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Williams POV

I Was at the other side of the road and I went to ask dad something but I couldn't see him, I turned around and he was lying down on the middle of the road lucky right now there are no cars that I can see. Now normal people would pull out there phones and call someone, I can't because when I fell down the stairs my phone screen broke completely so I can't even use it at all and I'm scared to ask for a new phone so I couldn't do that. I had to go into my dads pocket and take find his phone. I found it but slight problem it's now needing a passcode. I can't leave him in the middle of the road even though the building is right across the road I looked up at a window that was open and shouted "PETE ! PETE I NEED YOUR HELP HURRY UP" once I finished shouting I watched for a second then a confused Brendon looks out "William what the hell did you do" "Brendon I've done nothing" he looked at me like I was stupid "you must of done something dumb-ass what have you done?" great just what I need someone to blame me and make me feel self conscious about myself. "Brendon help please he's passed out I don't know what to do" next thing I know is Petes flying out of the meeting building picking  up dad then I start panicking, Brendon obviously hates me considering he thought I did something to dad I don't even deserve to call him dad so I'm not going to anymore. Pete will hate me for not helping him across the road then everyone will hate. me all of these thought clouded my mind and I didn't know what to do so I did what I did best, I ran. I ran home it was about 6 miles but I ran all the way well I did stop because I couldn't breathe at one point but That was probably my asthma playing up so I kept going.
I got to the house but I still didn't feel better. release calm down I used to cut to release all of my emotions. Why did I give my blades to Patrick I went upstairs into the bathroom and looked in the cupboard under the sink. There I saw my little black box I opened it and sure enough there were all of my blades. I took them to my room and laid them all out on my desk just staring at them. If I used one I know it would kill Pete and Patrick. Then I realised I still had Patrick's phone in my pocket and it had started ringing. It was Pete, I thought about leaving it but I decided to answer it. "William where are you?!"
"Home" keep my answers simple maybe it won't give away that I've been crying a lot.
"Wait you ran all the way home?"
"Yeah it's not that difficult only 6 miles or so"
"Anyway Patrick's awake and is worrying over you your ok aren't you?"
"Sort of cam I speak to trick?
"Y-you didn't c-call him dad?"
"No I don't deserve to just hurry up please"
I heard him whisper something to Patrick something like 'I think somethings happened go easy on him.'
"Hey William Pete said you wanted to talk to me?" I'm glad he sounds alright I couldn't bare to think of Pete telling Patrick he couldn't go on tour.
"I'm so close trick."
"Wait what? What are you on about William?"
"My blades I found them I'm so tempted but I don't want to Patrick. I really don't want to do it but something is telling me I have no other choice."
"W-William you have every other choice just d-don't turn to that 2 days and we have to be on tour you don't want to have to wear bandages on your wrists because what if fans see and ask?"
"I really don't know anymore Patrick". 
Them I hung up and lied on my bed i rolled up my sleeves looking at my old scars deciding to not add to the collection. I looked over at my clock, it was 5pm. I ended up staring at the roof for a while til I fell asleep.

Patrick's POV

"Pete we need to get back to the house" "why we need to give William space he's 14 he could be doing his own thing at home in his room and-" "PETE HE SAID HES TEMPTED TO BACK TO OLD HABITS!!" That got his attention. "Right do we need anymore tour meetings because we've only got another 2 days before this tour starts and we already got the set lists down and everything" I looked at everyone else they seemed to agree "if anything changes or if anything happens I'll contact you" I got my crutches and started heading out Pete following behind. He helped me into the car and got in himself and then He asked me about what I said "babe what were you talking about because if it's wha-"  "Pete he was thinking of cutting again I told him he shouldn't I didn't tell him not to but I said something about imagine having to explain to fans why your wrists are bandaged up and he said he didn't know anymore and t-then he called me Patrick" I was properly crying by now he hasn't called me Patrick in ages. "Oh yeah he said something about not deserving to call you dad anymore. I think your going to have to spend time with him." What's made him think he doesn't deserve to call me dad? "Yeah I'm going to take him to see a movie and then get something to eat tomorrow I was going to say with out you but I won't be able to handle fans or anything when I'm like this also if the same thing happens again what if William panics and runs off and leaves me?" I was properly crying by now would William leave me in the middle of the road to die? "Hey Petey you still remembering about the word Tardis?" I heard him mumble something about a fucking Tardis or something then I think he remembered. "Oh Tardis the word for on stage? Yeah of
course I'm remembering about that why wouldn't I?" I just laughed at him and asked him to carry me in the house.
I hopped up the stairs and saw William sleeping on his bed I saw that his left sleeve was  rolled up and started panicking. I went closer and looked at both of his wrists and there was nothing there. Thanks god he managed to stay strong after I spoke to him, I looked across at his desk and saw all of his blades laid out. "Pete come here" I have no idea where he was so I hoping he would hear me. He came in a few seconds after me calling his name. "Pete can you pick up all of his blades, this time we need to get rid of them.
We were sitting on the sofa me sitting on Petes lap doing a q&a on Twitter when I got asked this really good question,
@/Patrickstump If you ever broke your arm do you think it would be caused by Pete?"
I laughed at that and showed Pete "well are you going to answer that question?" "Of course I am"
@/somerandomperson yes, I think it would be all Petes fault.
I stopped after that question and asked Pete to carry me up to bed. I got into my ninja pj trousers and a plain black t-shirt. I got into bed and fell asleep.

Word count 1309
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I need other panic people to put a chapter that's not far from here.

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