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Williams POV

We were doing sound check when Patrick started shouting at Pete once again I swear to god if these two aren't split up in the next few days they are going to fricking kill each other. "PETE! PETE GIVE ME MY PHONE BACK" Patrick was sitting on a speaker while Pete was running around where the audience would be soon be taking selfies. Eventually he decided to go through his camera roll. "Hey tricky why are there so many pictures of me on here" he sent him a death glare "why do you think! You just took about a thousand selfies!." He smirked at him "is that so?" I swear if Patrick wasn't injured he would be chasing after Pete it was quite entertaining watching this especially when Dallon got involved in chasing Pete. But come on Pete was too fast for anyone to catch. Apart from Brendon but he was no where to be seen. "Pete how the hell can you run this fast literally all you live on is pizza" Dallon shouted after him I decided to sit beside trick. "You any good at running and tackling?" He asked "yeah I used to play rugby but quit because everyone found out about me being emm gay." He nodded "if you can get my phone off of Pete with out breaking it I'll give you $20 and ill prank Pete on stage tonight, deal?" He held his hand out and I shook it "deal."
I waited until they got closer to the stage before handing my guitar and phone to Patrick and running after them.

Patrick's POV

I sat watching Pete getting chased by Dallon for a while until I made a deal with William that if he could get my phone back with out breaking it I would give him 20$ and I would prank Pete on stage. No idea how I'm going to prank him yet but still. I'm now watching William catch up with Dallon, it didn't take long before he had passed him I sat laughing at the fact William had out ran Dallon and was catching up to Pete. This was hilarious but the idea of Pete dropping my phone was so much more likely than William getting my phone back but I believed him. William kept gaining on Pete and eventually all he had to do was jump onto him but because of having a broken arm I don't think he wanted to jump on him. How wrong was I as soon as I thought about that  William leaped onto Petes back tackling him to the ground not long later I heard William groaning and Pete laughing. I grabbed my crutches and made my way to where ever I heard the boys. I found Pete pissing himself laughing while William was lying flat on hit back complaining. "Pete what have you done?!" He looked at me "me? What have I done, he tackled me I dropped your phone and William was lying on the ground then but the phone landed emmm 'down below' and has injured him"  he was still laughing but I wasn't like Pete I didn't find humour in that, yeah I would if it was Pete or Brendon but since it was William I feel sorry for him. I offered my hand to him he took it and pulled himself up "can we get sound check done now" he asked while he was handing me my phone, unscratched, no dents, or anything I'm surprised. "Yeah let's get back to sound check" on the way back to the stage I handed William $20 and carried on walking. We then went back to the stage to finish off sound check at the end I went to find Joe.
"Hey Joe I've got a favour to ask." He glared at me "if it's looking after Pete for 5 hours again you can fuck off" I looked at him "no I need a prank to prank Pete on stage tonight I promised William I would prank him if he managed to get my phone off of Pete with out damaging it, you saw what happened now I've got to prank Pete and I have no idea what to do." How about you know when we are away to do sugar we're going down, get me, you, Andy and William to play dance,dance and he will be playing a completely different song from us then he will look like an idiot" he told me I walked over to him and held my hand out for a high five he did just that and I went to find William and Andy to tell them what's going to happen.
I had told both Andy and William what was happening would it surprise you if I said I found them in Andy's dressing room watching Star Wars? No probably not. They were in on the idea so now we don't have anything to do apart from me and William need to start warming up our voices. William is kind of the spare singer for if I go down or if something happens to me. After warming up or voices and everything I threw a bottle of water to William to make sure he's drinking enough, he opened it and drunk about 3/4 of the bottle.
We were just away to go on stage when William asked me something, "d-dad do you have my inhaler because I think I kind of need it." I searched my pockets until I found it and handed it to him he used it and handed it back "I might need it again soon" I nodded and walked onto the stage behind Pete then behind me was William, Joe and then Andy.
We were about half Way through out set list away to play dance, dance Andy started us off along with Pete doing the bass part for sugar we're going down and Petes face was priceless. The rest of us carried on playing but the moment Pete realised he was being pranked he stopped playing and put his hands up to stop the back track but it was to late I had told the guys to only stop if I put my hands up. He jumped about for a while trying to get the guy to stop the back track he he looked at me hopping about the stage came across to me and hid his face in my leather jacket as far away from the mic as possible but I stillness him say "your so going to pay for this stump and he licked the bottom of my neck making my voice shaky so William stepped in with the last 2 versus of the song. We got to the end and Pete wasn't amused "trick you bettered get out of your crutches soon so I can prank you again, see Joe has told me if I ever prank trick while hes injured I'll be kicked out of the band so where was I going with this, oh yeah DONT PRANK! ME" he then turned around  and we continued with our set list it was during My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark when I felt myself start to fall I balanced myself using a speaker that was in front of Andy and carried on singing but ended up shouting Tardis every so often into the microphone so it ended up like this,
I just gotta get you off the cage
I'm a young lover's rage. Tardis!
Gonna need a spark to ignite

My songs know what you did in the dark Tardis, PETE!
Pete being the dick he is didn't realise I was shouting but the audience realised something was up because suddenly there was a sign not to far from the from saying Pete help Patrick.
So light 'em up, up, up
Light 'em up, up, up FUCKING TARDIS PETER.
Light 'em up, up, up
I'm on fire
This time he turned around and looked at me I ended up stopping singing and got my crutches from beside the speaker. William carried on singing the song. There's this mic near the back of the stage we use to speak to each other I knew Joe and Andy would hear me but at least no one else would "I said fucking Tardis Pete!" He stopped playing and signalled for the song to carry on and came across to me. "Are you alright trick" I started panicking
I'm fucking this tour up for everyone maybe I should just wait til my bones are healed.
I'm letting tons of fans down by not being able to perform as good as before.
And everyone's having to help me.
I got snapped out of my thoughts by Pete snapping his fingers in front of my face I looked at him and he noticed tears streaming down my face. "Here babe take this" he said a bit close to the back stage mic meaning Joe,Andy and William would of heard him. He handed me his jacket with a hood and told me to put the hood up. He then ran across to his mic and yelled into the crowd "Patrick's feeling a bit ill so I'm going to take him back stage while the rest of the band carry on with the last song." Great now I've ruined the whole concert.
We were going off stage I still had his jacket on and the hood up as we were walking past Dallon Pete handed him his bass "just try and do your best somethings wrong with trick." I heard him mumble to him.we got to the dressing room and I broke down. "Pete I'm fucking this up for everyone!, everyone's having to help me, I hate being helped but there's no other way to carry on with the tour. I may as well just bail til my bones are healed!." I shouted at him "Patrick, baby if you tell me when your feeling down I'll help you, your not fucking this up because your making this the best tour ever. Since you broke your arm and foot we've been able to get a lot closer through me helping you please don't think your messing everything up." I looked into his eyes and leaned forward and kissed him I could still feel tears going down my face but i didn't care. "I'm going to stay here til the meet and greets come and get me before you go ok you can go back on stage" He nodded his head and took his and my phone off of the table where we all left our phones. He chucked mine at me and I caught it. "If anything happens text or call I don't mind ok?, see you soon." He quickly kissed me and left the room.
I lay down on a sofa and slowly started to fall asleep listen to music I had put on through my phone using Williams headphones to listen to it. There's about 4 hours til the meet and greets so I'll get about 3 and a half hours sleep.

Word count 1849
My instagram @ kayden_kingston_stump_
My tumblr @ kikiftz

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