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Williams POV

We were in the middle of playing alone together, I'm still singing and playing guitar when something clicked in my head.
I'm in front of at least 5000 people, singing and playing guitar.
I was still singing but I started finding it hard to breathe. We got to a part in the song where I don't need to sing or play guitar so I went across to Pete, "you've got your phone haven't you?" He looked at me strange but carried on playing. "Yeah in my hoodie pocket just take it why do you need it?" I looked at him like he was stupid, "I'm finding it hard to breathe and dads got my inhaler" I walked back to my mic and carried on singing for a bit and called trick.
"Hey Pete?" He sounded like I just woke him up.
"No it's William, are you able to come here with my inhaler because I'm sort of struggling to breathe right now."
"Do you mind if I send Brendon with it since he's here with me? Also I think you should tell him later."
"Ok just send him quick before I pass out again thanks."
"No problem and by the way, your doing great."
"Thanks dad I'll see you soon."
"Yeah bye"

Great so Brendon's coming with my inhaler I went across to Pete. "Brendons coming to give me my inhaler".
Not long after I said that he walked onto stage at the end of the song and handed it to me. "Here you go William, you know I'm sorry?." I glanced at him before using my inhaler nodding. "Tell dad I'm staying on your bus tonight I need to talk to you" I told him and then he walked off of the stage.

Brendon's POV

I have no idea why Williams suddenly willing to stay on my bus but the only reason I haven't been fond of him is I had a kid once but I was young and stupid so I ended up with him on my own because the mum dumped me and I ended up having to put him up for adoption so I did.
I feel bad for speaking like that to William the other day the first day I saw him. If I could I would go back in time and change that but it's kind of impossible to do that now. I got to Fall Out Boys dressing room to talk to trick. I knocked and waited I heard a faint "come in" from the other side. "Hey trick William wanted me to tell you that he's sleeping on my bus tonight I have no idea why and I didn't question it." He looked at me for a moment "yeah he told me over the phone he said he wanted to tell you something, after meet and greets meet us outside our bus. If he can forgive you tonight then I can forgive you tomorrow alright" I thought for a moment before nodding my head. "So why did you actually come off stage trick?" He kept staring at the ground. "Depressing thoughts were getting to me and I can't preform when that's happening." I gave him a quick hug and told him I needed to get ready for meet and greets because we had preformed before Fall Out Boy so I left him and said I'd see him later.

Williams POV

The rest of the set list was alright I don't really like hearing myself sing but this was for trick so I tried to ignore it. I didn't get anything thrown at me so i can't of been that bad. By the end I was sweating and nearly dying. I really needed to get a drink of water preferably but I had to wait for Petes extra long speech since him and trick are in a dressing room and Joe and Andy are in another. He finally finished when I felt like I was going to pass out "Pete?" "What's up kiddo?" He asked putting his arm around my shoulder. "Can I go on your back or something because I feel like I'm going to pass out soon. I need water." He crouched down in front of me. "Your just like trick when he first performed, he literally slept for 13 hours after his first concert he was singing at." I chuckled a bit at that and by the time he stopped speaking we were at the dressing room. We went in and I went straight to the mini fridge to get some water and then sat beside trick. "Hey dad how you doing?" He looked down at me and grinned "I'm doing a lot better thanks, also your voice is so good William." There was a moment of silence before trick spoke again, "so you really going to tell Brendon Tonight ?" Luckily Pete wasn't listening. "Yeah I think once I tell him he's going to want me to live with him though. I'd be okay going to his on weekends and that but I want my main home to be with you." I told him while hugging him.

Brendon's POV

I was waiting outside fall out boys two buses, I have no idea which one has Patrick, William and Pete on it so I'm just gonna wait for them all to come out after the meet and greets. I wasn't waiting too long when I spotted a fedora in a crowd of fall out boy and the rest of my band. William jumped onto his bus and came out a few minutes later with a bag and an iPad in his hand. "Alright let's go William" I had my own bus while Ryan and Dallon shared the other. We got onto the bus William went and put his stuff by the bunk he would be sleeping in tonight. "Here" I handed him a bottle of water. I was told to make sure he drank enough water since he passed out at a meet and greet. "So why are you suddenly OK to speak to me?" I asked him because honestly I had no idea why. "Well the other day I got a tweet and it said something and somethings clicked in my mind and I've remembered something and I've only told trick and Pete but, I have no idea how to say this but emmm you are my real dad."

Word count 1071
My instagram @ kayden_kingston_stump

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