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Williams POV

we had all gotten our ear piece things from the tech crew and we were going onto the stage in about an hourish? as soon as We are done the first song I'm going to grab someone's phone take a selfie with Pete, Joe, Andy and dad (because I didn't want to make the fan upset by forgetting someone) and take a lot of me and hand the phone back. I was handed my new guitar and straight away I passed it to dad for him to tune it, because I noticed now and then they will play a song where they need to untune the guitar and I can't do that. He made a weird comment about it looking like his Guitar apart from the colour scheme but smirked at the fact it was still a stump-o-matic.

Patrick's POV

I don't know what I'm going to do about this selfie thing because I can't run or anything. I think I'll be sitting at the front of the stage, and ask Marcus to take some random persons phone. Wait I know what I'll do, I pulled out my phone to text Brendon.
P-hey Brendon, when I get a fans phone can you and your band be waiting at the side of the stage so that we can take a selfie (it's a bet I made with William)
B-what's in it for me...
Of course he'd try and get me to bribe him
P-you can take William the next two days?
I wasn't sure if it was wise telling Brendon he could look after a child or not but oh well we'll see how it goes.

~~~time lapse~~~ (still Patrick's POV)
I slowly made my way to the front of the stage and asked Marcus to take some random persons phone. He went along the the far right of the stage where a group of boys that were at least 18 were standing with a young looking girl. He asked for the girls phone and handed it to me. I kept a hold of the phone for the first song and out of the corner of my eye I saw William carefully lay his guitar on the stage and run and jump off of the stage I quickly pulled out my phone and texted brendon.
P~Bren come here now!
B~on stage now.:)

Him and the rest of his band sat around me while I took about 20 selfies and I looked at Pete who had just taken a selfie with William and gave him a look basically saying 'help me win' I shouted in the mic "Pete catch the god damn phone" and threw the phone to him. luckily he did catch it and it didn't break. William had just taken a selfie with Joe and was running towards Andy. Pete started running around the stage taking random pictures of him, other people, guitars, andy's drums and what ever else he now William had just taken a selfie with me. while Pete was heading over to the fan to give her phone back, Andy was looking more confused than I've ever seen him and Joe had his 'whatever' face not giving a single damn. I then got my mic taken off of me I looked at whoever took it and it was Brendon... And of course he started to sing dance dance Joe, Andy and Pete started playing and after a bit so did William after giving the kids phone he took back.
One minute Brendon's bouncing about the stage and the next he's running away from a security man. I don't even know why he was getting chased but the guy kept shouting that his time on stage had passed so while I was sitting basically not breathing because of how much I was laughing everyone else was kind of doing what ever they wanted, eventually Brendon got taken off stage by force of course and we continued our set list.
After the concert I told William he would be staying with Brendon for a couple of days which he was fine with and I went to Mine and Petes bus. Pete wasn't here yet but he's probably talking to Joe and Andy so I just sat in the lounge bit on the bus and then I remembered... Me and William need to get our casts changed. I went round to Brendon's bus and got William then went back to my bus and Pete was there so we started making our way to the hospital to get our casts changed.

Word count~772
I am sorry I haven't been able to update this story much I have been trying to write when I can, I hurt my wrist a few weeks/ 1 month ago as well so I would of been putting chapters up if I didn't hurt my wrist.

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