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Patrick's POV
As soon as William said he would get fatter I started wondering if he has an eating disorder "William do you have like an eating disorder or anything like that?" I kind of had to ask I couldn't just let him go about not eating he shook his head "I don't have a eating disorder I just think that I'm fat" I don't even get it he is as thin as Pete and if he thinks that's fat I wonder what he thinks of me. "William will you eat something pizza tonight and we will get you eating something better of your choice tomorrow how does that sound?" "I love pizza I just think that I'm already fat" I decided to just let him eat what he can and see if I need to be watching how much he's eating. "As long as you eat as much as you want we won't care we will all be here for you ok?" He nodded his head and we walked back through. That night was spent playing video games and eating pizza until 12am.
When the guys decided to go home I decided to get William to bed and go to bed myself.

Williams POV
I was lying down in bed, my right arm on a pillow, trick was about to walk out of the door when I started talking
"Dad?... Can I talk to you " he turned around pretty quick and came and sat on my bed, was I really about to do this?.... I don't know, should I do this?.. Yes, yes I should "what's up William?" He asked "I'm going to be honest here I probably should of told you this sooner but..." I couldn't stop crying by now dad pulled me into a tight hug and said I didn't have to tell him if it upset me this much but I have to, "dad I'm depressed and have been since I was 11"

Patrick's POV
I was really happy that William was calling me dad, but what he said a few minutes after really upset me. He's depressed and has been for 3 years? " and dad c-can Y-you pass my b-bag please?" "Yeah of course I can" I walked across the room and got his bag and handed it to him he opens it with some difficulties but got into it and went to the bottom of the bag and pulled out a little black box I think I already know where this is going "dad can you get rid of this? I want to start again, a newish life and I want to start with getting rid of my blades"... Ok so I've just been told my kid is depressed, he self harms and doesn't like to eat because he thinks he's fat? "William, let me see your wrist". It all made sense now this is why he wouldn't take his jumper off at the hospital this is why he's been thinking a lot, he was thinking of a way to tell me this. He pulled up his sleeve, well he tried but I had to help him cause of his broken arm there was barley any part of his arm that hadn't been cut. "William do y-you mind if I get Pete back across? I don't think I can handle talking a-about this r-right now" he just nodded his head it wasn't til I said that i realised that I was crying a lot now. I got up off of his bed and phoned Pete.
"Yup" he replied making a pop sound at the end
"Can you come back across its kind of serious"
"Tricky are, are you crying" he asked getting concerned
"Yeah I guess just please come back across?"
"Be there in 10"
"Thanks pete bye" ;)
"Bye tricky"

Petes POV (didn't expect that did you)
If Patrick is crying something bad has happened to either him or William I have just put Bronx to bed Megan's gone out so who's going to look after Bronx?. I decided to go round to Brendon's and get him at mine to look after him since Brendon's literally two houses away from me.
Brendon's arrived I'm away to go when Brendon said something that made me think twice about going to trickys. " make sure he hasn't hurt himself Pete" hearing that I ran out the door and sped over to tricks house. I was able to let myself in since I have the only spare key. I heard people crying up the stairs so I went up and saw William in bed and Patrick sitting beside him. "Hey William I'm going to go and talk to Pete ok I'll be back in a minute." On his way out he made sure he picked up a little black box and took me down to he's room.
"Pete Williams depressed and has been for a while, I really don't know what to say to him or anything please help" he was properly crying by now, I pulled him into a hug and tried to speak to him "Patrick I'll go and speak to him, ok there must be a reason for him being depressed right? " he nodded his head. "Patrick w-what is in that little black box" he just opened it and showed me, there was a few different types of blades in it that really broke my heart.
I walked into Williams room and sat on his bed "hey little dude well not little but you know what I mean emm why are you depressed?." He looked at me for a few minutes "can you get dad" dad? Who's dad? Oh wait trick. I walked out of Williams room and got into Patrick's "he wants to see his 'dad'" I said making sure he heard me say dad he looked up and he had a slight smile on his face.

Patrick's POV
I am really happy that Williams calling me dad already but I don't know why he won't tell Pete what he's told me, unless there's something he hasn't told me. We walked down the hall and into his room I sat on his bed and Pete sat beside me which made me blush and Pete smirked he didn't know that I like, liked him but I'm pretty sure he did.
William looked at us and started crying again "dad, once I t-tell you this I won't b-blame you i-if you put me back to the orphanage" I was getting worried now what has he done, has he killed someone or something he looked at me and Pete. "Dad I-Iam d-depressed b-because I was constantly bullied f-for b-being g-gay"

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Word count 1135 I know I'm a bad writer but here you go anyway

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