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I Was eventually taken to get an X-Ray. It's a pretty bad break I've got to wear a cast that's up to my elbow on my left arm for nine god damn weeks. So I can forget about playing guitar on tour hopefully I don't loose my voice or I won't be able to sing. I'm going to have to find someone who can play guitar on our tour and I've only got 5 days great.

I got to pick a colour for my cast, I picked black the same as William I didn't mean to do that, I just thought black would go with most of the cloths I wear. I walked out and Pete started laughing at me. "Pete I will have you know I'm not paying for a guitarist for tour, you will be since this was caused by you" I walked over to William and saw he was smirking I didn't bother asking him why he was smirking, it was probably because of Pete laughing. We got into the car and decided to ask William if he wanted to go on tour with us. "So William I know you haven't been with us very long but if you want you can come on tour with us or I can find someone to look after you, it's your choice." He thought for a moment "I want to stay near you you make me feel safe so I'll go on tour." My eyes started watering at what he just said. He feels safe when he's around me? I guess that's a good thing but I haven't even had him a week and I basically know nothing about him.
"Ok well the tour is in 5 days or we might have to change the whole tour thanks to Pete" by the end of my sentence I was glaring at Pete, it is his fault so I'm going to annoy him about it. We got home at 6am! We've had zero sleep and people will be getting up already. "Right so we can either go and get 2 hours or so of sleep before going to the tour meeting later or we can have breakfast now and hang out before the meeting. Pete said at least he was giving us a choice but William answers first "I say the second option, get ready now and all of that and go to bed at like 9 Tonight guess?" I nodded my head and it was decided. William and I had started walking up the stairs when we heard Pete yell "IM MAKING PANCAKES MOTHER FUCKERS!?!!!" I stopped half way up the stairs. I didn't really want Pete to swear around William but he's old enough to understand not to swear right? "Pete cool it on the profanity or you'll know about it" I carried on going up "oh what's stumpy going to do? Is he going go hurt his best fwend?" He shouted back I'm board of this conversation. "yes I'm obviously going to hurt you when I have a broken arm aren't I?" I got to the top of the stairs and heard someone singing and playing guitar, I walked to Williams room and peeked into his room, he sat there playing on a guitar well he's broken hi right arm so he can still play but still I've never seen the guitar he's playing on and second I didn't even notice that he had one with him. As I listened closer I noticed he was playing the phonix. At that moment I had a really good idea so I texted Pete.
He replied a few seconds later...
Calm it stumpy why you texting we are in the same building but ok.

A few seconds after that text came through I heard someone running up the stairs, "what's up stumpy" he asked with a smirk. "I think I've found out tour guitarist" I simply said "that's great but how much will it cost because you said I would have to pay?" I was so excited hopefully we can get William playing on tour to replace me. "Pete look in Williams room" by now he was playing Death Valley. "You are saying we should let your kid play guitar for you? But what if hate gets to him? What if something happens?" Pete was sounding so worried and it made me happy that he wants to protect him. "I'll ask him plus I bet he would play for a decent amount of money not some of these people that play for way to much." I walked into Williams room and sat beside him. "Hey bud I heard you playing guitar and was wondering if ... You wanted to maybe play guitar for me on tour since I kind of can't" I held up my arm as I said the last sentence You'll get paid by pete you just have to name a price ok?" He nodded his head and said he would help us out on tour. I pulled him into a hug when we heard shouting and swears from down stairs. "FUUUUCCCKKKKK, SHIT WHAT HAVE I DONE. TRICKY, WILLIAM IVE SET THE FOOD ON FIRE HELP MEE."

Williams POV
We were running down the stairs and dad fell half way down. "DAD!" He started screaming in pain. "Emmm Pete I think he landed on his bad arm..." I ran down and helped him up, Pete was still shouting abuse at the fire. Dads arm looks alright but his head was bleeding not a lot but enough that it would soak though his top. I took a fire extinguisher and sorted out the fire and then got Pete and a first aid kit. I don't know if it was because he was away to pass out or what but he started saying a few things that I didn't hear because I was trying to find my dads room to get him a different top but Pete hears him

Petes POV
"Pete I think this is probably the best time to tell you, I-I love y-you and not In t-the best friend kind o-of way, I'm not straight, I'm gay I have liked you for ages but I've never had the courage to tell you" by the end of him speaking he was crying, I really didn't know what to, but I may as well tell him the truth...

Word count 1048

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