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I know I haven't updated in ages but as I said before I've got school and I'm really confused with where this story is going because I really don't have a plan for it I'm just going to carry on until I think it's done which should be a while. Also thanks so much for 600 reads! It means a lot.

Brendon's POV
"No Brendon, I'm not" wait what's wrong with him?, he's standing staring at his phone with tears going down his face I have no idea what to do so I try to call Patrick. As normal he doesn't answer so I called Andy. After about 3 rings he picked up.
"What's up Bren?"
"Emm nothing much apart from Williams kind of zoned out he won't speak, something went off on his phone and now he won't move he's breathing and tears are going down his face that's all I know"
"Have you tried to call trick he's normally the night owl on tour I mean you woke me up"
That was a really good point Patrick never goes to bed before 11pm on tour and it's only 10.
"I did try but he didn't answer"
"Try to talk to him I guess there's not much you can do, do you know what was on his phone to make him do this?"
Why am I so stupid. How could I not of realised it must of been something on his phone to trigger him.
"I have no idea but I'm going to find out what's on his phone and try and get a hold of Patrick because I honestly think William needs him."
I walked up behind him and looked over his shoulder and read a few messages, telling him to watch out.
"Andy I think someone's targeting him, there's at least 15 messages from one person and they aren't positive at all."
He then made a quick move that seriously scared the shit out of me and threw his phone at the window. Of course it bounced off and hit me in the head. He ran and locked him self in my bathroom and I went to the faint freezer for some ice for my head. Andy was suddenly shouting on the phone.
"Bren what the heck was that!?"
"Andy I'm going to have to go he threw his phone and locked himself in my bathroom."
"Brendon is your toiletries and all of that in the bathroom?"
"Well yeah, where else am I supposed to leave them?"
"Yes he did Andy what's wrong with that?"
"Oh shit, Andy I'm going to go and try and talk to him, can you try and get a hold of Patrick and then get the buses to stop please"
"Sure just be quick"
I hung up and went to the bathroom door and knocked extremely loud. "William are you alright?" I heard him crying so I knew he hasn't passed out from an asthma attack or anything. "Brendon, I want my dad. I want trick" I felt the bus stop moving so I'm guessing Andy managed to get a hold of Patrick suddenly there was a lot of furious banging on the bus door so I went to it and saw Pete, Andy and Patrick. "He said he wants you trick I would recommend everyone stays in the lounge and Patrick go and talk to him" Patrick walked straight onto the bus and to the bathroom while the other two slowly made there way on. We sat for a few minutes before Pete broke the silence. "Bren if this was you tricks gonna kill you."

Patrick's POV

I sat outside the bathroom with my crutches beside me with my back against it the door "William I'm here if you want to unlock the door to talk to me now, no one else is here say what ever you want." I heard him unlock and open the door, pretty quickly so I had little time to react and when he opened the door I fell back and he looked down at me. "Hi dad" he said between sniffles "William what's up you don't get upset easy" he sighed and helped me up onto my crutches. He led me to the lounge area, I sat down beside Pete while William walked over to the furthest away wall and picked something up. With out any warning he threw it at me. Luckily Pete caught it, it was his phone and it was blowing up with messages all from the same person. I also realised it was all hate messages, telling him to watch out on stage tomorrow. "William is this the first time you've gotten serious hate like this?" Pete asked and he nodded his head.
"You can't exactly stop the hate people will hate on you for the smallest of things" I told him. After a while we decided to all go onto the main fall out boy bus (that being Pete, Williams and mine) but Andy and Joe decided to go to there own bus saying it's where the "adults hang out" so since they were just going to sleep there since it's about 11pm and we had sound check tomorrow at 1pm. they want me to be at the arena before 1! Are they fricking stupid? Anyway we all went onto the main bus and started to organise who is sleeping where... It didn't go as planned.
"IM SLEEPING WITH TRICK IN THE MAIN DOUBLE BED ROOM!" Pete clarified. Joe and Andy had already gone to there own bus. Leaving Brendon, Ryan, dallon and William.
After a while of discussing William ended up sleeping on the sofa, dallon in my bunk, Brendon in petes bunk and Ryan in Williams bunk and that's where we slept that night.

Word count 1001 words
Follow my instagram @ kaydan_kingston_stump_
I'm sorry I haven't been updating much but I still need someone willing to write some peterick smut? DM me on instagram if your willing to do it

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