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Williams POV

I don't understand why I'm not able to forgive Brendon, I want to, I really want to be able to forgive him have a joke with him but there's something stopping me I have no idea what it is I talk to Ryan and Dallon but I can't talk to Brendon why the hell cant I bring myself to do it? "Hey William you ready for the meet and greets?" Joe asked "i guess" I really didn't know what to expect but if I get asked to sign anything I can't exactly write with my right hand so it will be a crappy left handed attempt. I looked past everyone and there was about 200 people wanting to meet Fall Out Boy. The first person to talk up to me was a couple of girls that called me cute and left after I signed their phone cases and they both gave me a bit of paper with their numbers on it. Great just what I need I was really wanting to shout after them that I don't swing that way but I don't want to get the band a lot of hate on them. The next lot of people did the exact same apart from they wanted a picture with the band and me + them in it. Again I got more phone numbers, after a few minutes I started feeling a bit light headed. "D-dad" "yeah bud what's up?" I think I'm abo-"

Patrick's POV

I was in the middle of signing a poster for a fan when I heard William shouting because we are in a line for fans to come to us it starts with me, Joe, Andy, Pete then William. So William kind of had to shout to get my attention. "d-dad!" he's calling me dad again?! "Yeah bud what's up?" I handed the poster back to the fan again and looked at him. "I think I'm abo-" and he passed out, I have no idea what he was about to say but he just passed out right In front of us and a heap of friends. No one else had noticed though. "PETE GET WILLIAM!!" He looked to his right looked about a bit before realising he was lying on the ground unconscious. He picked him up and I called a security guard and a first aided over. Pete took him back to the dressing room "sorry guys we will be back in a minute" I shouted out to all of the fans and went to check on William. I asked the first aides what was wrong and she thinks he just fainted from dehydration so I've now got to make sure he drinks enough water. He woke up a few minutes later "what happened?" He asked I handed him a bottle of water. "You passed out from dehydration,you think you'll be alright to go and meet fans or not?" "Meh I'll be fine can I sit with you though?" Well I guess it will mean I can keep a closer eye on him. "Yeah sure just get your seat and take it down to where I was sitting."
I watched him walk away putting his water in his joggers pocket as he went to get his seat as he walk picking up his seat a few boys went over to him and started punching him.

Williams POV

As I was about to pick up my seat I saw a few guys from the orphanage come up to me, no one else in that place liked FOB why are they even here? "Hey gay lord you really think Patrick cares for you?" I could go along with them but I'm not that type of person "he cares more than you ever will" then with out warning they pushed me to the ground and started punching me. "P-PETE! Pete help me!" Pete grabbed my good arm and helped me up the four boys got taken away by security. "William you alright you look like shit, you've got a bust lip and a black eye forming around your eye." No I'm not fine I just want to sleep. "Yeah I'm doing fine I'm just moving to where trick is sitting" he looked like he was going to ask a question but I just walked away with my chair and sat by my dad. Saying that made something click in my head and this thing about my dad came into my head, my dad is in a band, I have no idea what band but I can remember that he is or was in a band. Now wasn't the time to think so I carried on speaking to fans til we got to the last one we all signed her iPad case took a few pictures and we went back into the dressing room, collected all of our stuff, and made out way to our bus we said by to the guys my not even making eye contact with Brendon and I said bye to Joe and Andy as I got on to the bus and changed into a different t-shirt and grey joggers I was so tired I decided to go and sit on the sofa. "Pete do we have any ice for my eye!?" I shouted to Pete "yeah I'll get some in a minute I'm going to guess saying he was helping dad to get changed.
A few minutes later I was laying across tricks lap with a thing of ice on my eye. "William do you know who those people that hurt you were" he asked I was going to tell him no but I could never lie to someone like trick "yeah you know the guy that pushed me down the stairs the day you adopted me?" He started nodding a bit. "Well it was him and his friends, I don't even know why he went to the concert he doesn't like FOB or Panic!"

Patrick's POV
After a while William fell asleep on me but I decided to go onto Twitter I looked through Twitter when I found a few fans talking about what happened at the meet and great well I may as well clear this up I decided and sent out a couple of tweets.
@/patrickstump today at the meet and greet as some of you's may have seen William passed out, he is all ok and I'm now keeping an eye on him making sure he drinks enough water and all of that as he passed out from dehydration.

@/Patrickstump also some of you may have been there when William got beaten up, he is ok now, he has a black eye and bust lip but nothing that he can't handle.

And my final tweet
@/patrickstump for those of you that don't know William, he is my adopted son I adopted him a few days before going on tour and he is now our front guitarist on tour thanks to @/petewentz.

Pete came through a few minutes later, "my fault is it" I just looked at him and it clicked "it is all your fault if you didn't jump on me my arm wouldn't of broken and if you didn't turn the light off I wouldn't of broken my foot so yeah all your fault" he picked William and placed him on the bunk above all of his bags then came and sat on me. "So mr stump, would you like to go on a date not tomorrow but the day after. "Have you asked Joe and Andy about this?" "Of course, they said that they would look after him so will you?" I smirked at him and leaned in towards him and kissed him "of course I will Pete" I mumbled against his lips. He then picked me up and took me to his bunk and climbed in himself. That night I fell asleep snuggled up to Pete with his arms around me.

Word count 1332
My instagram @ kayden_kingston_stump_
My tumblr @ kikiftz

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