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Brendon's POV

"I don't get how we found out before me but there's only one way to truly know if he's my kid. Luckily the buses haven't started moving yet. "William come with me to your bus quick." I knew what I was doing but the problem is if he is my kid he will want to stay with Patrick. We get to the other bus and I go to open it but William stops me and knocks loudly first, smirking to him self. Patrick then opens the door I noticed straight away that his hair was really messed up he looked at me and William, "have you forgotten something William?" "I don't know Brendon took me across and I have no idea why." I looked at him "go and get your guitar, your FIRST guitar you ever had" he walked onto the bus and into the bunk area so I spoke with Patrick. "How do you know he's my kid?" He shrugged his shoulders "just these little things I've picked up on honestly" I nodded then William came out and handed me his guitar that was exactly like my signature one. There was this little bit on the back of it that can be taken off using a screw driver. "Trick do you have a screw driver anywhere?" He nodded while walking off and he returned a minute later with one. I unscrewed the bit of plastic and looked under it. There I saw the little bit of writing I wrote for him I handed it to William and he read it out loud, "Jacob, I really have no other choice but to put you here and I swear as soon as I can I will be back to get you, hang on in there buddy. Signed Brendon Boyd Urie."
I looked at William and then to Patrick I really had no idea what to do. I put the little plastic bit back on the guitar. Patrick was the first to speak, "Brendon I'll get it if you want me to give him up for you, what ever makes you both happy he said sadly." I shook my head. "No you adopted him you should look after him plus your more mature than me, I can look after him when ever you want and he can sleep over when ever he wants if that's a deal?" I looked at William who hugged me and said ok I looked at Patrick "sure emm ok you can take the guitar back to your bus Brendon we've got to leave here if we want to be at the next place on time" I said bye to Patrick and put my arm on Williams shoulder and led him back to my bus. We got onto the bus when William spoke "why do you have a bus to yourself and does it not get boring?" I spun round on my heal. "I got my own bus because I like to sing and be loud while the other two prefer to sit down and not socialise with anyone so I get my own bus with all of panics instruments also yeah it does get boring but when I'm alone I can write music and leave a mess and no one will care. He walked into the bunk area then sat beside me watching YouTube videos. I have no idea how he's got internet because I haven't given him my password. "Hey how do you have Internet?" " Tricks band is right I front of us and I still have three bars" and just left him to it.

Patrick's POV

After William and Brendon leaving I went back to the bunk area and lied on top of Pete he was probably looking through instagram or something "Who was at the door?" I lifted my head off of his chest to look at him. "Brendon and William, Brendon wanted to see Williams guitar to prove he was his kid and on his guitar there was a message written to him from Brendon. The writing was faded so I can tell it was written a while ago" Pete looked at me "how long have you known he was his kid?" I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know a day, two days? Tour is turning everything into a blur, Brendon said he's going to leave William with us but when ever we need someone to look after him he can do it and stuff like that." He kissed the top of my head. "Ok well it's 9 o'clock, we can either get up and eat and then go to bed or go to bed?" I lied my head back on his chest and mumbled my answer. "How about you get some food and come back here with it so I don't have to move?" I giggled while I was trying to speak. "Fine I will hopefully your alright with cereal for supper." I nodded my head fast and rolled off of Pete so he could get up to get it. He came through a few minutes later and I sat up and ate it. I slowly started to fall asleep next to the Pete.

Williams POV

It was about 7pm I was playing about on my guitar when Brendon came through. "Hey William, what do you want to eat?". "I really don't care I'll eat most things" I was wondering since he's my proper dad should I tell him I'm gay?, should I tell him that I'm depressed?, should I tell him I used to self harm? I have no idea what to do. I was taken out of my thoughts when my phone vibrated in my pocket. It was a tweet... From James (the one from the orphanage)
@-jamesidk "hey faggot, it was great to see you again the other night, look out it will be happening again soon.
Great another thing to worry about, once I was done reading the tweet I got a lot of text messages through and then I heard Brendon shouting. "WILLIAM ARE YOU OK?" I don't know am I, I'm going to get beaten up again by the dick that broke my arm. "No Brendon I'm really not."

Word count 1035
My instagram @ kayden_kingston_stump_
Sorry it's taken a while to update but school and stuff.
I'm still open for suggestions.

Adopted by Patrick Stump/peterickWhere stories live. Discover now