Chapter 5

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Patrick's POV

Wait, William was bullied for being gay? Some people are really stupid. What's wrong with that its like billing someone because they don't like the same to show as you. If I was confident enough I would of said "yeah William I'm gay to" but emmm no that is not happening because Pete is here and I really don't want to tell him I like, like him yet.
Pete speaks up before I do though "William that's ok there's nothing wrong with being gay if people are low enough to bully you because you like boys that's pretty stupid" he had a point. William nodded his head and I didn't realise this but he isn't crying anymore. "Dad can you please get rid of the things in the little box, I don't want to fall back into bad habits plus I don't really think I'll need them now since I've got you. I was so proud of him I started crying again and pulled him into another hug "of course I'll get rid of them, William I haven't known you 24 hours and you already trust me this much? I'm really proud of you". I heard a muffled thanks from William and it was then that I realised he was starting to fall asleep. "Hey buddy you want to go to sleep? "No" what, why would he not want to go to sleep when he's almost falling asleep on me?. "Why not bud?" "I always get nightmares" great how am I met to help him wait I've got an idea. "What if I make a big bed on your floor and Pete and I sleep there? Would that be better?" I was looking at Pete and he was nodding so I'm guessing he ok with it. "Ok but what if I do have a nightmare still" " then we are right here for you to wake us up ok?" He starts nodding and lies down I get Pete to help with stuff and he stops me half way down the hall way and hugs me "Patrick I know it's going to be hard but you and William can get through this ok? Don't give up keep at it and tomorrow we will through away the box yeah?" "Ok" we got all of the bedding and went back through to Williams room he tried to smile at us but I could tell it was forced "William if you want you could sleep down here" but he managed to answer straight away like he'd been thinking about this for a while "no I'd rather not wake up with a sore back" Pete laughed at him and I just lied down and said night to them both "night people" "night dad" I didn't hear Pete say anything that did upset me a little.
After a while of thinking about random things, (mostly Pete) I was slowly falling asleep when I heard someone lightly laughing and I knew why as soon as I felt the weight of Pete fucking wentz on top of my arm and I heard a big crack/pop noise. Tears started going down my face. PETE NO, "PETE PLEASE GET OFF YOU'VE HURT MY ARM" Pete got off of my arm and put the light on. "YOU FUCKING ASS HAT YOU JUST BROKE MY ARM!!!" He was still smirking but then I thought of something. "Pete, we've got a tour in a week how the hell will I play guitar if my arms broken you idiot?"

Willaims POV

I was lying in bed a few minutes after dad said night, I didn't hear Pete say anything though. I found out why when it had been a few minutes I felt someone stand on my bed I looked up hoping it was either Pete or dad and it wasnt dad. I saw him hold his finger up to his mouth telling me to be quiet, he counted to three and jumped down all I heard was a big pop noise. Then I heard dad screaming at Pete. After a few minutes him shouting at Pete I heard him say something about tour and how will he play guitar. I was going to say that I sing and play guitar but what if they think I'm just trying to show off? So I stayed quiet. "Pete you will drive me to A&E right now, William you coming with?" Oh great either stay at home and get eaten by demons or be safe with someone I trust. "I'll come with you" I got out off bed and put on some black jack wills joggers and a red Nike hoodie but I could only put one arm through the sleeves because of my broken arm.
I went down stairs to Dad trying to get something out of the freezer. "Dad do you want a bit of help?" He looked at me then looked down shamefully and nodded his head. "It's not bad to ask for help sometimes". I looked at his arm it was going purple, "emmm Pete?! You might want to hurry up I don't think dads arm is looking too good it definitely looks worse then my arm did earlier" I shouted to where ever Pete was. "What do you mean Will- Holt shit, Patrick why didn't you tell me it was going purple I would of gotten ready quicker." "I didn't want to bother you" he replied with. We then got In The car and drove to A&E and let me tell you driving to A&E at 4am ain't fun.

My arm is flipping killing me, I am really tired, William told me he used to self harm, Williams already broken his arm and now I've broken my arm, and I won't be able to play guitar for our tour? What could make this day any worse?
We got to A&E and surprisingly William was still awake we walked in, i filled in some paper work. A while later a doctor came through it was the same doctor that helped William "Mr Stump" some drunk people laughed at my surname. I walk behind him and we go into a room and he asked questions. "First thing, didn't I help your son earlier? William was it?" He asked. He must of seen him or recognised me "yeah I was here earlier" So what's wrong?" "I think I've broken my arm" I wonder how I'm going to explain how it happened. "Ok so how did this happen exactly?" "Me and my friend Pete were supposed to be sleeping on the floor of my sons room tonight and I was almost asleep when Pete jumped on to me landing on my arm, we heard a pop or more of a cracking noise and now I can't move it". Wow that sounds a lot more hectic than it was.

Word count 1080
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