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Patrick's POV

I just woke up its around 11 o'clock and Pete isn't anywhere to be seen there is a note left saying that he's gone home to pack for tour so I can't really blame him. I got my crutches and went down stairs slowly, I saw William watching doctor who so I sat next to him. "Hey trick, Pete told me to help you pack once your awake, you want to go and pack now?" I do t get why he's so helpful like I thought teenagers never wanted to spend time with elders or anyone but I think Williams been ignored for the past few years so he prefers the attention I think. "Well it's better to pack now rather than at 2 in the morning I guess" with that we both headed up stairs to pack my stuff. About half way through packing Pete came in. "Tricky?" "I'm In my room Pete" and he came running up the stairs and told me that he'd been out getting food for on the bus "also me and joe need to go and get the buses at about 3." "Ok well what are we having for supper? " I asked Pete "Chinese or something then it won't take long to clean up" "ok well we need to be in bed by 8 because we will be leaving at 4am to get to the first place." Pete then helped William Finish off packing my bags.

Once we were done it was 1 so we decided to just go over songs with William and do sound check sort of stuff but at home using Williams guitar. "So William we don't know how good your guitar is for sound so I don't know if this will happen but you might end up needing to use I my amazing stump-o-matic but looking over your guitar it looks like you will be ok to use that one." He looked over it for a few minutes before speaking. "Yeah it was my dads". He has never mentioned any of his family before so I really didn't know what to say but curiosity got the better of me "do you know why you were put into an orphanage, like why your dad couldn't look after you or anything?" He carried on playing a tune on his guitar. "I got put into the orphanage because my mum and dad were too young to look after me, so they had to put me in the orphanage but they changed my name and everything so that they couldn't ever adopt me if they wanted to."

~time skip to supper time~

It was about 7 o'clock when we had finished our supper so we were all getting showers and getting into our pjs me in my ninja turtles pj bottoms and a plain black t-shirt. William was wearing a pair of white joggers with a plain black t-shirt. And Pete was being Pete, a pair of shorts and no shirt. I was hopping about the house singing along to what ever William was playing on guitar just now it was centuries when I started shouting to get Pete. "Pete, panda,pete,Lewis? KINGSTON!" He came into the studio a few seconds later. "What's up trick?" I took a black sharpie from my back pocket. "Give me your hand Pete." William and Pete looked really confused a
He slowly handed me his hand. "Trick what are you doing I'm worried now" I slowly wrote Tardis on his hand. "There all done" and let go of his hand. He looked at it before discovering what my messy handwriting said. "Patrick I promise I won't let you fall on stage if you shout Tardis, or anything along the lines of 'I'm falling' then I'll help you ok? The bass isn't as important as Andy drumming, just carry on singing after you say Tardis and I'll stop ok?" I hopped across to him and hugged him "but I'm just going to ruin this for other fans." "Trick I swear you won't many fans love it when we have to stop shows to help fans so I don't think they will mind if we have to stop a show for you ok you'll be fine and remember you can always get a hand up from William if you want to stand up from sitting at the side of the stage."

It was 8 o'clock the bus is outside out bags are all by the front door everyone's phones,iPads,laptops. are all on charge. I think that's all we will need. Since we all need to be left by 4 maybe 5 we all decided to sleep downstairs to make it easier, William went up stairs to get all of his bedding and Pete went and got all of my covers. Pete coming down the stairs was a challenge since he had all of my bedding and his own I heard him shout something like fuck it and then I just saw him jump from the top step and he landed at the bottom of the stairs on his face. "I'm alright, it didn't hurt..much" "pete just hurry up we need to get to sleep otherwise we won't wake up in the morning" he looked at me and said "have fun getting me to sleep I've had a heap of coffee today" I groaned "peeteeee I told you not to have any coffee today" he smirked "well I'm just going to sit here and stare at you until I fall asleep" William was laughing at Pete by now. it was about 10 o'clock by the time Pete fell asleep I was so tired but now I can finally fall asleep. William fell aslee at about 9 ish but Pete kept poking my face and I'm so tempted to kick him out of my house but i guess it's just the excitement for going to tour tomorrow.

Word count 1000
I don't know if this chapter makes complete sense but I've decided for the panic! Characters I'm going to use-
yeah thanks for suggesting people but I don't know that much bout the panic guys so if you can, can someone DM me on instagram or on here a bit of info about dallon and Ryan. I know enough about Brendon.

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