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Williams POV

Pete was about to start the story when Joe walked in "WAIT, wait for me I wanna hear the story" he shouted and then told us the pizza was ordered "well this morning at what 3am? Me and stumpy here were going to sleep on Williams floor for various reasons, I wasn't tired so once I heard his breathing evening out I thought it would be funny if I jumped onto him. It went wrong and I only landed on his arm and it broke in two places we went to A&E waited for about two hours like since when was A&E that busy at that time? Anyway he got it X-rayed and stuff, got a cast and everything and we went back to his house.i tried to make pancakes. They caught fire trick then fell down the stairs trying to help me and he split hit head open. Finally at about 2pm he was getting ready to come to this meeting and I switched the lights off as a prank but at the same time he was getting out of the shower so he slipped and fell. After a while and he was covered up I helped him to get to his room he got dressed and we went to A&E again and the doctors don't want him to go on tour but they knew he wasn't going to let heaps of fans down so instead of a wheel chair he got crutches and then we came here" Pete explained. Everyone was speechless I will be honest this is kind of weird for me this is the first meeting I've ever been to and its started with my dad having an asthma attack type thing.
"Wow and Patrick why were you in later?, why have you adopted a child?, how are you going to play guitar with a broken arm?, and how on earth are you going to sing if you need your  hands to hold the mic and hold the crutches?." Four great questions from Brendon just what we needed at least they are technically talking about the tour now. After a few minutes of silence he answered all of his questions, "I was late because I had an asthma attack, I adopted a child because my life isnt to busy now yeah I'm busy with tours and stuff but I was going to adopt before but decided against it now I've done it and I'm really happy with him. Third answer is I'm not playing guitar on tour and because it's Petes fault I've broken my arm he's paying the guitarist and the guitarist is William"
everyone looked at me and I just looked down I felt very uncomfortable right now, they are all looking at me probably judging me and I really dislike that feeling you get when people judge you. And then he answered the final question "lastly I'm not to sure how I'm going to sing if I'm completely honest I thought about using one of those Mics Justin bieber always used so it's connected to my head and I don't have to hold it, but then they would hear me if I talked to any of yous and that's as far as I've planned really so I need to sort out how I'm going to sing."
Brendon decided to ask me some questions as well "so William how did you break your arm?" I decided to just answer with small replies "I got pushed down stairs" I saw his look of sympathy and I hated it I hate when people take pity of me. Sadly Brendon wasn't done with the questions "when did you break it because the cast looks kind of new?" "It got broken yesterday" that makes sense right I was really panicking now he kept looking between me and Pete then he whispered in my ear, "did Pete break your arm too? I know he can be a complete dick at times but he's funny when he's drunk" I just chuckled and shook my head "I was only adopted yesterday I was pushed down the stairs when Patrick came through the door and he almost tripped over me" crap! That wasn't a short answer oh god now they will all hate me.

Patrick's POV

It was a few hours later about 7 o'clock, the pizzas were long gone thanks to Pete and Brendon when I felt something fall onto my right arm so I couldn't write, it was William he had fallen asleep. He hasn't actually slept since I've adopted him and this is the first time he's fallen asleep and it's on me, he may be 14 but he looks younger when he's asleep I didn't want to wake him. "Hey Pete can we go home?" I kind of had to ask Pete since I cant exactly drive he looked over from what ever he was writing smirking at me and agreed that we should all pack up. "Same Time tomorrow?" Andy asked "yeah 3 o'clock not 4 Pete 3. Don't injure Patrick more or you'll be paying for a singer as well" Brendon reminds Pete. "It was supposed to be a prank" after that he looked at me and but his lip and I swear to god if everyone knew we were together I would of kissed him here and now but I couldn't because then Joe and Andy might leave the band disgusted with us . "it wasn't supposed to end up like this but it could be worse I guess" he then winked at me. Pete was being a dick, that's the conclusion I'm going with he's trying to get me to blush and so far it's working so I put my head on the table and just groaned why the fuck is he in such a dickish mood?!. Aww is someone a Grumpy-" "PETE I SWEAR TO THE GOD OF FUCKING MARS IF YOU FINISH THAT SENTENCE YOU CAN HAND ME BACK MY SPARE HOUSE KEY AND ILL GIVE IT TO JOE OR ANDY AND SOMEONE ELSE WILL TAKE ME HOME" I didn't really shout but I did say it louder than my normal voice but seriously I know what he was going to call me and he knows I hate that name. "Sorry stumpy" he smirked he fucking finished the sentence "Pete take me and William home now you are on your last fucking warning and I'm still swearing to the god of fucking Mars" everyone was laughing at Pete and my little argument, every single one of our tour meetings end with us having one of these but it's normally Pete and Brendon arguing not me and Pete.
I got up using my crutches and asked Andy to carry William because in all seriousness I don't trust Pete to carry my kid right now and also I think Andy is the strongest out of the five of us. We get to the car and Pete helps me into my seat and Andy buckles Williams belt, I have no idea how he's still asleep but he hasn't slept in 24 hours so who can blame him?

We were back at the house and Pete had put William to bed, I was slowly getting down the stairs wearing my glasses a plain black top and ninja turtle pj bottoms and a white sock (cause he can't put on two) but then I started thinking how stupid I was socks are slippy on laminate flooring so I stopped going down the stairs and just stared at Pete. Pete was sitting on the sofa in a plain white top and a pair of black joggers also he was wearing black socks. He turned around when I was still standing exactly where I was before on the stairs. "Need a little help babe?" I smiled at the nickname and nodded he came across to the the bottom of the stairs and started coming up them he took my crutches so I was left on the stairs balancing on one foot and he put them behind the sofa. He then came back up the few stairs to me and picked me up like a kid I wrapped my legs around his waist as best as I could and I wrapped my right arm around his neck and hid my face in the crook of his neck.
He took me down to the sofa and he sat down with me onto of his lap, I moved about a bit and ended up getting a pillow to put under my foot because I couldn't sit crossed legged as I normally would. "Pete how am I going to do this singing on tour if I'm in crutches?" He just looked at me when it looked like a lightbulb appeared above his head "I'll keep you on my back, we will have a seat on the stage for in between but I think if sometimes you can sit, go on my back, go on Brendon's back and hop about also you can probably sit at the front of the stage and sing" that's a good point but that would mean Pete holding me on his back while singing for about half an hour and the same for Brendon "I think I'll stick to sitting at the edge of the stage" we were half way through the a family guy when I mentioned something at random "William can sing really well" "wait what when did you hear him singing?" Pete questioned me "when he was playing guitar he was singing along to the song, he sounds a bit like Brendon's and my voice put together, he can get really high notes like Brendon and really low ones like me. but he stopped for some reason when I texted you" he nodded "maybe he can sing a bit on tour, maybe we can get him a signed to be in our band or just to do his own little gigs covering songs I don't know" that's a good idea but i just left the thought for now and snuggled closer to Pete.
I started to get cold so I decided to go to bed it was about 10 after all so I scooted about a bit and put my arms up to Him he laughed at me and caught on to what I was doing "Petey carry me to bed I'm tired and cold" he stood up and lifted me up the same way as before and I did the same with my arm and leg but this time I was speaking to Pete.
"Hey Pete you know on tour can me and you share a bus and William will go with who ever he wants even if he wants to go on a different bus every night?" We had gotten to my room by now so he lies me on my bed and straddled my waist, "anything for you trick" my breathing hitched in my throat and he left kisses down my neck and started nibbling and sucking on my neck. This was definitely going to leave marks but I couldn't make noise because William was asleep. He stopped after leaving at least five purple marks on my neck and went to walk out but I called him back across. "Pete first your going to need to get my crutches up here second you better find something I can cover these marks with and finally check on William on your way down the stairs" he looked at me and grinned "yes master and while I'm at it would you like me to polish your shoes, maybe wash the dishes I don't know maybe cut the grass?" He answered back with a really sarcastic tone. "Yeah you can do all of that tomorrow just hurry up."  He groaned while walking down the stairs and came back up with my crutches "Williams fine ok? Good night babe" he placed the crutches beside my bed and I pulled him onto the bed and kissed this time it lasted longer than the first kiss we had. He glided his tongue along my bottom lip for entrance and I immediately granted and I did the same eventually it was a full on make out session. After a few minutes Pete pulled away "I think you should go to bed alright? I'll be up here to help you in the morning" he told me "goodnight Pete" he walked over to my door before replying "goodnight baby" and he left me with a smile on my face slowly falling asleep.

Word count-2067
Follow my instagram @ kayden_kingston_stump_
So that's probably the best I could write about smut or what ever if anyone wants to help me write that part DM me on  instagram I'm more likely to reply on instagram than anywhere else also how do you think this book is doing so far?

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