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Williams POV
I woke up at about 10 o'clock and decided to get a shower,I went down to get a plastic bag to put over my arm and took a shower. When I got out of the shower I put on a soul punk t-shirt and grey joggers. And waited for someone to appear down stairs. After about 2 hours Patrick came slowly down the stairs using his crutches and sat on the sofa. "William you want to go to the cinema today?, I would say without Pete but after what happened yesterday I think I'll need him with us In case we run into fans you up for it?" I thought for a moment "yeah I'll come with you guys but can I ask you something quickly?" I think he knew what it was about by the look on his face. "William you know you can talk to me and Pete about anything alright?" "Ok well"...

Patrick's POV

"Ok well yesterday when you fell I had no idea what to do, I noticed the window to the room was open so I shouted on Pete but Brendon came to the window and h-he said something like what did you do? I said I did nothing and he just carried on blaming me, he called me a dumb-ass and said I must of done something to you considering you were passed out and t-that's why I ran off, I felt like he hated me and that's why I was going to cut again" this was a lot to take in and I don't know if I can handle it "PETE, Pete come here now!" I really want to go over to Brendon and kill him right now but I can't because it will hurt me more than it would hurt him. "Trick what's up" he looked at me panicking "Pete it was Brendon's fault William was going to do that to himself" I watched his facial expressions change from sadness to anger and I feel like Brendon's going to want to stay away for a while. "I'll talk to him later ok William? Just now we are all going to go to the cinema and watch a movie then we can all go to Pizza Hut ok?" Pete was cheering at the mention of pizza and William agreed.
We were walking to the cinema when some fans came up to us and asked for pictures. "Patrick what happened to you" I could make up some bull shit excuse but I decided not to "someone (hint hint) tried to pranks me and none of the pranks ended well" I let out a nervous chuckle at the end of my sentence but they weren't out of questions "who's the boy" I would of preferred if they asked it with some politeness but they seemed like the type of people that would bully someone. Pete decided to stick up for him "this, is William stump, Patrick's adopted child." Their jaws dropped and they walked away I have no idea why but they didn't say anything else to us.
We watched the movie I think it was fast and furious 5 don't ask me Pete and William picked it. We are sitting at Pizza Hut when Pete piped up "emmm Patrick Brendon just texted me asking how you are" "great tell him to go away." Pete just looked at me smirking "Patrick we can't start up an argument just before a tour" I just sent him a death glare "fine tell him I'm doing fine and to not talk to me." Pete finally agreed with that and sent that. "William do you have a phone because you are going to need to have on for tour" Pete asked he looked kind of embarrassed "I had one, an iPhone 4 but when I was pushed down the stairs it broke and the phone won't even turn on" "ok once we are done eating we will go to the Apple Store and you can pick out a new phone."
We got our food Pete ate a whole pizza with a glass of Coke while me and William shared a pizza and also both had a glass of Coke. "Hey Patrick Brendon's texted back he's asking why he's not aloud to talk to you, what do I say now?" It didn't take me long to think of something. "Tell him we will come over in a while I don't see why he doesn't just text me I have got my phone". We finished eating and got William an iPhone 5s he said something about not liking the shape on the iPhone 6 we also got him an iPad Air 2 and a pair of headphones and a pair of earphones because seriously traveling on these tours can get boring. "William do you mind going to Andys while we go to Brendon's to sort stuff out?" Even at the mention of his name he starts to panic "yeah,cup will I have to talk to Brendon while we're on tour?" Now I'm really annoyed it's good he doesn't want to see him but what if I needed to do something and the rest of out band is busy I'm going to have to leave him with panic! But now I can't thanks to Brendon. "You might have to talk to him but if you don't want to just listen to music on your phone and he shouldn't bother you." Pete to,d him "I'm just going to call Andy."
"Hey Patrick what's up"
"Nothing much but can you look after William for a while Pete and I have to go to Brendon's"
"Yeah I can but why can't you take him with you?"
"You know yesterday when I passed out in the middle of the road?"
"Well Brendon shouted something at him and it really hurt him and now Brendon is going to die"
"Ok I'll look after him do I need to feed him or anything"
"No maybe a snack or something we've just ate at Pizza Hut, I'll see you soon."
"Yeah see you"

"Andy said he will look after you, and by the way tomorrow you've got to start packing for tour the day after."
It was about 6pm when we got to Andys and dropped William off we didn't really stay to long because we needed to get this over with so we went straight to Brendon's. Pete went up and knocked on his door. Then he answered "hey guys what's up" Pete walked in saying hi but I'm not going to forgive him that easy "the sky that's what's up" I mumbled as I walked past him. "Patrick what the fuck have I done!?" I was seriously about to jump on him but 1 I don't like to fight 2 I would hurt myself more 3 Pete grabbed a hold of me. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SHOUT AT WILLIAM LAST NIGHT BEFORE HE RAN OFF?!" He looked like he was confused for a second then it hit him "Patrick I'm sorry I said that you know I didn't mean it." Pete had let go of me and had taken a few steps away by now "you can't just say you regret it now, you have no idea what he thinks about." "FOR FUCKS SAKE IF PETE DIDN'T CALL HIM HE WOULD OF CUT HIMSELF AND THATS WHY WE HAD TO LEAVE LAST NIGHT HE STOPPED CUTTING THE DAY I ADOPTED HIM AND AFTER YOU SAID WHAT EVER IT WAS YOU SAID HE RAN OFF TO CUT HIS SELF" I probably shouldn't of told him all of that but oh well. "Patrick I never knew he was like that I just..."  "LIKE WHAT BRENDON JUST BECAUSE HE IS DEPRESSED DOESN'T MEAN HE NEEDS TREATED ANY DIFFERENT!" He looked hurt at what I was saying, good maybe it will make him think. "You know that's not what i ment plus I thought it was his fault you fell in the middle of the road and I just thought that he had done something"  "we'll have fun on tour if I forgive you I'll tell you, but the only reason Williams not here is because he is now scared of you, you should see the pure terror that crosses over his face when your names mentioned, I don't think he will ever forgive you" I said as I barged past him and went back to the car. Pete followed behind and we went to Andys to pick up William.

Word count 1430 words
I don't know I'd you realised but chapters to this book I'm trying to keep them to at least 1000 words and over and second I don't have a set schedule for updating, if I update 3 times in a day it's just because I don't have anything to do but if I don't update it's probably because my iPads been taken off of me or I've ran out of ideas but yeah I still need panic! Characters go and read my "quick bit of info" and comment on it
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And my tumblr @ kikiftz

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