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A/N sorry I haven't been updating but I have no idea what to do I'm trying to think of how I can make this interesting and actually worth reading.

Patrick's POV
I woke up beside Pete in the main double bed but I couldn't do much because my two casts I've got, which reminds me I've got to get them changed this week along with William. I decide to go on my phone and answer a few questions on Twitter most of them being random questions about favourite colour, favourite food and other ones along that lines but then I got a message from Brendon
B-I'm kidnapping your child to go and pick up some breakfast and I need to get something else.
P-ok, what is this "something else" you need to pick up?
There's nothing as far as I know that any of us need for the rest of this tour, then again it's early and I don't think straight in the mornings.
B-it's something for William, you'll see when we get back.
I didn't bother messaging back because really there isn't much else I could say and by this point Pete was waking up. "Morning tricky" he said  in his rough morning voice. "You too Pete, me and William need to go to the doctors later to get our casts changed" he nodded his head as I got out of bed to phone the doctors.

Williams POV

"So William, I decided that I was going to take you and get a new guitar for the shows and then go shopping for more for stuff that we need on the bus. That sound alright" I nodded my head. I didn't really want to say no but I have had this weird feeling in my head all day I have no idea what it is it seems to feel like I've forgotten something... I've got my phone I can see the lump in my right pocket, I've got my earphones in my hoodie pocket, and I've got my wallet in my left pocket. But something still seems off...

AT THE GUITAR SHOP (still Williams POV)

I was looking around the place for a guitar when I saw the exact same one as my dads (patrick) but it was a blue body and had two red stripes instead of being white and silver or silver and black. "Hey William Patrick is asking if your ok, he said your not answering your phone" I looked at Him like he was an idiot fair enough he kind of is already one but still. "No it's right here" I started to get my phone out of my pocket which was difficult because I was wearing skinny jeans and the phone was in my right hand pocket and my right arm was still broken, as I was talking "see its here" I said pulling what I thought was my phone out of my pocket.... Turns out it was a deck of fricking cards!....  (Idk if anyone will even get this TBH) I don't even know how that is possible since I don't know how to play cards or anything. Brendon walked away laughing still on the phone to Patrick I then figured out what the missing thing was. It was a few minutes later while I was testing out the blue and red guitar that Brendon ran past trying to hide behind me while pointing at something but since I'm basically the same height as Patrick it didn't work effectively. "Bren what are you even doing?" I asked him not even looking at him or where he was pointing so he whispered in my ear, "I tweeted a moment ago forgetting that my location thingy was turned on. Turns out we've got a lot more fans than I thought" I then realised what he was trying to say, basically if he doesn't hide he's going to go deaf by how many people there is. "Here give me that guitar we are leaving" he took the guitar from around my neck/shoulder and went to pay for it.
Brendon asked the manager of the guitar shop if we could leave out a back door so we didn't get mauled to death by lots and I mean lots of teenagers. While we were leaving I realised Brendon was on the phone with someone again. That just annoyed me more as to how I forget my phone. I bet it was Pete I bet he was trying to prank me or something stupid like that. I heard Brendon say 'yeah he's right here' then I got a phone shoved in my face "it's Patrick" he told me.
W-"Hey dad what's up?" (Obviously that's William😑)
P-" we've both got doctors appointments just after the show tonight at an 24 hour A&E me and the others are coming to pick up you and Brendon up by the way"
W-"alright...., is that all"
P- "yeah I think so so I guess I'll be going b..."
W-"sorry but I just had an idea what if we did a competition between us both, I have no idea what we would do, but the winner gets a doctor who related cast and the other get a pink hello kitty cast.... You know just for a laugh?"

Patrick's POV

Honestly this competition wasn't such a bad idea but the problem is I've got to get two casts Williams only getting one so if I loose I'll have to get two pink hello kitty casts...
P-"alright what will the competition be though...?"
I have no idea what kind of competition this will end up being but hey if it's for fun and it's making someone happy I'll be down to do it...
W-"How about who ever, gets the funniest reaction to taking a fans phone off of them and taking selfies"
He laughs, I mean what's the worst that can happen?, a fan lashes out and goes mental....
P-"alright I'll do it, bye William"
Well let's see how tonight goes.....

Word count-1031

Adopted by Patrick Stump/peterickWhere stories live. Discover now