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***quick note here guys, this book has 111 reads. Thank you all so much it means a lot to me.***
Also I did just have to go back through the story and change some parts because I kind of forgot William had a broken arm so yeah I messed up but I think I've sorted it now.

Patrick's POV

We got to A&E, got my foot X-rayed and guess what?.. ITS FUCKING BROKEN!.
They dont want me to go on tour now but I've got news for them I'm going on this tour. No matter what happens. also they didn't want to put me in a wheel chair since we are going on tour, so now I've got to try and use crutches with a broken arm. This is going to be hell on stage, I'm still going to sing though I'm not letting fans down that easily.
"So Patrick what colour of cast would you like on your foot?". I did wonder what Pete would do if I came out of here with a pink cast but decided against it. "Black please".
I came out on crutches. Well I say that what I mean was i walked out using them and then asked William to carry them while Pete gave me a piggy back ride to the car and we went to the meeting.
Once we got to the meeting it was 4 o'clock Pete went in first and I could hear Brendon and Joe shouting "FUCKING FINALLY, PETE WHERE THE HELL WHERE YOU THE MEETING STARTED AN HOUR AGO!" William then walked in and I heard Brendon start talking. "Emm Pete I think a fanboy has followed you in?." I chuckled at that but Andy started talking to him "hey William how's your arm?" You could tell he was awkward about asking that I was debating on going in but decided against it and slid down the wall laying my crutches beside me when I heard Pete "Bren he's not a fanboy he's Patrick's child" and that started a whole lot of confusion with Brendon. "WHERE THE HELL IS PATRICK HES NEVER LATE TO TOUR MEETINGS!" All of a sudden depressing thoughts started clouding my mind,
What if I can't sing on tour?
What if I ruin this tour for everyone?
What if Pete doesn't actually love me and he's just saying that to keep me happy?
What if William really hates me and is just trying to keep me happy?
By now I had started crying and I couldn't help it I started to try and get up but I couldn't see through my tears and I tripped and hit my head. I heard Pete excuse himself from the room and close the door behind himself and he came over towards me on the floor crying.

Petes POV

Everyone was talking to William and I was wondering where Patrick was I thought he would of come into the room by now. "Hey guys I'm going to go to the toilet don't start the meeting properly til I'm back" I looked at William and he gave me this look like 'wow thanks Pete just leave me here will you asshole' and I smirked at him and walked out to find trick.
I turned the corner to the exit and found Patrick lying on the floor crying, barely breathing. Now I'm worried. "TRICKY? trick what's wrong" I was trying to get him to breath but then I remember, he's asthmatic I didn't want to get all of the guys out so I texted Andy.

Hey Andy quick request send William to the exit door ASAP! And I waited for a reply.
Yeah sure Pete what's happened..

I wasn't going to message him back but William came through the door a moment later "Pete what's happening to him" I turned around and gave William the keys to the car, "William run to the car in the passenger side door bit there should be a blue and a red inhaler take them both and make sure to lock the car again please." He was nodding and then he took off and holy shit can he run. Patrick was still crying but I think his breathing was slowly getting better. I sat him up against the wall hugging him until William got back and handed me the inhalers. "Patrick try to breath, try to calm down, ok." I told William to go back into the room and say nothing I needed to be alone with trick for a while.
I gave him his red inhaler and pressed the button thing down a couple of times and told him to breath at the same time. After a few more times he was breathing normal again.
"Patrick what's wrong? We both know that something has panicked you about this is it about William?" He didn't respond, "Patrick you know I love you don't you?" He didn't respond to that either. "Trick please say something".
"I've messed up the doctors don't want me to go on tour, William probably doesn't even like me, you probably don't really love me and if I don't go on tour I'll let a heap of our fans down. You see we can't win if I do what the doctors say I'll let people down if William really hates me I don't know what I'll do" this really broke my heart he thinks he's messing up the tour he thinks I don't love him and he thinks William doesn't like him. "Trick here listen to me I love you, I've loved you since 2001 when we started this band, the reason for the hiatus was because I thought I could get over you but obviously not, plus you can show those doctors that your not quitting because of my shitty pranks" he was slightly laughing by now I looked around me and lent in and kissed him on the lips. "Hey when we are on tour I'm taking you out one night, just you and me" he pulled me into a hug as best as he could with one arm "I think we should get this meeting started now yeah" he nodded his head and I helped him up onto his crutches. I walked through the door into the room with the others William looked at me as if to say 'is he alright'? I just gave him a quick nod.
"So em guys Patrick's kind of been through hell the past few hours"...  He walked well kind of walked into the room and he looked so adorable when he was trying to not make eye-contact with anyone.

Brendon's POV

me joe and Andy have been here since 3 at about 4 Pete and William came in, William seemed like a really cool kid. He looked like one of those kind of bad-ass kids in his joggers, a broken arm and hoodie but his personality was completely different. the meeting hasn't even started and it's almost 5 o'clock, but Patrick's finally walked through the door, with a cast on his left arm and a cast on his right foot in fucking crutches?! "Pete what the fuck have you done to my tricky!!?" I shouted at Pete he looked really guilty and Patrick smirked. "Well".... Pete started but Joe stopped him "this sounds like it's going to be a long story I'm going to order pizza" Joe said and walked off. "Well Pete what the actual hell has happened since we left" Andy started. "Ok this is what happened"...

Word count 1260
Follow my instagram @ kayden_kingston_stump_
Also go and look at my quick bit of info I posted yesterday before chapter 7 and leave comments or ask on instagram

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