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Petes POV

Well I guess this is it. I looked all around me and didn't see William, so I went to the living room door and closed it.
I walked back over to Patrick took his face in my hands and slowly leaned down to kiss him. It didn't last long but it was the best kiss I've ever had. Patrick tried to walk away but I tugged onto his arm and cleaned his head from falling down the stairs he still just looked confused at me. "Pete does this mean you feels the same?" I could say no and tell him it was a mistake but I really want to get this over with "Yes Patrick I love you too". Right then William walked in with a clean shirt for Patrick. "Sorry I took so long, I couldn't find your room dad to find you another t-shirt". William said, I'm going to guess by saying that he got lost and that's why he took so long though. I finished cleaning up Patrick and gave him the t-shirt and he put it on.

Williams POV

Ok so I'm playing guitar on tour for Fall Out Boy, I've been adopted by the lead singer of the band, I've broken my arm and now I'm not going to have breakfast thanks to Pete. Great I haven't even been here more than a week and it's been more eventful than a week at the orphanage. "So fire boy what's for breakfast" I asked Pete, "wait why are you calling me fire boy have you never heard of the time Patrick burnt down the whole kitchen?" What Pete said made me wonder who cooks for these guys. "Pete he doesn't need to know that" dad said getting embarrassed I started laughing and went to the fridge to get something to eat. Then I started walking back to the living room.
"So what's all the info about this tour?" I asked Pete and dad.
And Pete was the first to answer "right so we are going on tour with panic! Next week, it lasts about five months, we've got two buses and panic has two buses. Also me and tricky here wants you to do the guitar parts for him since he's had an incident" this is a lot to think about but I don't think for too long before dad starts shouting. "PETE ITS YOUR FAULT MY ARMS BROKEN YOU SAID THAT LIKE I DID IT MYSELF, but yeah that is basically it we will take you to a tour meeting today at 3 and that will be a great time to tell the Brendon from Panic! about me adopting you". "Sounds good plus dad that means your going to have to go to different doctors to get your cast changed, I broke my arm when I was ten once and I had to have like 5 different casts within 7 weeks so yeah, oh and have fun when it starts to itch.

Patrick's POV

it's about 2PM so we are just getting ready. Well I say getting ready but Pete and William are already done Ive just got in the shower because 'I've got a cast and need to keep it covered so I'll take the longest' or that's Petes excuse. I was just getting out of the shower when the lights went off, "PETER I SWEAR TO FREAKING GOD IF THATS YOU TRYING TO BE FUNNY YOUR GOING TO GET KICKED OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE MEANING YOU'LL NEVER BE ALOUD IN HERE AGAIN AND ILL TAKE AWAY THAT SPARE KEY YOU'VE GOT! all of a sudden I slipped and started screaming. Why have I hurt myself so much lately, why am I so clumsy? the lights went back on and I heard Pete and William running up the stairs while laughing.
I grabbed my towel and tried to get up, to find out I couldn't, I swear to god my foot is killing me and Pete is going to die there's no chance of him living now he's going to die and that's final. I try to stand up again and I manage to grab my towel but I just fell back onto the floor.

Now I have to make a decision should I tell Pete so I can get help or should I just get through it?. screw it
"Pete!" It took a moment but I heard him shout back "yeah trickster what's up?" For God sake I bet that he doesn't even know that I've fallen. "Pete when you switched the light off I was in the middle of getting out of the shower!" I shouted back I paused waiting to see if he would shout back "yeah it was a prank why what's up?!" I heard his voice getting closer to the bathroom. "Pete I slipped and fell and I can't stand up" I was trying to cover myself with my towel and I wish I didn't leave my clothes on my bed. "Patrick are you alright with me coming in there or do you want to do this some other  way?" Oh now he's giving me a choice and I have no idea which one to pick.
"Well we are going to be late for this meeting if we're not quick so will you come in when I say and just help me to my room?" He took for ever to answer but eventually he said he'd do it so I had wrapped the towel as best as I could around myself and shouted on Pete that he could come in. "Patrick you said you couldn't stand you didn't say that your ankle was twisted about 45 degrees Jesus Christ trick your going to A&E before we go to this meeting." He finally stopped lecturing me and helped me into my room I have no idea where William was right now but he must be tired I don't think he's slept at all since he got here well maybe a little but still.
I was getting dressed when Pete came into my room and sat on my bed staring at me, once I was properly ready I told him to help me to the car, but did the little shit move? No, no he didn't "Pete come on we are going to be later to this meeting than normal" he stood up and looked into my eyes I was standing balancing on one foot since I couldn't put weight on my right one but we both started leaning in and he picked me up making it easier for me and I closed the space between us and kissed him, my hands went to the back of his neck while his rested on my hips. Pete slowly pulled apart when I heard him ask
"Patrick stump..... Will you b-be my boyfriend?"
I couldn't believe he asked me that I nodded my head and said yes and gave him a quick small kiss and told him that we needed to go now.
We walked down stairs Pete carrying me and saw William was sat watching teenage mutant ninja turtles, well I guess we like the same sort of cartoons and tv shows. "Hey squirt we got to go" Pete shouted William jumped and turned off the tv and got up then walked to the door. I may have Delayed reactions but I swear Pete just called my kid squirt, "hey you called my child squirt you ass-hat that's mean" Pete placed me in the car quickly kissing my nose so William didn't notice and closed my door and got in his side. "Yes I called your child squirt, and what are you going to do about it you've got one arm and one less foot than me" he said smirking that's a point what am I going to to about it. "I-I'm, i'm going to make you give William "the talk" so I don't have to" Pete laughed at what I said and then noticed I wasn't joking "William be expecting a talk soon. don't worry I'm not going to give you "the talk"... Cause petes doing it".

Word count 1353
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