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Patrick's POV

The shower was hell, Pete got shampoo in my eyes countless times I'm surprised I haven't gone blind yet. Once I was done and I was trying to get out of the shower Pete decided to try and help only making it worse, I have no idea how but I got tangled up in the shower curtain and I tripped and it came down with me and mental note to self never let Pete try to help while having a shower.
I was getting dressed in my bed room I had my black joggers on and a sock I was halfway done getting my black t-shirt on when I got my broken arm stuck and twisted and it hurt, I didn't think anything could ever hurt this much but obviously I was wrong. "Pete?!, Pete I've got my arm twisted and it hurts come here quick!". I don't know how long it takes for this guy to get up stairs but he's taking for ever. Eventually he came through the door "trick what have you done" he said in between laughter he was laughing at me but I needed help and I didn't want to bother William. "Pete I don't know how but I've managed to get my arm twisted in my top and it freaking hurts and I can't move it" I tried to explain to him. "Right trick for starters you weren't able to to move it before because it's broken and second try and take the top off and I'll help you get it on ok?" Well it seems like that's my only choice I had my top off in the middle of putting it back on I had my head through when Pete grabbed my arms and pinned them above my head against a wall and started kissing me, I started kissing back straight away. He ran his tongue along my bottom lip for entrance and I denied, so he started biting my bottom lip not enough to hurt me but it still sent chills down my spine. A few minutes and a few love bites later  we were getting ready to go I was doing some last minute checks over myself with my fedora, glasses, broken arm, broken foot and crutches. I look like something serious has happened but in all honesty it sounds stupid when people ask what's happened and I just say I was pranked by my friend and the pranks didn't end well.
We were just about to leave when Pete ran off with my crutches. "PETE IM FUCKING FED UP WITH YOU I SWEAR YOUR GOING TO GET KICKED OUT OF THIS PLACE.!" He still didn't appear "IF YOU DON'T COME BACK HERE NOW WITH MY CRUTCHES I WILL MAKE SURE WE NEVER HAVE PIZZA ON THIS TOUR!" I suddenly heard someone running down the stairs and out of nowhere Pete was stood In front of me with my crutches I took them from him and went out to the car. I waited for him to get William, I just realised I haven't really talked to William much since Pete got here. I think I'll take him to the cinema tomorrow without Pete. Pete helped me get into the car and we were off to the tour meeting.
We went into the meeting room where we found Brendon standing on the table singing along to one direction that was playing through his phone, I swear on my life I wouldn't be surprised if he was born on a leap year so technically he'd only be about a quarter of his age. He turned around and saw us "hey guys emm I don't actually like one direction it was a dare" we looked around the room and there was no one else here we just agreed so we didn't start anything before we started a tour. We were about to start the meeting once Andy came in when William turned to me and whispered "Dad I don't know if your going to want to explain to the guys how, I can already guess but you've got a big purple mark on your neck" he was smirking by the end then I looked at Pete across the table he stared back not noticing anything so I texted him
'your dead Pete'
He just looked at me like I was stupid after he read the message and I got a reply-
'Why what have I done? xx'
I found it cute that he was putting kisses at the end of the message but I was beyond annoyed right now.
'Look closely at me, at my neck maybe xx'
For the next few minutes he was staring at my neck not noticing something til I pointed at the about 3cm mark on my neck and he just smirked at me the little shit just smirked.
He didn't message back after that he just kept watching me closely after about 5 minutes I thought about something "Who wants coffee or something William and I are going to walk to Starbucks", everyone told us what they wanted but I had to do something first. "Dad why are we going to Starbucks that's not going to help at all" yeah good point but I already thought about that "we are going to run into the little shop near it and get concealer or something to cover it" he was laughing by now.  "Hey just you wait til this happens to you one day and you'll then know how embarrassing it is" we were getting nearer the little shop I gave William the money to get the concealer he came out a few minutes later with it in a little bag. "I should of taken Pete with me these crutches are really hurting my arms" I was in a weird mood today where nothing was going my way, I slipped in the shower, I got stuck in my t-shirt, Petes left a big mark on my neck where everyone can see it and now my crutches are really digging into my arms. "You do know you could text Pete am sure he'd come and help you" William told me. "Yeah but I don't want to bother him plus I'm going to have to get used to this for tour, William what are the songs of ours that you know on guitar?" We were still walking to Starbucks and I really needed to know if we had to teach him anything. "I know quite a lot of them the funny thing is I only ever learnt your parts on guitar but I know, The Phonix, Death Valley, sugar we're going down, thanks for the memories, dance dance, I don't care, the take over the break over, irresistible, american beauty/american psycho, uma Thurman, centuries, immortals, Fourth of July, my songs know what you did in the dark, young volcanoes, this ain't a scene, where did the party go and a few others." I was shocked "how long has it taken you to learn all of those?" About 3 years I think before in the orphanage I didn't have much to do so I always turned to music and yeah it led to this" 
We got out Starbucks and we were on out way back to the meeting building. I was about to cross the road when I tripped and hit my head off of the ground and I'm guessing I passed out because I can't remember anything else that happened.

Word count 1251
Follow my instagram @ kayden_kingston_stump
So this didn't really have that much of a reason for me writing but I wanted to get something done quickly and here this is. I still need help for picking panic! Characters so check out the quick bit of news I uploaded a few days ago and comment.
Thanks for reading once again I'm so happy we passed 100 reads on both of my books

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