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Williams POV

I woke up to some alarm going off at 4am I had no idea why until it hit me, we are going on tour! I found the source of the noise it was Petes phone. I decided to wake up trick and he can do the honours of waking up Pete because I really don't want to get punched in the face like trick did the other day. "Trick, trick we need to get ready to go." He still didn't move. "TRICK! Get up or we will be late" he woke up that time. "What, wait what's the time?" "It's only 10 past 4 but have fun getting Pete up" I then ran up the stairs and got guessed in a pair of black joggers because they are the easiest thing to put on with a broken arm, a baggy black t-shirt, a pair of ninja turtle socks, a blue Nike hoodie and a pair of red Nike trainers. I got my iPad and, phone and ear phones all of the Chargers and put them all in a rucksack.

Patrick's POV

Wow how generous of William to let me wake Pete up. I have no idea how I'm going to wake him up, last time I woke him up he punched me in the face in his sleep, well I kind of have to wake him up we have 30 minutes before the bus driver arrives here. "Pete, Pete get up we have to get ready for tour" I wasn't expecting this but he leaped into the air of about a foot and started shouting about tour. I thought this guy was a heavy sleeper, obviously not. "Pete go and get dressed so we can go" I'm really starting to get annoyed with Pete "why should I get dressed when I'm just going to go  back to sleep on the bus?" "Fine don't get dressed, I really don't care just get everything onto the bus with William"

We were on the bus I was sitting on the sofa getting bored,we've been on the bus for 4 hours and there's still about 3 to go. William and me were awake where as Pete was a whole different story. All I've been doing is a Q&A on Twitter for the past two hours and answering questions and I am getting extremely bored of this. "William you know when I say Tardis on stage if Pete isn't helping me can you help out til he catches on?. Tardis is out code word for I'm going to fall over because I've decided to just take a shot at singing hopping about but I have no idea how that will end for me."  "Yeah I can try to help also can you keep a hold of this" he handed me an inhaler "I get bad asthma attacks in front of people I know what I'm doing so I should be fine but you know, it's just in case something happens" I hopped over to the sofa he was sitting on "of course I'll look after it so how you feeling about Brendon coming on stage to sing 20 dollar nose bleed?" He looked terrified just telling him that, "as long as he stays away from me I think I'll be alright".
We carried on talking until Pete got up at 12 we should be stopping any minute now at the arena where we are playing I have no idea where we are but it doesn't really matter.

We got to the arena panic! Was already there we got out of our bus me getting a piggy back from Pete. We turned around to see Andy and joes bus pulling up along side our bus. We all said hi to each other and went into the dressing with Fall Out Boy written on the door. Panic! Came in not too long after me and Brendon still aren't on good terms but it can wait till after the show. I still took Brendon a side to warn him about William "Bren Williams still not keen on the idea of being around you, I still don't forgive you but I'm going to drop it for the fans and that's the only reason don't bother talking to William or anything because I don't know how he will react" once I Finished I walked away waking William with me to go and start sound check.

~time skip~
We had done sound check a while ago. We were away to go on stage just after we all high five including William we told Pete to go out first to tell the crowd why I'm not playing guitar so he went out and started his speech. "Hey everyone it's great to see so much of our fans but here's a quick summary of what's happened, the past few days I've been pranking Patrick most of the time they started out funny but they haven't ended well the first one was we were ment to be sleeping on Williams floor, you'll find out who he is soon so anyway I stood on Williams bed to jump onto Patrick I jumped onto him but landed on his arm and I broke his left arm so he can't play guitar and that's why William will be helping us out. william has broken his right arm but is still able to strum a guitar, second time I pranked him. He was getting out of the shower when I turned the lights off, he then slipped and kept shouting that he couldn't get up and all of that and turns out that his foot is broken so he's on crutches." Great start to a show trying to explain why I'm not going to be playing I looked over at William, his guitar, with my strap on it because his one wasn't strong enough for bouncing about on stage. "The doctors told him he's not aloud to come on tour but he told them to fuck off and that he would go on tour no matter what so yeah by the way William is Patrick's adopted kid" that made everyone quiet but eventually everyone started cheering and Andy and Joe had gone out onto the stage, everyone was waiting for me and William I held my hand out "let's go and get this done then" he high fives me and walked out. I used my crutches to get to the middle of the stage where the main mic was Pete, William and Joe all had Mics as well but my mic was one of my own ones that I liked. I grabbed my mic and sat on the front of the stage with Marcus in front of me and we started the set list.
The phonix
Uma Thurman
Sugar we're going down
After sugar we're going down I decided to hop about on stage, I gave Pete a look as if to say 'you bettered remember' and he gave me a quick nod back. I was  hopping about for the next few songs.
The kids aren't alright
This ain't a scene.
And dance,dance we were away to do 20 Dollar nose bleed. Brendon came out on stage as planned I was still jumping about on stage or trying to at least. When I saw Brendon going closer to William I was tempted to shout at Brendon but I couldn't everyone would hear me. He crouched down beside him and I saw William freeze up he was still playing but then Brendon went too far and put his hand on his shoulder, William freaked out and ran towards me. My leg is getting really sore from balancing for so long but we all carried on everyone looked confused at William as only me Pete Brendon and William really knows what's wrong I gave Brendon a look that as if to say 'what the hell did I tell you' and he listened he finished the song and got off stage there was only one more song to do but I don't know if William could handle it. I put my mic on the ground next to me and hugged him everyone in the audience cheered "hey William it's alright he won't hurt you as soon as you feel like you can talk to him tell me and we can talk to him alright" he nodded against my chest and was about to go back to his place when I stopped him "your doing great kiddo" he smiled and carried on walking to the front of the stage.
I was so annoyed with Brendon I swear if he comes near me I'm going to kill him. We finished the set list going off stage I tripped but Pete and Joe caught me. "Pete get my crutches please before I die" I stayed with William while he walked away. But Brendon went past and I jumped onto him "WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU PLAYING AT I TOLD YOU NOT TO GO NEAR HIM BECAUSE HE HASN'T FORGIVEN YOU!!" He looked generally scared and just apologised and pushed me off of him. Pete then came across. "Patrick what did you do!?" He was trying to sound annoyed but I could tell he wasn't because he was grinning. "I told Brendon off he was being a dick and so I tackled him and he just said sorry and walked away" Pete helped me up. "Come on we've  got to get ready for meet and greets trick" so we left to get ready for meet and greets.

Word count 1599
My instagram @ kayden_kingston_stump_
My tumblr @ kikiftz
I really don't know where this story's heading but do you like it so far?

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