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**quick not I've gotten 205 reads thank you all soo much**

Williams POV

Trick and Pete have just dropped me off at Andys and he's looking at my arm, my broken arm. He then walks off I have no idea where he's gone but a few minutes later he comes back with a white sharpie (idek if those exist but still). "William what do you want to put on the tv?" Why is he asking me I have no idea. "Emm Star Wars?" He face lights up a lot as soon as I said that. "Me and you are going to get on just fine with each other on tour" and we sat down watching Star Wars while he sat and wrote heaps of Star Wars and doctor who references on my cast with the white sharpie.
After a few episodes Pete and trick came into the house. "William on tour you don't have to talk to Brendon you won't even have to listen to him if you don't want to just stick about with me or Pete and you'll be fine."
Andy sat and spoke to trick and Pete for a while. By the time we were leaving it was 9 o'clock and tomorrow is my last day before tour so I'll have to pack tomorrow.

Patrick's POV

Brendon really annoyed me I don't think William is going to talk to him anytime soon. I just hope it doesn't affect him on stage.
We had gotten home me and William were changing while Pete was changed and was putting a movie on. I was at the top of the stairs and my crutches were at the bottom, there was a slight problem "Pete, Petey? PANDA come here and get me down the stairs please." He walked up the stairs and picked me up he took me down the stairs and sat me on top of him so I just leaned against his chest and checked Twitter on my phone. Something then dawned on me "hey guys no one really knows I've adopted William yet what if the media and other people think we've just got a new member of the band?."  Pete was the first to answer me. "How about at the end of every show I'll say that Williams your adopted child and is just helping us out for now would that work?." William was nodding along with what he was saying.  "Trick I'm tired I'm going to go to bed" William told me "ok do you need me or Pete to do anything?" I asked just to make sure he was ok. "No I'm alright I'll talk to you tomorrow" he came across and hugged me and whispered something in my ear "I'm sorry I've stopped calling you dad it just doesn't feel right since what happened yesterday as soon as I'm used to it again I'll call you dad again" he then left and ran up the stairs so it was just me and Pete left on the sofa. "Pete do you think William is going to do alright on stage?" He was quiet for a minute, "I think he will do really well but don't have him singing for the first week or so since i just found out that he has serious asthma." I nodded my head, "Pete can you move in here? So I'm not always alone with William please?". He looked into my eyes , "Patrick Stump, I'd love to and he pushed me off of his lap and straddled my waist. "So we know William and Andy get along really well, but what about Joe and William?" I asked "they were getting on great at the first tour meeting he went to. He then Leaned down and kissed me quickly and got off of me. "Your such a tease you dick" I called after him. "Hey Pete help me to bed." Once again he picked me up and took me to my bed he was about to leave but I still wanted to ask him something. "Pete, can you sleep here tonight?, so I'm not lonely?" He smirked at me "what if I hurt your arm or foot?" "Then you'll get a slap otherwise your just keeping me company." I answered back he agreed after a while.
I fell asleep that night with my arms around Pete and his arms around me.

  Williams POV

I woke up at 8 o'clock and decided to start packing. The tour lasts 5 months so I need a lot of my stuff.
I plugged my ear phones into my phone and put on some music that I downloaded at Andys, the first song that came on was victorious by Panic! But I really didn't want to hear Brendon's voice right now so I skipped it. And dance, dance came on. So I started packing.
7 pairs of joggers.
5 pairs of black skinny jeans
About 20 pairs of socks that I didn't even know I had, bloody sock goblins.
About 20 pairs of underwear
2 pairs of shorts.
15 t-shirts.
By now I have used a suitcase and a backpack and I still had some stuff to pack. So I got another suite case and started filling that.
My toothbrush and toothpaste.
Hair gel
A few books
Shower gel
And headphones.
I think that's all I need I will pack chargers in the morning once I've fully charged everything and my iPad. I hope that's everything. I don't really know what The guys have got to do today but I have a feeling that I'm going to have to help Patrick packing since he can't do much.
A few minutes later Pete came down "hey William if Patrick wakes up before I'm back help him pack for tour alright?" "Alright but wear are you going?" He was in the middle of putting on his trainers. "I need to go to my house and pack for tour as soon as I'm done I'm going to go to the shop and grab a few things to eat and all of that think you'll be ok?" I looked at him like he was from a different planet. "I think I'll be alright if not I'll call you" and with out saying another word he left.

Word count 1049
Follow my instagram @ kayden_kingston_stump_
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