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Williams POV
I've been told a few people are looking to adopt today there is about 3 different people, it doesn't really matter I probably won't be adopted today anyway. I have just woken up so I'm gonna get a shower, as I step into the warmish water I forget that I had cut last night, making my wrist sting like hell when I washed them with body-wash.
I got out the shower and got dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans, a FOB band t-shirt, black vans, and a grey hoodie with the sleeves right down to cover my wrists.

I decided to go down stairs and maybe get something to eat so I got my iPhone that I had to save up for ages for and put on my best playlist, the first song that came on was The Kids Aren't Alright by FOB. I was away to walk down the stairs when James walked out of his room while he was coming out someone was opening the front door just then James decided to trip me up while I was going down the first step and I fell and landed on my right arm. I yelled in pain and I looked up and saw Patrick stump in front of me. Like when did he even get here I have no idea but right now all I'm planning to do is go to a&e and get my arm x-rayed.

Patrick's POV
I walked into the orphanage and saw someone falling down the stairs. I really felt bad for them who ever it was and was actually thinking of adopting them but I had to at least give other kids a chance I guess.
I looked at his arm that he landed on and I can assure you that it is broken. I felt really bad for him so I helped him up while other kids where just looking at me like I was stupid, I have no idea why. Since I didn't even know this kid yet I decided to ask him a few questions. "So kiddo what's your name?" That sounds alright doesn't it? He replied after looking at me for a while "William" he said. It was then that I realised that he was wearing a Fall Out Boy band t-shirt.
"So you like Fall Out Boy?" I asked "emm y-yeah they are one of my favourite bands along with panic! I've just met this kid but I really like him I think, actually I know I'm gonna adopt him. "So William I came here to adopt a kid and I've found you and I kinda think you would be a cool kid want to get adopted by me?" He just stared at me and I started to get worried thinking he wouldn't want to be adopted but he soon nodded his head and agreed.

Williams POV
Patrick Stump wants to adopt me?... I have no idea why I guess he feels sorry for me, I bet he wouldn't adopt me if he knew I wasn't straight. Patrick has just signed the certificate saying he's now my legal guardian/ dad. That's going to be weird to get used to, Patrick being my dad hmm.
I have just packed my stuff I really didn't have that much stuff with me only like 2 sets of cloths, phone, headphones and a few little things. I walked down the hall and down the stairs getting strange looks from everyone and it made the voices in my head come back.
Your useless
He's only adopting you for fame
Why didn't you kill yourself last night you wouldn't have to deal with me now if you did.
This isn't really helping the fact that I already feel self conscious about getting adopted. We get to his car, I go in the front seat beside Patrick, and that's when the questions began.
"So how old are you?" he questioned
"14" is all I replied with if I didn't say to much maybe I won't give it away that I'm thinking about disturbing thoughts maybe I'll talk to Pete about this he was depressed at some point but I didn't want to upset Patrick and make him think I don't want his help. Why does everything have to be so confusing?.
"Cool" "soo right I give up with this I'm bad at starting conversations ok? you may as well listen to music because I really don't know what to say". I chuckled a bit at that it's just like me I can't start any conversation, even if it was with my own  sibling (that I don't have). Wait I haven't laughed or even grinned in ages how did he manage to make me chuckle? I haven't even been with him for a day and he's already got me laughing.

Patrick's POV
William looked deep in thought once I stopped talking there was something I was wanting to ask him but I didn't want to disturb his thinking. Should I just ask, I think I will. "William you know when we get to mine you don't have to stay with me if you don't want to.... Like you could stay with Pete, Andy or joe you know what I mean?"  "Yeah I know what you mean, is there anything wrong with me staying with you like you don't like me or have you already decided you want to put me back but don't want to upset me?" What he was saying was making me think did I adopt a child that hated himself? Have I adopted a child that doesn't like me, Joe or Andy and he only likes Pete?. I don't know but he carried on speaking. "If you don't want me I can understand but I'd rather be put back than off loaded to other people." That really upset me he really thinks  I don't like him doesn't he? "No I just wanted to know because some of our fans only like Pete and no one else I was just wondering if you prefer one of the other guys over me" I was trying to not get upset at the fact that he hasn't been around me 2 hours and he thinks I already don't like him. "I would prefer to stay with you, I'll sleep over with the other guys but I would like to stay with you if that's ok... Plus I like you guys all the same I don't see the point in liking a band and only liking certain people your a band and you should all be treated equally." I really liked this kid after he said that I was just pulling into the drive way of my house and I turned the car off and turned a bit to talk to him. "You can stay with me ok, and by the way thanks for saying that about the band I really don't like it when there's like a meet and greet and only me and Pete get to sign stuff it upsets me and Pete the most, oh and another things the rest of Fall Out Boy will be here later I didn't tell them I was going to adopt because I wanted it to be a surprise". "WAIT!" I shouted, I turned the car back on and made my way to the hospital. I can't believe I forgot about his arm. "Wh-where are we going?" He asked kind of scared "  " we are just going to the hospital to get your arm checked out and hopefully nothing serious will happen." "O-oh ok then." He sounded kind of scared but I just thought it could be because I haven't known him long and I've already had to take him to the hospital.
We pulled up into the hospital car park and went over to the a&e part, I jumped out of the car, being stupid I managed to get my leg caught on the seat belt and I tripped and hit my face off of the ground. I heard William start to laugh but he was really trying not to, he failed trying not to laugh though. "Yes I'm fine by the way William" I said with a sarcastic tone. He just laughed more at me. I went round to his side and got him Out of the car and walked into a&e then told the  lady at the desk what had happened and she got me to fill in paper work that I hardly knew what to write considering I just adopted him.
We got called through and William had to sit on a bed, the doctor then asked how he did it I will admit I didn't even know how he did it I was just walking in and I almost tripped over this kid that was on the ground. "I-I was p-pushed" he said that just made me wonder how long he's been getting pushed down stairs and getting hurt. The doctor asked him to take off his jumper so he could get an x-Ray or his arm, he refused to take off his jumper, I didn't know why but I had an idea why. "William if you want I can turn around so I can't see you?" He nodded so I turned around I thought that he might not want to take it off because 1- he might not have a t-shirt on and not everyone's like Brendon and doesn't wear a shirt or 2 it might hurt his arm to take his jumper off. I had no idea but it could be either of them or something completely different .
He got his x-Ray taken and he asked to get it printed off, I don't even know why but I wasn't going to upset him. It was broken no doubt about that he was in the middle of picking a colour of cast when I got a message from Pete
Hey I'm at urs y u no here???
I didn't really know how to reply but all I said was,
At a&e b bk sn
I probably should of worded it better but oh well he'll find out soon why I'm here.
I had to laugh at that. William gave me a weird look when I was laughing so I just showed him the messages and he ended up laughing to.
Calm it Pete I'm not hurt I'll b bk sn as I said before.
I couldn't be bothered messaging anymore so put my phone on silent an put it in my pocket.

Williams POV
I Picked a black cast I was so relieved that it was my right arm that I had broken meaning the doctor didn't need to see my left one which I'm thankful about because of all of the scars on it. Me and Patrick were on our way back to the house and on the way there Patrick asked why I didn't want to take my jumper off I just said I was cold, I don't think he believed me but as long as it works for now that's all I want.

Patrick's POV
We had just gotten back to the house and Pete wasn't here I guessed he was away getting coffee so I checked my phone and I was right he said he would be back in an hour or so so until then I'm going to get William settled in I guess.

First proper chapter guys word count is 1969 words
follow my instagram @/ kayden_kingston_stump_

Adopted by Patrick Stump/peterickWhere stories live. Discover now