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Williams POV

I just woke up and looking at the clock on my bed side table it seems to be 8 am. I decided to get up and watch doctor who so I went down stairs in a hoodie and joggers no t-shirt because seriously if I'm wearing a hoodie I'm fine and a pair of ninja turtle socks. I put on doctor who and half way through it I heard some movement upstairs, then I heard a loud thud as if someone had fallen over wait "PETE! PETE!" I ran into my dads room to see him lying on the ground not breathing so I ran to the guest room obviously I got lost going into 3 different rooms before the one I found Pete in. I ran over to his bed "PETE! PETE!". Come on wake up you lazy little shit "PETER LEWIS KINGSTON WENTZ THE III GET UP NOW!!!" That actually really hurt my throat to shout but it woke him up "Pete I was downstairs when I heard a noise from up here I came up to dads room now he's lying on the floor not breathing" I said in about 7 seconds (7second challenge ;) completed) but he understood and ran into his room to help him i swear I've only seen him run that fast when pizzas involved.
Petes POV

I really want to find out why Patrick keeps having these little episode things. "William run to the kitchen, on the work top is his two inhalers from earlier go get them please." If he's still thinking that I don't love him I don't know how I'm going to prove it but I'll find away I guess. "Hey, hey Patrick? Trick? Babe?" He started smiling when I called him babe "hey I need you to try and breath and calm down its 9 o'clock so you can calm down and sit on the sofa and I'll go get cereal ok and you can just talk to William, how about we tell William about us?" "What if he hates us" I don't think Patrick understands what way I'm thinking. "Patrick if he's gay he's not going to mind" "good point" William came in and gave me the inhalers and again I used the red one. "William go and sit on the sofa Patrick and I will be down in a minute" he said ok and went downstairs. "Patrick what is bothering you?" He waited a minute or two before answering but he did eventually "I had a dream, or more like a nightmare where everyone turned on me and I got kicked out of the band, William went to live with you I was left alone and I-I I overdosed and killed myself. I don't want that to happen Pete I don't want to be kicked out of the band and I don't want William to move out and I sure as hell don't want to kill myself." This was a lot to take in. "Patrick I'm more likely to get kicked out of the band than you, to replace a bassist that won't be to difficult but to replace someone's voice like yours? No one could do that" I pulled him to a hug as best as i could and carried on talking to him "also William would never move in with me I'd probably forget to feed him or something. So do you want to go down and tell William now?" I felt him nodding his head against my chest so I lifted him up like last night and shouted to William "hey William me and tricky have something to tell you!.." I sat Patrick on the sofa and sat next to him and I left Patrick finish what I started "emm William me and Pete... Are together?" The way he said it was more like he was asking me if he was right so I nodded my head. "William you might want to get a shower and dressed for the meeting this time we will not be late." I walk away from them both and get us all a bowl of cereal when I go back through William is side hugging patrick so I don't get to sit beside my tricky. I sit on the floor in front of him instead. "Pete why the hell are you sitting on the floor" I looked up to see Patrick "because William stole my space so I can't be beside you so I'll sit in front of you."  He then attempted to get up and stood at the side of the sofa for a few seconds so I sat where he was sitting before and he sat on top of me with his back against the arm rest of the sofa so I could only see the side of his face. "Patrick how are you planning on showering?" He shrugged his shoulders "i don't know I might put on shorts and a t-shirt and put a bag on each cast and you help me." William was getting up and he put his bowl in the dishwasher and Patrick shouting to him "are you going to get a shower bud!?" "Yeah I guess" well this is fun just sitting watching TV.

Patrick's POV

Tour is not going to be fun I'm going to be hoping about on stage and getting carried by Pete I decided. "Pete on stage what if I fall and then everyone will see me?" He looked deep in thought until I got an answer out of him "we should have this code word that means your about to fall and if I hear you say it I come across and help you out yeah" that's not a bad idea "yeah what will that code word be though?" I had no idea what the code word would be but I'd have to be able to shout it into the microphone as quick as possible "how about Tardis?" "YEAH I love doctor who that will be the code word but what if you forget?" I'll write it on my hand before every show alright?" "Ok" I leaned down to kiss him, his hands went straight to my hair and he chuckled when he trailed down to my neck. "Peteeeee I swear if I can't hide though marks from last night your dead." He got up and lifted me up to my room where he got my shorts and a t-shirt. He turned around while I changed. "Pete go downstairs and get me two bags out of the bag of painkillers the doctor gave me pleaseeee" with that he ran down and got them and was back upstairs within 30 seconds. We heard William shout about he's out of the shower. Great now the hell begins of Pete trying to help me shower.

Word count 1140
My instagram @ kayden_kingston_stump_
I will say this now my word counts never include this little but at the bottom that's why I do that bit first but anyway I still need help with panic people go and read the quick bit of info I put out about that.
Sorry this is kind of rubbish but I seriously can't really write.

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