me like I was stupid "no I don't want to go away from you I've told you everything and I want to stay with you" I smiled and hugged him "are you going to tell him William?" He shook his head "no I'm just going to leave it maybe he won't figure it out but that's why I went to Joe and Andys bus earlier Joe was asleep so only you and Andy know but please don't tell Brendon I want to stay with you for now plus you've adopted me you'll have to go through a bit of paperwork to get rid of me" at least he was making a kind of joke about this but I'm not aloud to tell Pete about this.

Williams POV

It's about 2pm and I'm eating a sandwich. I went onto my phone and decided to text Andy.
You haven't told anyone have you?
I really don't want to leave Patrick yeah I like Brendon and all but I've been left for all of these years so I don't want to hear some rubbish excuses for why he hasn't came back for me.
No I'll  let you tell everyone.
Thanks, I've told trick already.
That's good I'll talk to you at the show.
Ok bye
Bye William.

I put my phone down just when Pete was coming out of the bunk area "Pete what time do you call this?" He glanced at me "wake up time, it's stumps fault I'm awake he woke me up telling me to get ready for the show" I laughed at him "Pete you know it's only 2 o'clock we've got 3 hours before we get to the arena." I heard him mumble something about stumps going to get it and I just decided to not listen so I plugged in my ear phones and ignored the world til the bus stopped at the arena.

Word count 1336
My instagram @ kayden_kingston_stump_
My tumblr @ kikiftz

Adopted by Patrick Stump/peterickWhere stories live. Discover now