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Williams POV
I had just walked into Patrick's house and it was huge, I don't know why he need a huge house but it looked pretty cool from the front door I could see the kitchen, a staircase, a basement, a living room and a room with a sign on it saying REC so I'm guessing that's the recording room. " right well Pete will be here soon, for now I'll show you to your room and I'll call the other guys and find out what time they are coming round. Ok?" I don't really know why he's being kind to me he gonna hate me when I tell him that I'm gay, I'm depressed and he'll hate me even more when I tell him I self harm. "Emm yeah ok" I really didn't know what to say, I didn't want to go clothes shopping to be completely honest because that means I'm going to have to try on t-shirts and trying on t-shirts won't cover my scars. Why did I agree to this. At least I'll get to meet the rest of fob. Patrick led me up to my room it looked really cool it had 2 black walls and 2 light blue with light blue curtains, a bed side table on each side of the bed and it had a TV,laptop,ps4 and a black and blue electric guitar on the wall above the double bed. I loved the room already I don't think the ps4 or laptop will stay in here because they are probably Patrick's. He was away to leave the room when I stopped him, "so since I'm staying with you what do you want me to call you?" I hope I haven't offended him in anyway but he just looked at me thinking "what ever you want I'll leave it up to your imagination" I smirked at him it probably wasn't the best idea to let me choose so I'm going to let him have the name I want him to have

Patrick's POV
I saw William smirk when I told him to call me what he wants, I don't want him to think I'm trying to replace his real dad or anything I wouldn't mind if he called me dad or anything but his smirk said otherwise "pattycakes?" Remind me again why I left this up to him? "No" "pat?"  "No"  "Patty?" I can't Believe I said I'd let him choose my name "no"   I don't get how he still had other names. "Grumpy-stumpy?" "Ok maybe I won't leave it up to you you have these options to call me"- "trick, dad,Patrick maybe tricky I don't let anyone else call me that but I'll make an exception for you and lastly stump, I get called stump by Pete and I've kind of like it now I have no idea why though"  he looked like he was thinking until he said "I'll think about it" he then just walked into his room and carried on unpacking.

Williams POV
I will admit I never thought it would be that hard to unpack with one hand, it is fricking difficult. After a while I gave up and just went down stairs I saw Patrick sitting on the sofa I decided to step out of my comfort zone and just talk to him "trick when will the guys be here?" He jumped a little and turned round to face me he smiled and answered my question "any minute really, you done unpacking?" "No I can't do it I will do it once I'm used to having one arm" I replied "that's a fair point, hey your not unhappy here right is there anything bothering you or anything you haven't told me?" It was so tempting to say that I'm gay and that I'm depressed but I think I'll wait a bit before I tell him that part of my life or maybe I'll tell him tonight? Yes that's what I'll do when I'm going to bed I'm going to get trick to sit with me and I'll explain everything and I'll give him my blades so I can't hurt myself anymore. " I'll talk to you tonight trick I don't want to ruin anything"

Patrick's POV
What does he think he'll ruin? I have no idea he's still standing at the end of the sofa so I got up and walked over to him careful not to touch his broken arm I hugged him it's a good thing he's only 5' other wise I think this would be a lot more difficult "William you can talk to me about anything, you know that don't you? I won't put you back no matter what happens even if the rest of the band don't like you which i doubt will happen I would keep you .... Ok?" "Yeah I know but...." Then someone knocked at the door. "William go up to your room and when I shout you down you come down alright?" He just nodded and walked off.
I opened the door and the three lunatics I'm in a band with was standing there. Over them saying hi I heard Pete shouting at me. "PATRICK WHY THE HELL WERE YOU IN A&E?!?!" "I'll show you"... "WILLIAM COME HERE PLEASE?" The guys looked at me like I was insane for shouting on someone when I apparently live alone. William came down the stairs and I got him to stand in front of me to introduce him. "Guys this is William he is 14 and he likes our type of music I adopted him today and well yeah his kind of shy, so he emm lives with me now" they just stared at me like I was from a different planet, Pete was the first to talk to him "I'm Pete I am the coolest of us four and I love pizza, talking about pizza I'm away to order some for the special occasion" Andy was next " I'm Andy and if you ever need someone to be serious with your better coming to me, and I'm going to go and make sure Pete doesn't order the whole pizza place." I laughed a bit at that because that's the sort of thing Pete would do and lastly Joe introduced his self "I'm Joe the crazy/lazy one and the funny one and I'm just going to sit on Patrick's sofa until the pizza gets here.
Pete then came into the room and saw Williams arm and that's when it all clicked in his head "ohhhhh the kids armmmmm that's why you were in a&e wasn't it? By the way, trick what have you done to the poor kid he hasn't been here over 24 hours and he's got a broken arm? What have you done?" I felt like he was being serious but come on, Pete wentz serious that's funny. "He got pushed down stairs at the orphanage Pete and that's when I met him then I adopted him." "Oh" I could tell he was speechless, now there's this slight problem I've only got one sofa and it's only got 4 spaces so either someone's gonna have to sit on the floor or someone's going to have to stand. "Hey emm guys who's gonna sit on the floor because I don't exactly have another sofa?" all four of us run and get a seat and William is left standing he just walks over and lies across Us his head on my lap and his feet in joes lap.
Just then someone knocks on the door and Pete bounces up and runs to it shouting something about pizza, obviously Pete forgot that William was on his lap cause he was now rolling across the floor whimpering. And I already know why, "PETE WENTZ GET YOUR ASS BACK IN HERE AND HELP THE KID THAT YOU JUST PUSHED OFF OF THE SOFA" he came through a few minutes later with 2 boxes of pizza away to open one when I took them off of him "Pete you've hurt William, if I have to treat you like a flipping kid I will" I warned he instantly started apologising "Oh my god William I'm so sorry I forgot that If I got up you'd fall" William didn't react he just stayed staring at the roof. "Tricky I think I've killed the child..." Pete started feeling bad. I picked William up and put him on the sofa he then snapped out of his thoughts, he had tears going down his face. Petes apology obviously wasn't enough "Hey William you ok?" He shook his head. And I started to get worried.

Williams POV
Once Pete jumped up and I landed on my arm I started thinking what if that was on purpose? What if he thought I was stealing his best friend from him and wanted to hurt me? What if all he's going to do is hurt me? Then came the voice again..
Your annoying of course he wanted to hurt you,
Your really going to eat pizza? Your already to fat
Once you realise that this isn't going to last you'll regret not listening to me
Oh and don't forget if you eat pizza you'll just get fatter...
That really upset me once I was snapped out of my thoughts Patrick was asking if I was ok, I just shook my head.
He took me into the kitchen and asked what was wrong so I told him, " trick I'm fat I can't eat pizza I'll get fatter I can't stand the thought of getting fatter you guys would hate me even more" I was properly crying by now, trick just stood there shocked at what I just said.

Word count -1656
My instagram- @/kayden_kingston_stump_
Idk why these chapters are so long but still here's another one

Adopted by Patrick Stump/peterickWhere stories live. Discover now